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Posts posted by Dukester

  1. burk is top lad who can deliver some top bants +1


    Makes me laugh when kids use 'bants' wrong, it's like when parents use the word 'cool' wrong


    But from what i've heard Burk talks about, he seems to know the Lore pretty well +1

  2. A small parchment is delivered to you by a stout pigeon, with ruffled feathers and an untidy demeanour about itself. The parchment  being delivered to you reads...


    "The Industrial Dwarves under the care of Teresa Grandaxe wish to establish a small stall within your commerce district of which to sell our refined produce. Please get back to us regarding the matter.


    -Teresa "Mother of Dwarves" Grandaxe"

  3. Captain Darius Elendil enters the Kythirian Fortress, his golden armour draped in blood and his skin caked with sweat and dirt. Upon his shoulder lies limp a dead and lifeless foul, clearly hunted from the nearby forrestry. As he ascends up the steps to the main keep, past all the newly implemented battle fortifications, snares and traps he can't help but let out a sly grin. Upon entering the keep itself, he peers across the grand hall to the sight of the Grand Commander Adoros Steel sitting upon his Iron chair alite with incrested gems and jewels. Adoros seemed to be in the posession of a small scroll, reading it with an expression upon his face as if to be questionable confusion with a hint of humerous smirking.


    Darius slumps the dead foul over a nearby table, resting down his equipment beside it and looking to Adoros with confusion himself "What be troubling ye' Commander?". Adoros looks up slowly, his gaze stretching to Darius' through his strands of hair swaying across his face. Suddenly, he bursts a chuckle, the silent halls echoing around them as Darius smiles, something clearly amusing the Commander. "Take a look at this Darius and tell me what you think." Adoros states, holding out the scroll for Darius to take. Upon reading it's contents, Darius retrives a copy for himself, retreating to his study to forge a response of his own.


    ((For the Winchesters and friends...))


    A large falcon descends down from the skies to your location, having clutched within its Talons a golden scroll, contained by a glimmering red and gold ribbon and bearing the seal of the Sword Invictus Banners. As you open it with intrigue, it reads...




    To the self-proclaimed nobles of House Winchester and its associates,


    The recallations of the events exchanged between our parties as explained by on your behalf, is simply laughable. For however cliche it may be, that isn't at all what happened and you know this. Now despite the political stance you so proudly hold yourselves within, to lie on events such as this that are of such dire importance, is insulting. So allow me to explain to you what /really/ happened, with courtesy from the Invictus themselves.


    No longer then 3 Elven weeks ago, a contract was bestoyed upon us for a large bounty, to have your rebellious acts rid of from that of your liege lords. Although we are bound to keep the confidentiality of the contractor in secret of utmost importance, what we can reveal, is it wouldn't be ******* us now would it. Perhaps if you'd used your minds you'd realise that we were undergoing a mercenary task, an order from an external contractor with the men of the Sword Invictus having no relational ties with you or your associates.


    Now, we understand that the passing of your kin was sincerely mourned, but I am here to assure you this was not in cold blood, as allowing their lives to continue would've perished the lives of many others in their reach. Therefore, the Invictus were more than obliged to accept this contract. However, instead of negotiating with us formerly and coming to an agreement where perhaps we could be persuaded to cease the actions against you and your house like civilised men, you retaliate with the kidnapping of a Ranked Officer of ours.


    There was your mistake. As prior to doing this, we did whatever was in our capabilities to return him to us and out of your torture chambers, of which you removed his hand and burned his scalp from his head. At this point, the Sword of the Invictus were "pissed" to say the least, then provoking the need to empty our armories and return our officer safely. We did this with great success, and through order and strength in numbers we negotiated an exchange without a drop of blood to be shed with thanks to the Invictus not slicing you all like an envelope.


    However, this was not enpugh for you was it? As through your desire for war and bloodshed, you arrive at the secluded Fortress of Kythira unannounced whilst our forces were away on contract, killing but a few guards and claiming a glorious and zealous victory for the mighty House of the Winchesters, Lords in the Wilds! with the help of a few outlawed bandits.


