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Status Updates posted by Silent™

  1. And with that I've submitted my June Community survey answers!

  2. Just three weeks more and I'm done High school...

  3. Would anyone care to join me in a game of DayZ?

  4. Don't get lost in Native's beard!

  5. Gotta love the effort and time it takes to craft the things we took for granted back before Nexus...

  6. I find myself very very slowly chipping away at repairing ALL of Aegis...

  7. People always over-react... tsk-tsk-tsk...

  8. Just one more day 'til the votes reset, and then we must vote like we have never voted before

  9. The votes restart in several hours, so vote like crazy when they do!

  10. If you've got anything to say about me being an ET actor, then please do so: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118009-actor-silents-et-app/

  11. Hoobla. Hoobla-hoobla-hoobla, hoobla, hooooobla-hoobla hoobla-hoooobla.

  12. Hey there... you wanna buy some candy?

  13. The darkness is coming... I hope you're all ready.

  14. That feeling when you just finished typing up a huge response to a post, and when you hit post it says the topic is locked.

  15. I just need to double my Rep points to get 666

  16. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!

  17. Just less than a week until my new computer arrives!

  18. Can you see it yet? It's so close...

  19. I be feckin' exhausted.

  20. I could get Aether VIP right now...

  21. That lag was ridiculous...

  22. So I got Darkest Dungeon this morning... I've been playing it all day.

  23. Beware the Beard

  24. WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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