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Everything posted by Froyo

  1. I could not find a better place to post this so i posed it here... The is a picture of the an old base i made in a server. (The water prevents TNT cannons from blowing up the walls) Here is the link to the base: http://prntscr.com/287lc The meeting room would be the large tower on the left we would meet in the glass dome on the top. (we would put chairs in) Also there would be a lockable door so people could host private meetings. The reason for a tower is so that others on the ground cant hear us and we can still speak normally. Also we could have a [lift] to the top so we could use the other floors and Rooms or storage or farming. Also i propose that we build two Large watch towers on either side (outside of the walls) that would be connected to this (at a mid level) Using very cool bridges. Atop these towers would be S.As flag (we still need to make one
  2. Application: i am a great builder whos "funtional" structures have been featured on planet minecraft I have a very high understanding of redstone and can make lots of great defensive buildings with it. I also know alot of tricks to scouting and remaining hidden. I am a great archer and a decent swords man who can hold his own. (ooc) the reason I'm a good archer is because of my super computer :p. i am a human MC Name:froyo17 RP Name:Maximus Age:17 Desired Position on the Army: A major builder for defensive structures and a scout (archer) Rp experience: this is my fourth pvp/rp server so I am very experienced RP Experience: A old rp server and this one.
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