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Posts posted by lastguyplaying

  1. Name: Xel_Fury

    MCName: vcjr1996

    A bit about yourself: I'm a 25 year old Human, currently doing small time jobs around towns. My mother died currying an undead attack which was my first experience with a sword and bow. Since that day I've been dedicated to protect others, and to master the art or Archery as well as the Sword.

    Your skills: I have good skill in using swords, and bow. I want to improve on both using swords and bows.

    Your goals: I want to keep and give safety for all those that are willing to ask for it , and for those who need it.

    What do you bring: (( Well, I'm really dedicated to what I do . If I put my heart into something I will accomplish it. All i can say I dedicate my self into anything that is ask, and I'm a lawful person.))

    ((Accepted. Sorry i must have missed it.))

  2. Name:Hnirh_Snowblade


    A bit about yourself:When i was young Orcs pillaged our village and they raped and killed my mom when my dad was mining.Later on I went to work with my dad in the mine,there was an Orc with us my dad and him were friends but i didn't trust him.Later that month there was another attack on our village then we saw the orc was leading the assault my dad told me to run i hid in the forrest and never heard or saw my dad again.

    Your skills: I am good at mining.I want to be a better sword user.

    Your goals:I want to become a Legendary Swordsman

    What do you bring:I can fight very well also i can mine for resources.

    Other notes:I want to learn sword techniques

    ((Vote 2/2 I believe that you will make a good member of this guild and that your loyalty will be proven in time.))

  3. Name: Benah

    MCName: Benah

    A bit about yourself: I am a 28 year old human who was born in the city of Al'Khazar.Life didn't go well my family was very poor my dad had to work at the mines and lumber mills to put some food on the table.Then when I grew up I couldn't find any work so I had to steal from people to earn minas...But after a while I realized that I couldn't live always in the shadows and I felt guilty about all the minas I stole so i got a decent job and returned all the minas to they're owners.And now i want to make the people who took my path regret that they ever did that.

    Your skills: I am fairly good at swordsmanship and excavation but i want to get better at blacksmithing and mining thou.

    Your goals: I wish to become a great knight and the evil creatures of Aegis to fear me !

    What do you bring: I am a warrior and i think that i will do good on the battlefield.And i will obey any orders given to me,and i never retreat.

    Other notes : I want to learn from the knights about the sword mastery and to learn from the higher ranks about other skills that will be useful in our fight against the undead.

    ((Vote 2/2 I think you will make a great addition to the guild. Also if you do want to be a trader than just talk to me ig and i will get it set up. Hope to see you in game soon.))

  4. This is a great idea. So I'm going to expand on it, and, in the process, probably lose sight of the entire concept. Ought to be fun, yes.

    First off, what does it mean to capture a region? Is it just that you have slain those who happen to oppose you in that region? Is there some structure you have to destroy? What happens if no one is online to defend the region? Does it just flip over by default? Do you need a GM present?

    Its a lot of questions, and while I'm sure the team working on the new map has already sorted it out, I'm going to go ahead and make my suggestion anyway.

    Fortresses. A simple concept, and yet, a very complex one at the same time. There are many different ways this can be done. A militarized guild could hold a fortress. They could be outposts created by the army of the race in question. They could just be cities in their own right. And best part is, they can be all of the above, and still function properly.

    Heres how it works. The Fortress only has one point that is the same for all of its kind. A room of some kind. I don't know, nor particularly care what. Once the attacking force reaches that room, and has killed or captured anyone inside, they gain control of that fortress. All the land that fortress commands comes under their control. This can be easily done by a GM watching the battle.

    Now, thing is, once that fortress comes under the attacking forces control, they can alter it. They can add fortifications to it, create traps, or, if they know they won't be able to hold the fortress, simply raze the thing to the ground so that the enemy has to rebuild it. Now, this ability to customize the fortress is what makes things interesting. A race can make a fortress incredibly strong, if they want to. There isn't a hard limit to the size of the thing. However, a large fortress requires resources, and people to guard it (The last thing you want is for some other race to come and steal the thing from under your nose, you know). This means that they now have less resources and people for anywhere else on the world.

