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Pikel Boldshoulder

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Pikel Boldshoulder

  1. Realistically though depending on the situation if I think from an RP perspective 1 large chest is plenty. As I have read there are two scenarios.

    1) The Aegis we live in is damaged and scarred by the event many towns wiped out houses and everything.

    2) The people of Aegis escape the continent via boats or whatever method has been touted.

    In scenario "1" unless you live in a city which survived the event all your items chests etc will be destroyed. This would mean anyone who has not got a home in a protected city would be at a disadvantage.

    In scenario "2" It gives everyone a fair chance in a new world because you could only bring a limited amount of possessions. If you had to quickly evacuate anywhere you don't bring everything, you only bring what items you cherish or what you will need in the future.

    I think in terms of the the rp event the exodus from Aegis would be a really fun event, people trying to sell what they cant carry for ridiculously low prices, cities emptying, the sound of lightning behind you, arriving at a dock or a bay which has been created for the event with many ships, for each race. To keep the rp feel these ships could be recreated in the new cities docks for the races if the city is on the coast or up a river. ships can also be created to look like they run aground near a cliff or that they were abandoned on a beach.

    I find both are very good scenarios. Personally i would prefer the first idea because i haves spent quite a bit of time lately collecting and actually getting on my feet. I is warned that those that lived outside of protection were at risk so its not like they were not warned.

    on an RP note the second scenario would be a rather exciting prospect. A problem I see though is how would we set up the new kingdoms? its not like they would be just set up already waiting and a lot of Lore would be kind of redundant. And the destruction of Aegis would be a great waste of the beautiful cities that exist there like the halls of Kal'Urguan (which i personally mined several thousand blocks out of the new district) and Serpents Ridge.

    whatever the outcome it would be nice to have some warning


  2. *Upon reading the note. Pikel runs home to scribble out his application, excited with the thought of adventure and knowledge*

    ((In Game Name: ParagonWarrior))

    Ye Name:

    Pikel Greenbeard at ye service

    Ye Race:

    I'm a Cave Dwarf

    Historian or excavator?:

    I would like te be diggin' and fixin' buildin's. but i can write if need be books have taken me fancy lately.

    Main job or extra job?:

    I'm also a guard o' Kal'Urguan

    and Traveling Ores merchant

    Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?:

    Bah i lookin' forward te the adventure o' findin' these old forgotten places. many a folk forget about what lies beneath them and I'd be likin' te show them.

  3. *Pikel ponders the idea of the massive wall before running home to look for diagrams he had about wall defences left over from the sieges of Alstion*

    Instead o' makin' the entire blinkin' wall out of iron ye could lase the internal structure with it making a web. Te me this seems like a much more plausible approach while also costing the Kingdom less.

    I would be glad te pitch in any more o' me designs if any of ye folk would be likin' te see them.

  4. * Pikel sees the notice and thinks he could get back into guard duty. He then swiftly runs home to scrawl out his application before pinning it up*

    ((MC name: Paragonwarrior))

    Me name's Pikel Greenbeard.

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan?

    I have moved back here after spending me life fightin' those blasted Undead up North and I want te settle down and I think I have the skills needed. I have guarded Snowyfields and Alstion so guard duty ain't no new thing te me.

    How long have you been in the land of Aegis?

    Bah I came here quite a while ago probably te long te remember

    ((think about a month or 2))

    Axe skill?

    ah I've been practicin' lately and learnin' fast.

    ((level 19 and sword skill is 12))

    And you read the following rules?

    Aye I have don't do nasty stuff, be nice, listen te ye superiors.

    You will always obey your leaders?

    Aye I will takin' orders keeps everythin' in place.

    You will not obuse your power?

    I swear on the kind souls o' any future children I might or might not have.

    You will be kind to the other races?

    Aye even those blinkin' Orcs. Treat em like family.


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