    Now you proclaim the Invictus to be cowardly, insane, cold blooded and blood-thirsty You call us cowardly yet we waited until your settlement was inhabitted when we attacked to give you a chance, yet you seem only to attack when we aren't even within our own walls, how honorable indeed. You call us insane yet we're not the ones trying to form a Kingdom of their own surrounded by enemies that aren't good supporters of yours unfortunately. You call us cold-blooded yet we kill for the purpose of coin and the benefit of others, as stated in our Code of Conduct. You call us blood-thirsty yet the only time you've faced us on the field, was so that we could stop you from torturing our men and negotiate an exchange that would resolve in peace and order.


    We are aware of your petty visits you grace us with from time to time that you all like to refer to as Epic Raids, but the subject of war, is a new concept to us indeed. Although we act as an Independant, we are not liable for holding relations with other organisations (unless a fruitful series of contracts are supplied). We will be willing to negotiate your terms to a ceasefire, as to be frankly honest with you, we really couldn't care. But if you continue to enact violent acts towards the Sword Invictus, Fort Kythira, or her people, we will stand against your barbaric nature, and put your petty "Rebellion" to a swift end. Also i'd like to remind you, our "contractors" could be from any number of nations around Athera, if war is really what you seek, consider carefully your friends and foes numbers.


    We await your expected response,

    Signed. Captain Darius Elendil


    ((Sorry for any spelling mistakes or typos, it's late and I typed this up in a hurry))


    ((MC NAME)): NicktheRed20

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): Skype, nickblake11

    Name: Nicolas Fireblade

    Age: 23

    Reason for signing up: I am a barkeep at viridian. The hours are long, and the pay is not that great. I wish to earn more minas and forge an unbreakable bond with the people I fight with.

    Weapon of choice: Sword

    Previous combat experience: I was a guard in the Crows Regiment. Also I protect the pub when bandits and undead become a problem.

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Baking

    Any Questions: Is there a fort or castle that you are based out of? If so, would you mind showing me where it is?



    Darius Elendil, Dux of the Sword Invictus scans over the document, his eyes widening at a specific section of his read with a small smile pursing from his lips


    "Our previous cook sadly perished, perhaps this man may be of use. And with proclaimed fighting abilities? Aye, he'd fit in just fine."


    He searches through his draw and retrieves a small parchment with the emblem of the Sword Invictus upon it, beginning to write with his quil and ink a hearty response.




    "Congratulations! Ye' have been Accepted into the Sword Invictus! Please contact the Dux (myself) or a Lieutenant of you convenience to help get you settled into the Kythira Fortress.


    Regards, Darius Elendil."



    ((MC NAME)): Cpt_Noobman

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): both

    Name: Fili

    Age: 30

    Reason for signing up: because i can

    Weapon of choice: axe

    Previous combat experience: all of it

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): farming

    Any Questions: no



    A scroll reaches you by Raven with the stamp of the Sword Invictus with a small strand of ribbon bearing the colour of the Red and Gold, such seen to gloridy the walls at the Kythira Fortress.




    "Welcome to the Invictus! Contact either myself or any of the Lieutenants to get settled in."

  6. War Maiden Teresa Grandaxe receives word of this meeting via carrier bird. As she unravels the scroll she is presented, she looks up. She inhales deeply, grasping the cold mountainous air as her blonde, braided locks flails in the breeze. Teresa stores her parchment into her breastplate before placing her helm upon her head, her hair now trailing down and resting onto her shoulders before opening her lips to mutter the words.

    "Toime teh make mi mark wit' meh kinsmen, O 'ow I lov intruductions."

  7. Ancient+Greek+Swastika+-+shield+-++Occul

    The Sword Invictus

    Trading Co.


    The Fortress of Kythira and it's inhabitants the Sword Invictus are seeking pure breed Cows and Pigs. if anyone is in the possession or knows where we may purchase said animals, please contact Alarica Diara ((EmoGuyGothic)) or Ruven ((Mapidream)).


    Kind Regards,

    Captain Darius Elendil


  8. 1st of Ambers Cold, 1483






    Far to the East where trouble and turmoil cannot reach and the island Oasis' lie dormant in majest and beauty the land is truely blessed. The gentle breeze there to beckon the rolling tides of the Eastern Ocean as the waters clap gently onto the foundations of Fort Kythira. The structure standing tall and proud, secluded from the mainland and untouched by the pollution of others, the fortress remains home to the formidable Sword Invictus.


