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Posts posted by susitsu

  1. Well, I guess I'll start up on this again when my good computer gets back, whenever I add a part I'll say something along the lines of "Update Entry-Blah". Oh, and I basically write this while I play on the server, whenever I get a bit of a break or I'm hanging around Al'Khazar, I wrote in this.

  2. When all this starts, I'm going to tear down my house for its resources. Then I'm going to claim a spot in the new continent quickly. From there, a city will arise! Yadda yadda. I'll probably just invite my friends to live around me then maybe a town would start, of course, I could also just be helping the recreation of Crimson Vale, I'll probably stick with them. But who knows, a whole new world with new possibilities, it's going to be seriously awesome if a bunch of the world is unexplored even for the GMs. And watch out for silverfish:

  3. Well alright then, I just noticed a very extended history, and the names and sayings seem interesting, plus lots of italics, so I was wondering what exactly the Teutonic Order is, what do you do, how do you work, do you fight the undead? Do you support the undead with this as a front? What are you? For certain info you can just message me to keep it out of meta gamers reach, I'm pretty sure messages are working again. But yes, these are all the things I wonder.

  4. I just thought of something actually from a bad idea someone made earlier, it could actually be good...they basically said Iblees would role in as a player and wreck everything...but what if, with a multi-world plugin, we did all end up having a mass exodus to a new continent as the undead have found some way to temporarily empower themselves tenfold, and even mortals who are allied with them would have to make a run for it...basically, it would become the undead continent, there would still be pockets of surviving people of course, but the majority would flee to this new continent that the Wandering Wizard found. Like I said, there empowerment would only be temporary. But this would let us keep old Aegis, add some amazing rp events, and get a new world with 1.8...we should have this event be very long and drawn out of course, probably around 2 weeks to a month. But basically, war would be declared everywhere and the undead would be going all out. This would be interesting and be a solution to all these problems...anyone else agree?

  5. ((Same problem as that other guy, something about array issues, so here's my message))

    A man standing tall in a fully black robes with some gray looking gloves on his hands and a white mask that looks like a monster is standing nearby with multiple sheathed swords on his waist with his arms crossed says to you "I was wondering about this "order" of yours." he says without looking. Slightly turning his head towards you he asks "What can you tell me of it?"

    ((Just thought I would have some fun with this and throw in my rp, I was wondering if you could tell me all about the order to see if I want to join. Currently I can't speak with you in game at all and I don't like to jump head first into things. I won't be able to get on Minecraft again for possibly a couple days, so I would love to talk to you for a bit about this order and what they do to see if I do want to join when I get back online, it does interest me.))

  6. Oh, I saw her once. She was helping people in a battle, very nice. I don't like nice. ((Yeah, she still rps, in fact my character tends to hang with her often out of his boredom. She's a much ruder character than Bell was, makes me laugh to compare them.))

  7. Just saying, if there is a wipe, it might actually be almost pointless to keep your character. I would say just about everyone would end up having to restart there character. So if the map gets wiped, why keep skills? Why keep Minas? Why even keep character cards? Why keep anything? If we wipe the map why keep the Ascended or undead? Why even keep the races? Why keep anything?

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