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Everything posted by lastguyplaying

  1. ((Accepted. Sorry i must have missed it.))
  2. ((Vote 2/2 I believe that you will make a good member of this guild and that your loyalty will be proven in time.))
  3. ((Vote 2/2 I think you will make a great addition to the guild. Also if you do want to be a trader than just talk to me ig and i will get it set up. Hope to see you in game soon.))
  4. You are all accepted you also need casamir or khnum to accept youbas well good luck hope to see you in game soon. ( sorry for spelling and grammer im on my ipad .)
  5. The reason we dont want to make a forum thread is because it is public.
  6. This is Windsor castle. Walls are 35 ft towers are 65 feet. http://www.castles.org/castles/Europe/Western_Europe/United_Kingdom/England/windsor.htm (( I would post pic but I'm on my phone))
  7. Thanks bonks but i figured it out.
  8. http://s463.photobucket.com/albums/qq353/bigdogsebo/?action=view&current=2011-12-05_165959.png This is 200 long and 100 wide.
  9. If anyone is good with redstone i could use your help.
  10. Also did anyone actually read all of what i posted or was it TL;DR.
  11. Casamir i will have to show you my idea with the gatehouse.
  12. I sent you some lore that i thought needed to be approved by a gm instead of just posting on the forums do to its nature. Also since it has to do with the new world.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  13. I know that is a lot to read but it is important In building a proper castle that we can be proud of.
  14. Main feature of any castle we will need these. Outer defenses Moat Walls (inner and outer) Towers (inner and outer) Gatehouses, drawbridges and barbicans Inner defenses Baileys or wards Living quarters and support buildings Keeps or donjons Great halls Chapels Stables Wells Workshops Wall enhancements Crenellations: Rectangular blocks alternated with openings across the top of a wall or tower. Soldiers could hide behind the blocks and shoot through the openings. Walkways: Some walls had walkways built into the stone, while others had wooden walkways on the inside of the wall where soldiers could stand guard and defend the walls during battle. Hoardings: Covered wooden overhangs that ran along the top of a wall. The French later used stone hoardings called machicoulis. Hoardings had holes in the flooring from which soldiers could shoot arrows or dump various objects (rocks, hot tar, boiling water, hot oil) on attackers. Breteches: Small, overhanging rooms on French castles, similar to hoardings, that jutted out from the wall. Breteches were made of stone, had windows or arrow loops, and also had a floor opening. A breteche extending above the top of a wall was called a bartizan. Arrow loops: Narrow slits or openings in walls and hoardings through which archers and crossbowmen could fire arrows. Many arrow loops were wider on the inside and tapered toward the outside of the wall; this design gave the archer a wide field of view. Embrasures: Rotating cylinders with an arrow loop that were built into the wall or tower and could give an archer a very wide field of view.
  15. Urban areas outside the city walls, so-called Vorstädte, were often enclosed by their own set of walls and integrated into the defense of the city. These areas were often inhabited by the poorer population and held the "noxious trades". In many cities, a new wall was built once the city had grown outside of the old wall. This can often still be seen in the layout of the city, for example in Nördlingen, and sometimes even a few of the old gate towers are preserved, such as the white tower in Nuremberg. Additional constructions prevented the circumvention of the city, through which many important trade routes passed, thus ensuring that tolls were paid when the caravans passed through the city gates, and that the local market was visited by the trade caravans. Furthermore, additional signaling and observation towers were frequently built outside the city, and were sometimes fortified in a castle-like fashion. The border of the area of influence of the city was often partially or fully defended by elaborate ditches, walls and/or hedges. The crossing points were usually guarded by gates or gate houses. These defenses were regularly checked by riders, who often also served as the gate keepers. Long stretches of these defenses can still be seen to this day, and even some gates are still intact. To further protect their territory, rich cities also established castles in their area of influence. A famous example of this practice is the Romanian "Dracula Castle" at Bran/Törzburg, which was intended to protect Kronstadt (today's Braşov This is a good thing to read about outer and inner walls.
  16. This kind of contradicts what I just said about the gatehouse. I said it wrong I believe the gatehouse or Barbican(( love that word)) should be enclosed and be on top of the gate. You should be able to shoot down into the gate. With a great Barbican it protects the most valuable and vulnerable part of our wall, the gate.
  17. Yeah I turned off my comp before I left. I will have the server and hamachi up again at 5:30 pst (-8). That will be the earliest I don't get home till 5. )) I don't know why we need to have a giant gatehouse. Wood is easier to break than stone. I like things to be grand, huge and altogether magnificent but we are not going for looks it was made for defense and it will be in the remote north. If it was as close to civilization as our keep now is I would suggest making it grand and soaring. If we wanted to make it authentic and to scale it would have to be 30-45 feet high walls and 8-20 feet thick. I think we should scale it down to about half so have the wall be around 15-20 blocks high with the towers being 30-40 blocks high. I also think having the wall 10-12 thick may be to much so I say stay toward the Lower end and make it around 6-8 blocks thick. Most authentic castles had places in the towers that hung over the walls so you could see the outside as well as the inside. I like the idea of having the inside of our walls hollow because we can put archers there. The downside to this is that the walls are not as strong. We could also go traditional with them and fill them with something. Such as gravel or sand. I don't know what you mean by floating towers. All of the towers are on the ground. I also strongly believe in having an inner wall and an outer wall because if we have our farms and farmer houses inside the outer wall but outside the inner wall then the farmers have a place to retreat to. Traditionally the inner wall was larger than the outer wall so it would better protect the royalty. I believe our inner wall should be 20-30 blocks high and it should go all the way around our keep. If we are attacked the farmers can drive there flock inside the keep and will be better protected there. If we have no inner wall they have no where to retreat to. I think the actual keep should be large with multiple floors. Large enough to hold everyone if need be along with animals. I believe that inside the keep there should be a hidden path leading outside the castle somewhere we could send the villagers if need be. We could also use this for messengers in a time of war. I believe that we should have rock baskets on the walls. (( gravel on blocks that can be removed with pistons so the gravel falls on whoever is underneath.)) i also believe that some buildings should connect to the walls but the larger houses and shops could stand alone. Signed Sir Animeius (this was all typed on my phone so the spelling and grammar could be bad.))
  18. The hamachi room is knights of the north and password is lotc the server ip is the one I posted. I believe it's running on my home computer but I'm not positive I'm at work at the moment. The hamachi should be up as well but I am not sure as I said I'm at work and not at my house.
  19. just exit and join a couple of times
  20. Join my server and do what you are wanting i will gamemode you.
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