    From within the high walls of the fortress and flooding the courtyard stood tall and proud the Invictus themselves, draped in fine silks of red and occasional blue which lay over them, protected by plates of gold and steel with shirld in one hand and spear in the other. The courtyard seemed dead, the only noise to be heard were the flapping of banners bearing linen of Red and Gold. Before the numerous ranks of troops was the stone throne of the Grand Commander Adoros Steel, with incrested gems of ruby and emeralds with reflected the suns smile. The Commander was winged by two of his trusted advisors and officers Joseph Harper and Alarica Diara. The whole sight was glorious to behold.


    Then from behind the light winds and fluttering banners came the sound of steel on stone, the repetitive sound of footsteps knocking in a pattern, clank, clank, clank. From behind the drapes of the throne platform emerged Captain Darius Elendil, Son of Derrek "The Bear" Elendil. Darius was a zealous leader in absence of the Grand Commander and a formidable swordmaster in the eyes of the Invictus. He gradually made his way to the front of the platform, his cape blown back by the Easterly winds as he looked on at the Invictus ranks.


    "All hail the Invictus, Long live Commander Adoros!"


    Darius bellowed through the keep, his voice ferocious and somewhat cracked. The Invictus troops prompted by their Captain praised "Hail!" and returned to their disiplined silence. Darius paced the width of the platform, fixing a gaze to every Invictus he passed.




    "Brothers and Sisters! Steady your hearts! Look into your souls! For you have earned the right to be free men and women of the Sword Invictus!"


    Darius pauses for a moment, taking a a deep breath and closing his eyes for a moment, before smiling porudly, continuing his speech.


    "We shall not! Be forced to labour and tax for the betterment of few! The Invictus has excelled past the point of a mere mercenary service! For the Fortress of Kythira provides haven for all as you live and grow for the sake of the Invictus at your side! Housing, Protection, Good foods and Strong Brotherhood is promised to all who swear oath to the Invictus and Grand Commander Adoros Steel!"


    A grin stretches across the cheeks of Darius, as he pounds the air with his gauntlet, shouting


    "Hail Invictus!"






    ((Looking for an exciting, active and fast growing RP community? Feel free to apply for the Invictus here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119158-the-sword-invictus/))




  9. It was a typical night in Karovia, the southern skies drowned by the presence of thick grey clouds that spread across the plain view, opening it's bouls as the rains made their descent. The usual noises and sounds the town would generate were not to be heard, as the cracking of lightning, bellowing of thunder and patting of rain was all that echoed through the empty streets.




    However through natures performance, the muffled cries and shouts of voices could be heard. As the sound grew louder the quality became clearer. Then the drums came into range, the rythem repetitive yet the sound bold and powerful. As the mists began to clear you would begin to see the silhouettes of men in profound armor, rising over the horizon and down the roads into Karovia as the sunlight began to seep through the clouds. As the men entered the town the drums ceased and the shouts disperesed with them, until silence stuck the streets once more. The men were dressed in cotten and hardened leathers of colours white and red, of which were plated by golden armor, followed nicely by a blood red ploom.




    The soldiers stood still, spear and shield ceasing to move despite the unearthly weather. A robust man stepped forward from behind the ranks of the troops, bearing the same uniform as his companions but carrying only but a scroll. As he stepped forth to the front of the column he removed his helmet to allow his voice to be heard. It was Darius Elendil, son of Derrek, who unravelled the scroll, raising it to his face and beginning to read.


    "Citizens of Karovia! Your settlement is now to garrison men of the Sword Invictus by order Commander Adoros Steel! A deal has been made with Mithius Dalma of the Karovian Trading Company. The men garrisoned here are to defend the facilities of the Trading company and /not/ an occupation of the town. We expect your cooperation. Hail Invictus!"


    After the last few words from the scroll were said, the soldiers raised their spears high, and shouted in unison the words "Hail Invictus!" the chant recited proudly, enough to send chills down the spines of any who heard.


    After the new arrivals had settled in, men in gold now scattered around the towns streets, the settlement now seemed alive with solderis sparring and conversing with one another in the streets and in the meadow fields. The sounds of shouting and clashing of swords ringing out through Karovia as they displayed their presence as a power on the rise, with a promising future ahead.