    This has two effects. One, it helps encourage politics as each fort is, to an extent, its only dominion. If the guards wanted, they could just hand it over to another race for drinking money. You have to keep those guards loyal, one way or another. And yet, if you're focussing only on the military side, you're likely to make anyone not actively part of this work angry, which can cause its own problems. In addition, groups of mercenaries will soon crop up, which presents yet another group with its own requirements and difficulties.

    Secondly, you create balance. An Race that has lost a lot of land is likely to spend more time fortifying what areas they have left. They'll be difficult to wipe off the map. And at the same time, a race that has taken large amounts of land will have trouble holding onto all of it, as they simply won't have the people or the resources to hold every single fortress. This will likely lead some to alliances, in order to help hold land, and get rid of that one dirty, dirty race they both want gone. Problem is, alliances are (especially in online terms) more of a convenience then a binding agreement. Things can and will happen that will break that alliance apart, and when they do, there is going to be a great deal of bloodshed as both sides try and claim all they can of the land they once held together.

    TL;DR: Forts man. Like....castles and ****. And we fight over them. Yeah.

    Greatest idea i have read on here. It makes a lot of sense and would lead to great role play but i don't know if it can be done. It would require a lot on people being online. If this did happen it would be amazing.

  5. I have seen some good ideas I like such as

    Mucho shorter cooldown on the soulstone

    No fine (lesser fine) for dying (maybe no fine for bedrock)

    More pull in the community (via suggestions and the like)

    Higher Skill cap

    Free Refund (maybe even once every x days or something for bedrock)

    Larger land plots (for the new world)

    (new suggestion I just thought of)

    Approved guild (for if/when the guild approval process comes out, make it easier to get an approved guild as diamond/bedrock ?

    As for the auto shops, I don't mind them, slap one of the many NPC's you get in there and bam it's less "robotic" For me it's a helpful thing, I run a Knight order and use my shop to sell our excess materials and goods for cash for items we need more of. Seeing as how we are currently a bit out of the way having a shop that we can monitor 24/7 near our keep is kinda meh, so we have an auto shop near al'kahazar.

    I like these suggestions but i would also like to add in:

    Larger inventory

    2 soulstone locations

  6. My personal view would be to remove the minas, but replace it with something good. But I do have one Question

    1) Getting a random plot, that just feel out of the sky

    2) Learning the skills of a locksmith

    3) A shop that works by magical robotic ability

    4)Pickaxe suddenly becomes stronger and can dig farther down

    5)You go to school and learn how to spell a longer name

    6)Some gates that trap me and lead to me getting killed, bridges that vanish, invisible elevators

    7)Random guys that just stand and say things, that can't even be killed

    8)Lord just pops into your name

    All these things have one thing in common, they have no part in the rp of the server. So are these going to be taken out? I am not being ornery, ok maybe I am a little bit, but still I am just trying to prove a point. Almost none of the donator things make sense for rp views.

    I would have to dissagree with you on taking these perks out. Yes these things are ooc but without these things greifing would skyrocket as would theivery.

    The reason i belive in things like the protected land is because since this is just a game and not real life you cant watch your property at all times so with protected land its like being in game at all times.

    As i stated before being able to lock your chests is a very valuable thing because you cant always be there to watch your stuff. Even if you dont donate you can get soneone to lock your chest or buy a protected house.

    Now if it wasnt for shops there would be almost no economy , but, i think there should be a way for non donators to get it as well.

    The pick ax digging deeper has not really helped me all that much you cant find many good ores at 40.

    The name thing is justna perk and does nothing to hurt rp becuase ic no one can see it so you can just tell them your name.

