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Posts posted by Nightmareeeee

  1. Nay, I don't intend to start a flame war, but however I believe it's unfair to back someone up, who has posted their application 3 times, just so theirs can be write at the front for an admin to read, yes in some way the way I said that was unneccessery, as the word "pathetic" made me seem very arrogant, but the fact is... It aggravates me when someone believes, "I want this, So how about I spam mine so that it is at the front at all times, therefore giving no-one else a chance".

  2. LordOfNoobs... Seriously you've posted your application like 3 times now...You believe this will give yourself an advantage by being at the front at all times, but the fact of the matter is that If you keep pretty much spamming your application, I doubt an Admin will accept you...

  3. This is my application to join the application team, please enjoy :)

    Minecraft name: bullyreece

    Forum name: bullyreece

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    1. Using the correct Format.

    Now obviously this takes a big part in whether an application is accepted or denied, as it is no use someone using the villain application, in attempt to join the server. Now it’s not just using the incorrect format, it’s also using the text editor, in attempt to make your application seem unique to the marker. As I know that many people in the application team mark many applications and it almost seems they aren't fully impressed... As there is an editor waiting for someone to use. If someone decides not to use it, it will seem like any other application; therefore this lessens the chance of being accepted. I would also like to address when people use just a big wall of text, this in my opinion is not aiding your application in any possible way, as a wall of text... It's rather boring, its an eye sore, especially if the application isn't exactly brilliant... If you use walls of text, its just giving of an impression to the marker, that your organisation skills aren't exactly good... Although it may not be a huge requirement in RP, it's still nice to be organised IC and OOC...

    When I do look at peoples applications, I wish to see... at least some attempt with the editor, I want it to be in paragraphs, a little colour will not hurt, as I want the applications to start being unique in appearance... I want to be able to see that someone is able to actually read "Please use this Format for your application"... It sounds a bit pathetic, to judge someone based on their application... But to be honest I think to myself, "If this person hasn't bothered to use the appropriate format, likely chances are... He probably hasn't bothered to read the lore either".

    2. Effort put into the application.

    I wish to point this out... Effort, in my opinion is a biggy... When I look at an application with the simple "Yes"... It tells me nothing, absolutely nothing. I like to think to myself I answer a question... "Yes, but is there a way by expanding by answer, so I am able to impress the marker...". I don't enjoy one word answers, even in school, I hate them... It shows that you have a lack of imagination, as it isn't hard to come up with an extra sentence or two, to at least show that you are able to enhance your answers and as you may all know, Roleplay is all about imagination, it's all about expressing your character in such a way, that you are able to understand his emotions at ALL TIME. And if you are unable to even extend your answers... Then in my opinion, you need to go play something else. I also look for spelling and grammar... I know my grammar isn't at its finest, however, I believe my spelling is immaculate on the forums... As I always like to keep my spelling at its peak, so I am able to give of a better impression. But as I was saying spelling and grammar is important, as it’s no use accepting someone, who will instantly say once they are whitelisted to another player, "Hail Do u no where human can go... I need money". Believe it or not, I have seen people using not just terrible grammar, but also using text slang in character... And if I'm honest, I think that is appalling... Under no circumstance, should someone use text slang in character... I don't mind it OOC'ly in game, but it's still better to give of a good impression to those around you.

    Now when I look at someone’s applications, I want to see that they have spent more than 10 minutes on it... I want to see that they honestly do care about what they have wrote. If they get denied, I want them to think... "So what?!, I want to try... I want to keep trying till I am accepted, as I want to be part of the Lord of the Craft community". I know you have all heard the word persevering, but it's true, if a marker, keeps seeing you re-apply... ACTUALLY FIXING MISTAKES, and not just re-applying in hope that another marker will mark your app... Then they'll probably think, this guy really wants it... Although it is an important thing not be bias when marking apps... At least you are showing them that you are trying and not just being lazy with these 1 word answers. Lastly I want to see just by effort, that you are able to literally tear apart your character and be able to name each part of it, for example ripping out the brain and being able to say some of his memories... In my opinion, if you want to join Lord of the Craft, You've got to know your character, inside and out.

