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  1. Brief Character History:Anthon was abandoned at birth by his mother who fell ill right after his birth. She could not take care of him, so while her husband went to work, she ran into the woods, put him down, and hoped for the best. Amazingly a stranger was in the same woods and had found the young child. The mysterious human, Diagon, took pity on the baby for he saw potential in it. Diagon took young Anthon back to his orphanage in the little town of Snowy Fields to raise him with the other orphans. While the young Anthon was at this orphanage he learned many important life skills and lessons. Diagon was a kind man, and he wanted each boy and girl to succeed when they grew into adults. He figured the best way to do this was to teach his orphans. The first of these lessons was how to farm. Diagon took the orphans farming in his garden every day. Diagon also taught them how to barter fairly. He taught the kids basic academics such as reading, writing, and arithmetics. Lastly, Diagon taught the children how to wield a weapon, in case something bad were to happen. As he grew, Anthon respected and loved Diagon and his care for the orphans more and more. Diagon was his true family, and it seemed like nothing could ever change that. Years later, on a cold winters night, a thief walked into Diagon’s house for the orphans trying to steal their goods. Diagon reached for his sword, but before he could the thief cut him down. The thief got what he wanted and escaped into the night. Anthon heard the noise and came downstairs to his dying caretaker. Diagon told him "What ever you do, Anthon, make yourself great!" Years later, Anthon was still pondering what could make himself great. He considered money, land, and even becoming a great thief, but in the end he decided the best way was to be help people. From that day on, Anthon swore to protect the innocent and to stand for justice. Anthon left his home town of Snowy Fields, and even though he was filled with remorse, he left to start his journey. Character Name (I.C.): Anthon Character name (O.C.)Alexmon13 Race:Human IC Age:22 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Anthon will be and FOA soldier because he has great loyalty twords friends and allys. His goal is to protect those who are innocent and stand up for what is right, all things that great soldiers should do. Goals in the FOA?: My goals in the FOA are to become a noble and trustworthy member of aegis. I hope to become known and proud. Good deeds you have done?: I have followed all of the rules needed for the FOA. I am new to the world of aegis so not to many, but i plan to do many. Have you done any bad deeds?: None How did you hear of us?: My childhood friend Aldwin is part of the FOA. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: Yes, i believe the undead exist only to creat destruction and hoplessness. I want to stop the evil that is the undead. Can you wield a blade?: Anthon is skilled with a sword. Are you a capable builder?: Anthon can build but is not great at building. Are you an archer?: Yes Any special skills?: Loyalty to those in charge. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.:I have complete faith in Aerial and i will do my best to let all know. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will fight for all that is good against the undead. I will make sure that whenever someones sees the FOA they know they are safe!.
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