    The gates and elevators are very helpful but i understand where you are coming from but without some things ic people wont donate. The group i am with have actually been working on our gates looking more realistic and not just dissappering into thin air. We have been making them go into a roof that is tall enough to hokd them.

    The npcs are like bodygaurds in real life but since its a video game you cant have a real person following you around so you have npcs. These are the best npcs that the game offer so you have to look at it realisticly.

    I dont know about the lord thing my name doesnt say lord and i am a bedrock donator.

    ( sorry for spelling and other errors im on my i pad)

    The locksmith thing

  7. I think that what the donators should get instead of minas is the ability to have a guild. This would kill two birds with one stone. It would lower the amount of guilds and not hurt the rp. This way in order to have an official guild you would have to have either a diamond or bedrock donator. I also think that these official guilds should get a recruitment office in the city of there choice. These are just my thoughts.

    ( sorry for errors im on my i pad)

  8. I understand Where everyone is coming from but you have to look at it this way. The Minas don't just give people an incentive to donate it also helps stimulate the economy. Let's think about this logically it is hard when you first start to make Minas but since there are people who get the forty thousand Minas then the people who just start will have people they can work for and start making Minas for theirselves.

    Think about how long it would take to get a kingdom or guild or anything running without help from an outside source. Even in real life there are people who are born with money.

    Yes it is supposed to be a donation and in a perfect world people wouldn't expect anything from a donation. The times are tough and money is tight so people need an incentive to donate. Most people who play lotc are working class and just can't spend 200 they have to save up for it and they want something for there money.While it may be a donation it is also a video game and as I said before money is tight.

  9. IC Name:




    A bit about yourself:

    A man from a far away land known as Azolin, I am of the age of 32, strong-built, and a very capable fighter. I was once Knight-Errant to an order known as the Silver Circle, but was discharged upon false crimes commited by my comrades. I hope to redeem myself and my honor, as well as serve and protect the people once again.

    Your skills:

    I swing a sword like no other man, and have even fought dwarves and orcs within the arena held in the desert city of Krugmar.

    Your goals:

    I wish to take up arms and protect the innocent once again.

    Accepted you need 2 peoole to accept your app i am the first either Khnum or Casamir will also have to accept. Good luck hope to see you in game soon.

    ( sorry for spelling errors im on my i pad.)

    What do you bring:

    A fair amount of combat skills, as well as a good blacksmith and excavator.

    Other notes:

    Although I would enjoy going up within the ranks of the guild, I mostly wish to join to be a help to the people.





    A bit about yourself: (( who are you? whats your story? ))

    I am Malanar Ive traveled the world looking for a reason to live after the passing of my family by the hands of the undead. On my Journeys i have found a dear friend Arkosh, only to find out he was my long lost brother, who survived the attack on Al'Khazar. After i have met up with Arkosh we made it our duties to protect our people and die trying. Wandering down towards Cloud Temple, we found a lost man depressed because his love of his life was kidnapped by bandits , We brought him into our home and taught him our wisdom. This mans name was Myrok, and I'm proud to say he is now out of his depression back on his feet wandering the world in a guild searching for his girlfriend Doneras anticipating the return of her back in his arms. I also have been having run ins with undead, some even at the entrance of Alras, and I always wanted my revenge on them. But I am only now a simple fisherman, fighting the monsters at night, and helping when i can.

    Your skills: (( what are you good at? what do you want to be better at? ))

    I am good with the sword, and fishing, I would like to be better in both but mainly my swords skill.

    Your goals: (( What do you want to accomplish? ))

    I want to accomplish every good deed i can, and distinguish the world of evil.

    What do you bring: (( What kind of an asset are you? why should we accept you? ))

    I bring honor, loyalty and responsibility. I bring the deaths of our enemy's by the tip of my sword, never to betrayal the order, always to protect and serve, and to make all undead perish by me and my brothers.

