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Everything posted by Blaedr

  1. Welcome, Rire and Rhaegar, ta the Followers o' Aeriel.
  2. ((As I said, my character knows that your character, Link, is wanted by multiple people. He would not let you in))
  3. ((Denied, my character has heard of multiple people wanting you for questioning plus, if I remember correctly IC, you are also banished from Kal'Urguan?))
  4. ((For the reasons I linked in my post. I do not consider those answers good RP and we have pretty good RPers in this guild and want to keep it going strong. I love having the guild be good and fully into RP, I don't want it to become silly.))
  5. ((As I said, take a day or two to think if this is what you want to do. If you will continue to use Rio and RP as such and want to re-join at that time, please refill out the app and I will go over it.))
  6. ((Sorry Link, I will have to decline your application. Just for things like "The Ascended are my best friends!", and your RP of your brother named "Broski". Sorry, I don't think it would be a good fit. Thank you for your interest, though!))
  7. Welcome, Jackbear, ta the Followers o' Aeriel. Please, go out and preach o' our cause. ((/setname to FOA_Recruit_JackBear)) ((As for the fight, it will be a joint Black Hand/Undead attack from what I have been told and have talked about. This is not a for certain thing 100% at this point, as we do not have full details at this time. We are trying to work out a good time/day for all and give both sides enough time to arm and level up skills, as well as gather a good force for each side to make it a fun RP experience. Keep your swords and wits sharp! -B))
  8. ((Hey everyone, thank you all for the applications. If I have not RP'd your acceptance yet I have declined your app at this moment. This can be for a variety of reasons but, for the most part, it is due to not filling out your app as well as I would have liked to see. Please feel free to re apply with a more detailed app and answers. Currently, we are planning a war at this time after skills have been out for a bit. Please everyone choose your skills and level them up appropriately. We want this to be a fun, even war between both sides with both sides having appropriate numbers on and both having non wimpy skill sets ;) . So please, level those skills! I will get you details as they come up! Thanks all! -B)) ((As for this, I thought you RP'd your death to remove all obligations for your character. I have no personal issues against you, so please don't take this personally, it just sounds like right now you do not know what you want in an RP experience. Take some time and think on where you want to take your story and get back to me. Thanks!))
  9. Alan Remmer, Selina, and Glow report fer duty. Welcome ta the Followers o' Aeriel.
  10. ((Hello, all! I have a surprise for you! So, all FoA members please /tell me in game to learn about it!))
  11. ((Perma declined. I have stated before in this thread and even updated the main post. The FoA is NOT NOT NOT about becoming Ascended. If that is the reason you want to join, do not apply or re apply. You will be automatically declined. We are a guild about being the Ascendeds Army, that is all. Thank you))
  12. Darren and Nayr be accepted. Thank ye fer applyin' and welcome ta the Followers o' Aeriel.
  13. Thanks! I'll have to do this for the FoA when I get time off from class :)
  14. We have new allies. I want ta thank the Aegis Freedom Fighters fer allyin' with our cause.
  15. ((Greener161 and CaliMkali have both been declined.)) ((So everyone knows for the future, do NOT put something like this in your app. This is not a goal of the Followers of Aeriel.))
  16. ((Duggy you have been denied. You didn't even take the time to fill out the app, just part of it. >.>))
  17. Aye, a good list o' people. It is fine ta see it grow. ((Sorry, Thunder, I did forget to put you in the Sergeant section of the first post. As for Jino, you are listed! It is under allies on the first page of the guild thread. Thunder, right now you are only listed under the Preacher section, I will now change that.))
  18. ((Yes sorry please edit the fact and no this is for everyone in the FoA.))
  19. Aye, I thank ye deeply fer yer work and dedication. It was a joy ta see. As fer all o' ye dedication and service, Twilight has made a uniform fer us. It has been approved fer use and will be the official FoA ((skin from now on! All members should get in these robes as an honor. There will not be a preacher skin or soldier skin, we will all use the same)) Details on how to make it are listed in the original message ((Link on the first page))
  20. Quanthelas, please report fer duty. Ye 'ave been accepted in ta the Followers o' Aeriel.
  21. Percival, ye are accepted and shall spread the word o' Aeriels goodness and o' the Ascendeds mighty return. They be our guardians and saviors, tell o' this ta Aegis. ((/setname FOA_Preacher_name))
  22. Maur, Coconuts, Paper and Brad report ta meh fer special assignment.
  23. ((Thank you all for the wonderful apps. I am sorry some have gotten lost in the void. We are now re opening recruitment for the time being)) Aldwin, Coconut, Kayle, and Ebs all report ta meh ((/tell in game)) for report and assignment.
  24. Agaron, Mor'Gunt, and Kayle are now accepted ta the Followers o' Aeriel. At this time, we will be closing recruitment ta fix our guildhouse and attend ta the matter of Sornof's passing. Thank ye all fer applyin' at this time.
  25. ((It's been declined for what I quoted. That is just ridiculous =/))
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