    3. Realism

    Ah, we reach a rather important aspect your character needs to have. Your character needs to be real, not confusing it with real life, but rather actually needs to be "in" with Lord of the crafts lore. I find it rather boring when a newcomer thinks they are able to just post, _____ is the son of the King... Well no... he isn't... If your new to the server... you are a nothing, as harsh as it sounds it's true. A new player needs to realise, that they need to achieve their rightful place in Aegis. If we could write applications saying that our character was this and that... Then Aegis would look... stupid. I also despise applications saying that their character has the ability to magic... Well if I'm honest, there is no way you can have magic in joining the server... Even RP magic, their character wasn't created with it... Far from it actually... To be able to use RP magic, your character has to undergo things that might aid him to finally achieve such magic... I also like to look at what has happened around him, as It aggravates me, when I see that some people believe that by writing that someone like Iblees visits them... (Example)... It really does, it not just shows the marker how stupid you look, but it also shows that you have no intelligence when it comes to the lore.

    When I look at applications, I want to be able to see that you are able to pretty much pair up with your character and express his emotions... As if you are being hit by someone, don't just say "*squints at the pain". Because well... unless your character is a masochist, then... Pain is going to hurt... and it's going to hurt a lot. I just want to see if an application is consistent all the way through it... After all its like saying "1 day ____ had a fear of spiders..." then later on saying "The next day he put his hand in a spider nest... thus causing his fear to disappear"... It's not going to happen... Not many people on Earth... Can face their fears and be rid of them instantly...

    4. Lore

    Probably one of the most important factors when it comes to me looking at applications... I hate it... I despise it, when I see people... saying things like "____ grew up in a town called Koshmar" (or something)... It's not a place... It probably never will be... Lord of the craft, is above making up places... It angers me to read applications where they have made up areas... If you use made up areas... You are making yourself look a fool, as soon as they see a made up area, I believe it's an instant "Denied"... Why? You might be asking yourself... Well if you make up areas of the map... It's going to grow, like a lie... Soon they'll probably be making up races... However, IF... you do use actual areas in your application... Well you are making yourself, in my opinion, making yourself look quite intelligent when it comes to the lore. But it's not only areas that bother me... It more or less bothers me when you will write about how your character is from a different dimension... Let's get this clear... There is only Aegis... And guess what, if you are from a different dimension... And you are suddenly, over 1230 years old... Well, that purely just shows how you probably lack intelligence, not just when it comes to lore, but probably in real life too...

    I apologise for my anger during the previous paragraph, however Lore is a really important thing in my opinion. But when I look at applications, I want to see that you are able to speak about the lore, without stopping... I want you to be able to name places as fast as a click of your finger. If you are able to do that and actually show you have bothered to read the lore on the wiki... Well I think you are well on your way to being accepted.

    5. Definition of RP

    Another important thing in RP... People may not believe it... but that question about Roleplay, that is a good load of marks on your application. If you can define RP, like what is the point of it, what is it, etc... Then in my opinion, you are going to get somewhere... Believe it when I say that knowing the definition, will prove to the marker that you have intelligence about RP... It's no use saying things like "I have played World of Warcraft, fallout, the elder scrolls etc"... As they are Roleplaying games... But, when was the last time you played WoW and actually took your characters emotions into play... LotC, takes Roleplaying MUCH, MUCH more seriously that WoW... We take on metagaming, powergaming... And if you commit one of them types of "gaming"... It's a bannable offence and it does annoy the heck out of people.

    When I read an application I want to be able to see that you are able to express your RP'ing skills not just in the question, but also in the Bio, I will get a good impression if I am honest.

    Last thing I'd enjoy to see:

    Extra things, that are not in the appropriate format.

    If you are able to add something else that is extra and is not required, although it will not matter when it comes to what the marker has to mark... It is letting of that you are trying really hard for this application and you hope to get accepted.

    Why should I be accepted?

    If I'm honest, I believe I should be accepted because I feel, that I have been part of the community for a long time... The 10th of August to be exact... And I have been on pretty much everyday since... Yet I feel I haven't helped out much... Yes I'm a bedrock donator, however... I do feel like I could do a lot more. So I would love to become a part of the application team because... I just want to help out, I know it's a stressful job as you are giving hints yet they still don't understand what is wrong... But I want to be there to help out... That's about all I have to say Thank you :)

    Extra Comments: I just want to thank you for taking your time to even read my application. If I am honest it would be a honour to mark applications of those who wish to join the Lord of The Craft community... As it is always nice to have newcomers who know what they are doing.