    MCName: Lord_zack

    A bit about yourself: (( who are you? whats your story? ))my name is Duncan Amell, i am an 156 year old elf who watch his family and freind's killed by undead in a village near ravenhold

    -Your skills: (( what are you good at? what do you want to be better at? ))im am good with abow b ut can use a sword if need be, i want to be better at black smithing

    Your goals: (( What do you want to accomplish? )) my goal is to help end the undead and any other evil

    What do you bring: i am good with a bow and a sword, im not the best with axe's, and im good at farming and i can build

    other note's

    ((my time zone is est))

  10. ((Can you make an actual forum thread for the castle ideas so that I can actually write. I also looked up some sizes for a castle i live near (Warwick Castle) I think we may have different impressions of what a castle should look like. Look up on google images warwick castle and you will see what I mean. The walls are 128 feet tall (21 tall people, or 42 blocks high). Castles where you live may be of a smaller scale :).))

    The reason we dont want to make a forum thread is because it is public.

  11. Plese tell me if this is not the place to post this. This is my first story.

    The History Of Animeius Crixius.


    Animeius was born in a village ravaged by war. He doesn’t remember much of those days just that his family was always scared. His first real memory was of his father’s Face. It was a grizzled face with many scars. His father had a heavy beard that was speckled with gray. His life really began when he turned seven and his father gave him his first sword. Animeius was gentle and did not want to fight. All Animeius wanted to do was learn how to read but his father would hear none of it. He was always trying to read what was in his father’s bookshelf but to no avail it all just looked like lines to him. “Son you have to grow strong to defend yourself.” Said Animeius’s father. “But father you will always protect me won’t you?” Asked Animeius. “Son I hate to tell you this but I will not always be here.” Said Animeius’s Father. “You must be prepared for that day.” “Ok father.” Said Animeius. The next day Animeius started training with his father. It was brutal work but Animeius kept at it.

    After many weeks he had made no progress he was not improving and his father did not know why. “Son, we train and train yet you are not better than when you started.” Said Animeius’s father. “I am trying father but it is hard.” He said. “I know son but it seems to me that you are lacking the will to fight.” Said Animeius’s Father. “Father the thing is I don’t know how hitting two swords together will help anything nothing happens.” Animeius Said. “Son I will never give up on you I will make sure you learn to protect yourself.’ Animeius’s father said.

    Animeius has been training with the sword for six years and he has progressed some but he is not as good as he should be.” Son I need you to go get us some firewood.” Said Animeius’s father. Animeius goes to get the fire wood and he walks for about an hour to go find fire wood when he realizes that he forgot the axe. He starts walking back swinging his sword and practicing as he walks. All of a sudden he hears a sound coming from the trees to the left. He grabs his sword in a two handed grip. He is shaking badly and can barely hold the sword. Out from the bushes steps a small boy around the age of 9. The boy is scraped up badly and he looks as if he is about to starve to death. Animeius walks over to the boy and hears the boy whisper one word “help me please.” Animeius picks up the boy and starts walking home. By the time Animeius gets home he can barely stand. He stumbles into the clearing where he and his father live. He falls to his knees dropping the boy. “Father” Animeius Screams. Animeius’s father comes running out of there house. Animeius opens his eyes and sees the roof of his bedroom.

    Animeius rolls over and looks out the window it is late day outside. Animeius gets up and walks to the main room. Animeius lives in a small 2 room house with his father in the middle of the wilderness. Animeius hears someone talking in the main room. “You owe me the 500 minas for this house.” “I don’t owe you anything I built this house with my own two hands.” Said Animeius’s father. “I don’t want to do this to you Crixius but you know our deal.” Said the stranger. “If you don’t pay me then I will take your son.” Said Crixius. “You will not take my son.” Said Crixius. “You could not stop me even if you wanted to.” Said the stranger. Crixius draws his sword. “YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY SON.” Screamed Crixius as he attacks. He slices at the strangers head. The Stranger ducks the slice and draws his sword. “That was the worst mistake you could have made.” Said the Stranger, “now you lose your son and your life.” The stranger slices at Crixius’s head. Crixius jumps back and trips over the table. “You were a fool to defy me.” Said the Stranger. “You will die for your insolence.” The stranger saunters forward and slowly puts his sword on Crixius’s Chest.

