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Everything posted by Dukester

  1. Teresa Grandaxe at the Grandaxe Hold hears word of the attack ensued by Renatian "Justice" and chuckles slightly "T'ese lot dun't seek fer Justice? Mor' ov a'h mongerin' fer war teh me. Der' violent ways'll su'n com' teh haunt 'em mark my words."
  2. Last night watched the entire Hobbit trilogy at the cinema with the guys, 10 whole hours of epic arousal in one night

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. big narstie
    3. Bircalin


      I live close to it, not in it though, Ashford.

    4. James


      If you want spoilers read the book like a good nerd...

  3. Darius Elendil, Dux of the Sword Invictus scans over the document, his eyes widening at a specific section of his read with a small smile pursing from his lips "Our previous cook sadly perished, perhaps this man may be of use. And with proclaimed fighting abilities? Aye, he'd fit in just fine." He searches through his draw and retrieves a small parchment with the emblem of the Sword Invictus upon it, beginning to write with his quil and ink a hearty response. "Congratulations! Ye' have been Accepted into the Sword Invictus! Please contact the Dux (myself) or a Lieutenant of you convenience to help get you settled into the Kythira Fortress. Regards, Darius Elendil."
  4. A scroll reaches you by Raven with the stamp of the Sword Invictus with a small strand of ribbon bearing the colour of the Red and Gold, such seen to gloridy the walls at the Kythira Fortress. "Welcome to the Invictus! Contact either myself or any of the Lieutenants to get settled in."
  5. Toones m8.. Mad Vibes!

  6. ((MC NAME)): XxDukesterxX ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): dukester.hd and yes Name: Darius Age: 57 Reason for signing up: I've a good element of Leadership and Combat in my attributes and served for numerous organisations for the sake of another man. Now i aim to find a new band of brothers and earn some coin in the mean time. Weapon of choice: Great Longsword Previous combat experience: Captain of the Bannermen for House Aurum Veteran among the Visconti Cavalry Wealthy Mercenary Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): I've been well educated during my younger years and can manage finincial and administrational aspects to an organisation efficiently.
  7. Livestreaming some Dwarf 4.0 building! http://www.livestream.com/dukester

  8. Can a FM who's free right now drop me a PM, cheers

  9. http://gyazo.com/2be51b5a2de721967719632c6937a0e0 Such passion emiting from Lord of the Craft love :')
    1. Dreek


      Shoulda seen what lalve and I were doing ;)

  10. I've gone negative in my Accept:Deny Application reviewing ratio... Come on applicants, give me reasons to accept yee!

  11. www.livestream.com/dukester live streaming the witch event in Malinor, drop by!

    1. iTzShambo


      Advertising Ban

  12. LotC building livestream here ladies and gents! http://www.livestream.com/dukester

  13. Check this out http://www.livestream.com/dukester and tell me if it's running okay etc

  14. Finishing up the High Elves earthquake devastation, The city is slowly changing to some niffty ruins now so feel free to check them out, just watch your step!

  15. Can a GM get online for literally a few seconds

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IrishPerson


      Damn, was in the middle of a full-screen game. I'm online now if that helps at all.

    3. Gemmylou


      Sorry I logged off for meds and stuff. Do you still need a hand?

    4. Aislin


      Excuses, excuses.

  16. Mahogany doors

    1. ToenailTickler


      Are worse than Birch

    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      No. Birch is worse wood.

    3. Volutional



  17. Is it me or does Viper's name look scary in red

  18. MC Name: XxDukesterxX Applying For?: Sungho Snow Skin? (Request one or present your own): Requesting Skin Why?: Recently I've been searching for a character that I feel can truly grasp my indulgence, and judging from the positive feedback I hear about your RP I feel the Snow Clan is the right place for me. I choose this character specifically as I feel it is a change from the regular knights, nobles and royalty I play, the typical egotistical jerk. Sungho Snow represents all the characteristics I've wanted to play but never found the opportunity. How often are you on the server?: Whenever I can, which is quite often during GMT evenings Are you willing to follow through with the OOC conditions for your character?: Aye
  19. Any MT's looking for a project involving IG shaders recording and video editing?

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