  4. -In-Game Name: char615

    -RolePlaying Name: Rhaegar

    -Sword and/or Axe and/or Bow Skill: Sword, 40.

    -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now] Nope

    --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now] (Probs Necromancy when its out )

    -Villain Application Link: Its so deep in the pages, just look at the accepted villains, ima basic

    -Race and Subrace: Human, Southeron

    -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined: FoA, Oren guard

    --Are you still a member of this organization:Kicked out of FoA for calling Shoi A Wench (XD), Oren Guard, left

    --If yes, are you trusted: I WAS trusted in the FoA And Oren Guard.

    -Reason for Joining: To Find My true Commitment, and to rid the world of The forces stopping Iblees' Wrath.

    -Evils you have committed: Roberry, Rape, More Robbery, betrayal, greed

    -References for Evils Done: The_Dark_Shepard

    -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: Yes.

    -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: The Seneschal, the Viceroy, the High Constable.

    -Time Zone and playing Times: GMT, 6:00pm - 9:00pm (Weekdays) 10:30am - 9:30pm (Weekends)

    -If you have a change of allegiances, except anything Undead related, you must kill the character off for security reasons. Do you agree (Not following this can get a ban): Yes.

    -Telling anyone of our secrets or who your allegiance belongs to is prohibited. Do you understand (No loopholes)? ((OOC Also counts)) Yes.

    -Will you take ScreenShots of anything related to killing, murdering, scaring, worshiping, etc. to fend off ban requests? ((Again, OOC counts)) Yes, i Screenshot most of my RP situations.

    -Scenario 1: An Oren Guard halts your passage due to having a hood on. What do you respond with? I Pull Down My Hood and Show Them My face with Half an ear, They Enquire about the ear and i explain, they then Nod me in.

    -Scenario 2: A person rants about Iblees being a great god. What are your thoughts upon this individual? He Is Not Worthy of the Fallen One's Greatness, i mutter curses about him and carry on my business.

    -Scenario 3: In an Undead battle, your fellow brothers are injured or in battle. What do you do? I do not Give a thought about them, I Shout at them to Get up and fight like men, and run in like a Madman.

    -Are you an Undead Wannabe? Definatly not, i do not wish to be undead even if they offered me.

    +1 From me, congratulations, you only need to receive +1 from bloodnight, although I'd thought it make much more sense if its a +1 from 2 people lol.

  5. -In-Game Name:Undeelad

    -RolePlaying Name:Mae_Anacline_Moon but Maevina_Moonrider when im doing evil acts.

    -Sword and/or Axe and/or Bow Skill: Im great with a bow, when skills it was 90

    -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now]

    --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now]

    -Villain Application Link:My Villain app.

    -Race and Subrace:Dark elf

    -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined:Dark Brotherhood

    --Are you still a member of this organization:No

    --If yes, are you trusted:

    -Reason for Joining:I want to be in a guild that all people are doing evil acts with me :)

    -Evils you have committed:Torture, murder, robbing...

    -References for Evils Done: Orodreth (Husband) Simonbane may know but im not sure.

    -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP:Very well.

    -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: No

    -Time Zone and playing Times: Every day from 3-7 pm Eastern Time

    -If you have a change of allegiances, except anything Undead related, you must kill the character off for security reasons. Do you agree (Not following this can get a ban): Yes I agree

    -Telling anyone of our secrets or who your allegiance belongs to is prohibited. Do you understand (No loopholes)? ((OOC Also counts)) I understand

    -Will you take ScreenShots of anything related to killing, murdering, scaring, worshiping, etc. to fend off ban requests? ((Again, OOC counts)) Yes, if needed

    -Scenario 1: An Oren Guard halts your passage due to having a hood on. What do you respond with? I tell him I have a scar on my face that I would hate for others to see.

    -Scenario 2: A person rants about Iblees being a great god. What are your thoughts upon this individual? Undead wannabe of course...