    “NO!” Screams Animeius as he draws his sword. The Stranger does a quick turn and backhands Animeius to the ground. “Your family is starting to get on my nerves Crixius.” “I will end you here and now.” The stranger plunges the sword into Crixius’s Chest. Animeius staggers back up and swings his sword at the strangers exposed back. The Stranger turns and ducks under the blade. Animeius follows up with a quick backhanded swipe. It grazes the Strangers chest and brings blood. “You will die for that boy.” The stranger saunters forward and swings his sword at Animeius. Animeius barely gets his sword up in time to block the stroke. Animeius stumbles backwards and falls to one knee. The stranger starts striking Animeius’s sword hard and fast. Animeius is about to crumple when suddenly the stranger Screams. “AHHH” the stranger turns and a little boy falls off of his back.

    There is an arrow stuck in the back of the stranger. Animeius quickly lunges forward and stabs the stranger in the stomach. “Uh” coughed out the stranger. “How could I be defeated by two little boys.” The stranger falls to his knees. *Cough *Cough. The stranger starts coughing up blood. Animeius runs over to the little boy. The little boy is starting to stand up. “Why would you do that for someone you didn’t even know?” Asked Animeius. “ You helped me when I needed it.” Said the little boy. “Thank you.” Said Animeius with tears in his eyes. “Watch out.” Screamed the little boy. The little boy pushes Animeius out of the way. The Stranger is holding his stomach with a sword in his hand. The stranger swings his sword and it catches the little boy on the left side of his face. The little boy falls. The stranger falls to the ground. The little boy is rolling on the ground blood streaming from his face. Animeius rips off a piece of his tunic and puts it on the little boys eye. “It’s all going to be ok.” Said Animeius soothingly. The little boy sits up and stops crying. He wraps the cloth around his eye. “Are you ok?” Asked Animeius. “I will be fine.” Said the little boy. “My name is Animeius.” “My name is Levaticus.” Said the little boy. “Can you stand?” Asked Animeius.

    Levaticus stands up a little unsteady on his feet. “What do we do now?” Asked Levaticus. “What do you mean we?” Questioned Animeius. “Ca-can I go with you?” Levaticus asks nervously. “Yes you can come with me.” Said Animeius. “OK, first things first grab all the food you can carry. I will grab us some equipment. Animeius grabs two sets of leather armor and two stone swords. As he is packing up he sees a flint and steel lying on the floor, he picks it up and puts it in his pocket. “Do you have the food Levaticus?” “ Yes I have it.” Said Levaticus. “We shall leave then.” They turn and start walking out of the house. Animeius turns back to the house. He takes the flint and steel out of his pocket. “I will make you proud father and I will avenge you.” Said Animeius. Animeius uses the flint and steel to start a fire in the house. Animeius Stands and brushes off his leggings. He turns to Levaticus and says “Let’s go we are done here.” They start walking and they never look back.

  12. May I consider a few things.

    All able bodied men and women who are willing to fight for Ageis.

    You must join your local guard or military and fight alongside them.

    When a battle comes, run the long miles to fight.

    When an abush occurs, gather reinforcements rather than try and go as a one-man-army.

    Farmers and miners, set up shops and you will be promised wealth from your local warriors.

    Strength in numbers and strength in heart, that is the key.

    This war is not for Oren, not for Krumgar, not for Malinor, Kal'Urgran, or Alras.

    It's for Ageis.

    Remember that as your morale.

    Teamwork equals survival.

    May you help Ageis prosper through this hardship.

    Be safe.

    Wow that was inspiring.

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