    As you go to return to your business, you notice a poster pinned to a timber pillar by a short dagger, small enough to be an envelope opener. The poster reads:


    "The Sword Invictus are Recruiting!

    A life of adventure and wealth awaits you!

    You can seize this and become a Companion!

    Just sign here and mark your place in this world.."


    ((Not here. Apply at this thread https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119158-the-sword-invictus/))

  10. ((MC NAME)): XxDukesterxX

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): dukester.hd and yes

    Name: Darius

    Age: 57

    Reason for signing up: I've a good element of Leadership and Combat in my attributes and served for numerous organisations for the sake of another man. Now i aim to find a new band of brothers and earn some coin in the mean time.

    Weapon of choice: Great Longsword

    Previous combat experience:

    Captain of the Bannermen for House Aurum

    Veteran among the Visconti Cavalry

    Wealthy Mercenary

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...):

    I've been well educated during my younger years and can manage finincial and administrational aspects to an organisation efficiently.

  11. Darius Alexander Visconti



    Darius is a stump man, a short stature with a fairly miniscule lower body however a wide upper body with broad shoulders, broader and wider than a regular man his age. His renown body stature is the main fault in the way he runs, an odd waddle whilst he uses his broad arms as a balance weight for his little legs. Despite his lack off speed, agility and stamina he is tremendously strong with his upper body and arms, his legs however are like feeble twigs, prone to any sign of injury to the vulnerable bones. Darius has no head hair either besides a short stubble of a beard, the top of his head remains completely bald.



    Darius is a grumpy little bastard, he doesn't take kindly to sympathy as he see's it a sincere sign of weakness and in fact takes great offense. Darius likes to settle his affairs in a good old fashioned brawl with the one who's face remains mostly in tact winning. Darius is also a proud man and takes pride in his honor amongst men, if a challenge arises from a threat, Darius wouldn't be hesitant in fighting despite the odds, some consider this a foolish action however to a man that considers his pride his greatest asset, it's entirely necessary. However in spite of this solid exterior and stern interior, Darius is a man of family, and puts forth the safety and protection of his blood above all other priorities in life.



    Growing up as a child, Darius took to the steppes for work as a Lumberjack. At the age of 13 his father saw plenty of strength in the boy and sent him out of the city to work for the Lumber mill. Darius learned all the necessary skills to being a successful Lumberjack, and earned himself a suitable wage for the work he did. Prior to returning home from his working days, at the age of 16 he enlisted into the city guard where he trained and learned the skills of combat and warfare. Darius' personal trainer saw great potential in the boy, his strength from working in the Lumber Mills worked wonders when wielding his most preferred weapon, the two handed Masterwork curved blade. When Darius seemed to be performing at his prime, he started skipping training sessions to attend the illegal pit fighting sessions in the city slums where he made his mark among the common men as a heavy bruiser when it came to a good old fashioned punch up.



    Lumbering: 6/10

    Strength: 9/10

    Agility: 3/10

    Stamina: 4/10

    Reading: 2/10

    Intelligence: 6/10

    Loyalty: 10/10


    MC Name: Omithiel

    RP Name: Bori Strongbrow

    Skype Name: omithiel

    Family Line (e.g. Ulgrin, Hulgris): Ulgrin, son ov Kuugrin fourth sibling of Omithiel

    Character Biography: A preacher and hard worker, during his travels for the family he traveled with. He now wishes to return to the Dwarven Kingdom after hearing of its troubles.

    Have you got Teamspeak: Definitely my ts name is usually Omi





    MC Name: Anawkin52/Ripper101

    RP Name: Morim Strongbrow

    Skype Name: Jacksonkid777

    Family Line (e.g. Ulgrin, Hulgris): Line of Hulgris

    Character Biography: Red haired, Thinker, Strong Drinker, Heavy- Hearted, Strongbrow.

    Have you got Teamspeak: Aye, Anawkin52



    Apologies for the late reviewal, been away from the desktop as of late. Non the less you've been Accepted! Welcome to the Clan

  14. Your Application has been Denied


    You have failed to include sufficient server Lore and backstory into your application and you have included things that the inhabitants of Anthos, Asulon nor Aegis have experienced (e.g giant crab hordes). If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a private message. You must wait 24 hours before you can next apply.

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