    -Scenario 3: In an Undead battle, your fellow brothers are injured or in battle. What do you do? I would hand them food and defend them until they can get back up...thats how women roll anyways.

    -Are you an Undead Wannabe? No...no..no...no...no..no! I like my skin...

    Okay, I like you, however I am personally unable to +1 you, because of the lack of your Villain Application. The Black Hand needs to have good reputation OOC'ly and in my opinion if we let 1 person in without an application, we will soon be receiving other people without apps applying and to be honest, I don't want that to happen again. Thus the reason I am denying those without apps. + We need to accept the fact that if a member is unable to get an app he will keep going on about how his villain app hasn't been accepted AND he might just leave the guild for the FoA due to it. So I apoligise for this denial, however, as Simonbane said, theres still a slot for my personal slave :D

  6. -In-Game Name: leeloongsam

    -RolePlaying Name: Salvalia Achard

    -Sword and/or Axe and/or Bow Skill: na

    -Are you a Mage: [Not Needed for Now]

    --If so, what type do you specialize in: [Not Needed for Now]

    -Villain Application Link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/25584-leeloongsams-app/page__p__123857__fromsearch__1#entry123857

    (it was denied, sadly)

    -Race and Subrace: Human

    -Previous Guilds/Armies Joined: FOA

    --Are you still a member of this organization: Yes

    --If yes, are you trusted: I think so

    -Reason for Joining: I wish to understand Iblees. What made him go corrupt? Is good and evil not two sides of the same coin? What if Aeriel was the corrupted one?

    -Evils you have committed: Stealing, and lying. Minor stuff.

    -References for Evils Done: I dont think I have any references.

    -Are you a good RolePlayer and do you understand the rules of PvP: Yes, which usually involves talking to someone for at least 5 minutes before killing them.

    -Do you have any connections with trusted people within a Kingdom: A few, yes.

    -Time Zone and playing Times: GMT+11

    -If you have a change of allegiances, except anything Undead related, you must kill the character off for security reasons. Do you agree (Not following this can get a ban): Yes

    -Telling anyone of our secrets or who your allegiance belongs to is prohibited. Do you understand (No loopholes)? ((OOC Also counts))


    -Will you take ScreenShots of anything related to killing, murdering, scaring, worshiping, etc. to fend off ban requests? ((Again, OOC counts))

    Yes(needs to get used to it though.)

    -Scenario 1: An Oren Guard halts your passage due to having a hood on. What do you respond with?

    1. I would let my hood down.

    2. Sweet talk him out.

    -Scenario 2: A person rants about Iblees being a great god. What are your thoughts upon this individual?

    Probably a mad man who wishes to gain power and favour with the undead and Iblees. No man would ever do something that would potentially get them jailed not for a good reason.

    -Scenario 3: In an Undead battle, your fellow brothers are injured or in battle. What do you do?

    Cover them while retreating to take cover. As long as they're wounded and not dead, there is always a chance to save him/her.

    -Are you an Undead Wannabe?


    On a ooc note: I am a bit stuck with my character at the moment, as I cannot advance or retreat. I cant go back and forgive the ascended, but i cannot study the rituals to worship iblees, the very being i am determined to find out. Who knows what will happen to my character in the near future...

    Denied, as you are not currently in possession of a Villain Application, therefore you are unable to even complete the trials, required to even become the first rank in this guild. I also believe as if you completly rushed your villain application, as you simply can't just "sweet talk" with a guard. I have tried multiple times and to be quite honest, the guards take none of it. You may attempt to become a slave, however this actually means having the balls to meat me/simonbane/bloodnight in game and to be honest, we'll probably just insult you unless you can try to impress us.

  7. Eh.. You aren't officially accepted... as bloodnight needs to +1 you but to be honest I don't really care about that, the dark shephered ((simonbane)) has +1 you so that should mean you are in... So thats what I'm going to believe... therefore I am stating that you are accepted. What your chars name so I can add him/her to my buddylist and we'll talk further IG.

  8. Y U NO UNDEAD THEN?! Togther we would have been the only B.H. members who became Undead -brofist-

    Well, I and I guess every Undead knows it and you should apply.

    You can't forget old Nightmare, I was offered undead, however... Sledder doesn't like me OOC'ly so he gladly declined me lol... So thats my story :D

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