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Damien Glaft

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Posts posted by Damien Glaft

  1. Damien swears, As he knows he can not attend the meeting.

    (( I know this is ooc but it is absolutely essential and I have no other way of communicating. Aryon please clear your private, message folder. I need to send you an Important message and it isnt posssible with your full inventory

  2. * A letter held in the hands of a hooded figure. his lips curl as the scars on his face throb. "Finally" he says. " I can have my revenge." He sends the letter to the Aegis keep, and waits, hoping for a reply*

    MC Name - tnfccrew

    RP Name - Damien Glaft

    Combat Skills - 50swords (more of a stealth player)

    Non Combat Skills - 100 Stealth

    Are you willing to fight - I am willing to fight to the end, for Oren has wronged me in unspeakable ways. The anger inside has welled up to the point of blind rage, I will tear through Arethor and give it the scars and bruises it has given me.

  3. *You see a messenger boy handing out parchments. You make eye contact with him and he hands you the note.*

    The Arrangements to get Enor back!

    Hello Citizens of Oren. As most know, we have been devastatingly attacked by the undead. Alk'hazar lies in ruins, tainted and destroyed, And our leader, King Enor, has been captured by the foul undead. A temporary council has been created to bring order to Oren, we plot ways to bring Enor back. The council members include:

    Oren Captain Huron: Guards

    Hawk Whitestorm: Rangers

    Dawn: Winterfell

    Braxis: Knights

    Diplomat Boiendl: Foreign Affairs

    Royal Aide Throdo: Internal Affairs and Talun

    High Treasurer Tom Fust: Treasury

    Zebana: Treasury

    Head Architect Nero: Architectural Affairs

    Chief Ambassador Dalien Glaft: Foreign Affairs

    ((The council meetings will take place Monday and thursday. The meetings on Monday (7:00 EST) and Thursday (5:00 EST). They will be held at Fort Ranger.))

    This council was created by Oren officials, and is only temporary. We strive to bring order to Oren, and to get King Enor back! Oren will unite, We will fight back! We have named our new capitol Galahar, It is the strongest city. Move there, You will be provided arms and shelter. We also hope to make Winterfell and New alstion Stronger, We will fight as a whole nation!

  4. Minecraft Name: tnfccrew

    Forum Name: Damien Glaft

    What are the top five things that you believe are the most important things in an application and why?

    Now this question was simple for me. I have read many applications from many applicants since my time here at LOTC. Some, were absolutely fantastic. Others, I hated. I do not want to use that word strongly, but sometimes, it is true. I definitely want to help cut down on the few disastrous apps LOTC receives, and allow the spectacular applicants into our amazing world. This is how I wish to do it:


    This Subject is one of the MOST important things to me. Why? It tells me much about the applicant. It allows me to see how this individual writes, does the applicant have a creative side to him? The biography also allows me to see how, and how well, they develop their characters. Of course I would accept a humble, frightened, but intelligent elf. I would not, however accept A Powergaming, blood thirsty "super powered" Elf. The Biography also tells me the level of will they have to be a part of the server, and if they enjoy Rping. If the biography is lengthy, creative, well developed, and interesting, I know the applicant cares. It usually tells me if the character will abide to the rules as well. All in all, The biography is the one subject I see ahead of others.

    Effort and Time taken

    Why, one might as, does this matter. I see it as the deciding factor. I know the applicant thirsts to belong on the server, enjoys RPing, is creative, and more, all by looking at the effort taken. I do not like to see one or two line answers to the many answers on the application. That shows NO effort, whatsoever. I very much enjoy reading paragraph answers, ones that interest you in the character. Answers that show you the applicant took time and developed his character to its fullest extent. It shows me the applicant cares. Another thing I see highly important is the time taken on format. I do enjoy seeing sub headings bolded, Fonts and different colors used and more. All of this together, shows me the applicant deserves to be on LOTC.


    Grammar is also very important to me. Again, it points out many things about the applicant. One, if they are articulated well. Do they take the time to check for mistakes? Do they have a great knowledge and understanding of words? This all is pointed out in grammar. I would not accept applicants that use "Text talk". If an applicant writes something in the terms of " My char haz good sword wlding skillz.", I find it unacceptable. I want applicants to care. I want applicants to show their knowledge, to take time on their applications, I want them to show me, why they want to be on LOTC. Being in possession of good grammar also helps when RPing. I feel safer accepting an applicant who formats, uses correct punctuation, etc.This is why grammar is an important topic for me.


    Yes, I know most of you saw this subject coming. I bring it up, even though it is a no-brainer, I find it important. I very much so like to see creativity in an application. Something I have never seen of heard before in an application. I enjoy so very much when I see an applicant that brings a character in our world that no one has seen before! Something that no one, but the applicant, had thought of. This is what I look for. It shows that again, the applicant took the time to create their application and their character. I like to see an applicant that really cares about how their character will turn out!

    Knowledge and Understanding of Role-playing

    I believe this subject is key when applying for LOTC. How would we survive as a roleplay server if none knew how to roleplay. The answer, we could not. I find it very essential that the applicant knows what role-playing is. I want the applicant to dsecribe it in depth, to show to us that they understand what role-playing involves. It does not have to be experience in role-playing, but at least general knowledge. I would like the applicant to show the research they have done on the topic, to see that they can fit in with LOTC.

    Extra Information

    I would just like to thank the reader for looking through my application, It means much to me. I enjoyed writing this application, it was a great experience! I wrote this application for reasons most say. I would LOVE to help the server more in any way possible, LOTC does so much to help expand our role-playing. I have to say, this server has really affected the way I think and act, and for this, I wish to help more than I can help already.

    Cheers, Dalien Glaft.

  5. We accept all races in Oren! We do not, however, accept certain beings( I'll use an orc I recently encountered) that wish to insult and jeer our name. This one fellow, an orc I believe, came into Al"khazar, and urinated on our deceased kings shrine! Those few may make others discriminate against the entire race it self! We do not look at the race when we see a man, we see the actions, so be good!

  6. I...I don't know what to say. I am extremely saddened. The RP in this server has suffered a great loss. To all the sages, i thank you for all the hard work you have put it into this. All The friends I had, some of the greatest Rp'ers are gone. My heart aches As I write this sentence, But goodbye ascended. Goodbye to all the great events. Good bye to all the great people. Good bye to all the great friends. Good bye to you, I will miss you. I would like to share a final word with you lads.

    How ever long you are gone, How ever far you go, We will not forget you, You are a part of our heart.

  7. * You saw a message on the Al'khazar message board.*

    Hello all. It is me, Dalien Glaft. I needed to get away from my hectic life, so I gathered my camping materials and left for the wild. I do love the nature, it will be good for me to get closer to it. See you all when I get Back!

    (( Hey guys! I am going on a class trip to some place for a week. It will be overnight, and it is an outdoor camp, so there is no chance I can bring my laptop! :( I will be back on on Friday, See you then! P.S King Edmund, don't give someone else my job ;) I will try to bring my phone, so I will probably be active on the forums!))

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