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Everything posted by Shilver

  1. Brief Character History: I am Percival, former Cloud Temple Monks and protector. I grew up as a kid in the slums, no cared for me. Then I met my great God and he turned my life around. I joined the Cloud Temple Monks and tended to the wounds of many. I also kept watch over various people, and bringing them back to the Temple and saving them from death. Zed Shilver, someone who used to be apart of the FOA, and someone you knew, died under my watch. I learned a lot by watching Zed, and I stand for the FOA's goals. Recently I have been living in the woods of the North, in my underground shrine, praying and meditating. I have seen visions from God, and He told me to carry those visions out. My latest vision I saw you, Blaedr, and I was joining up with your group, Followers of Aeriel. This seems like the right thing to do. Character Name (I.C.): Percival Character name (O.C.): Shilver226 Race: Human Northerner IC Age: 58 Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Preacher. Don't think I won't put my blade on the field though. Goals in the FOA?: To teach Aegis of how God loves us, and to give our allies moral by faith. Good deeds you have done?: Aye, it should be obvious. I have saved people from the brink of death many of times. I have brought light to where there has been darkness. I am a follower of my God, and there shall be no bad deeds I shall do. Have you done any bad deeds?: As I just said, no bad deeds. How did you hear of us?: My vision, and from my protecting of Zed. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why: Yes, I am. The undead are ruthless and they spit in the face of my God. The Undead have told me our God has no power, and he does not help us. I want to show the Undead the real might of faith. Can you wield a blade?: Yes, I am rusty, but I wield a fine blade. Are you a capable builder?: Yes. I have built many sanctuaries. Are you an archer?: I know how to use a bow, but rarely do so. Any special skills?: I bring unsurpassed faith in my God. You shall not feel demoralized, I will keep your spirits up. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Yes. The Ascended should not be looked down upon as they do now. Fear not, they will help us in battle. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: It should be obvious by now, but I shall serve in good faith. May God bless you.
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