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Status Updates posted by Silent™

  1. Oh Christmas vacation, how I love you!

  2. I... hunger... for sandwiches... BRING THEM TO ME!!!

  3. Due to unexpected events in my life I will be gone for quite a while.

  4. Elder Scrolls Online has started but I won't be home for another hour!

  5. Sooooooooooo hungry... :O

  6. I hate how halfling think they are their own race, when back in Aegis, and Early Asulon, they were, and still are, a sub-race of the Humans.

  7. Just two and a half weeks, then GoT S4!

  8. Don't go eatin' babies now, ya hear!?

  9. Maybe I should go to the Fringe...

  10. Nipple Mustaches!

  11. I have the ultimate plan on how to torture a Harbinger! Mwuhahahaha!

  12. I wonder when the Anthos map will get put up for download? Then I can put my grand scheme into motion! MWUAHAHAHA!

  13. If only I could become Sylen Thadius Drayzont the First, in Aegis at the moment he first appeared in Al'Khazar...

  14. Why? Why do I always miss these epic battles?!

  15. ...I missed the entire weekend of awesomeness... Someone is going to suffer for this...

  16. When life gives you lemons, squirt the juice in people's eyes at random.

  17. "Hi there. How are you?"

  18. Just one more month and I'm done High School!

  19. Vindictus is a fun game!

  20. Remember to vote for the server guys!

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