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Posts posted by Sorsby

  1. ayyyy snip


    It’s incredible to see the players of LOTC view getting treated as a normal human being and a valued member of the community ‘special treatment’. How have you let the server become like that? A place where not being treated like dirt is considered ‘special treatment’. Special treatment? It should be normal treatment, everyone on this server should feel as though the GMs are sticking up for them, because that is precisely what they volunteered to do. The minimum expectation a player has is that the GMs will fight their corner for them just as equally as any other player on the server.

    Unfortunately, the server has devolved from that, to a place where quotas are put in place to monitor and regulations put in place to punish indiscriminately. There is something rotten to the core about all this, never before has such a level of scumbaggery been seen over something so trivial as a hobbit village on a minecraft roleplay server owned by a small group of friends.

  2. You know. I get fatigued reading through this all. So basically I'll boil it down to what I see. A group of players isn't getting special treatment and is being held to the same standard as everyone else. In spite of that, they are offered speshul treatment, and they refuse it. They refuse something that, had players just actually take a moment and realize that they don't get to make the rules, and that if they had just played along, taken the WE, it would have literally have resulted in just an incy bincy bump in their RP that hardly was even happening to begin with. Ignoring the fact that they could get a fast travel like everyone else. But no, let's choose to be stubborn so that the whole ordeal creates a major problem for our RP and then blame it on staff as if they owe us something.


    Let's not ignore the fact that by being so stubborn, certain players are actually blocking the ease of new halfling players from joining. Because muh princpiles, muh anger.


    I honestly hope the staff doesn't budge an inch. Why? Not any reason about the actual problem. Oh no. I don't want policy to be based off how violently a small group of players shouts and calls people names. I was fine with the criticism to begin with from the halflings. I sympathized with you. However, there comes a point where, when you're using someone elses services, you just say. "hey, you're offering me help. I'll take it so I can get this behind us so much."



    What an excellent question. What is so important about it? Why does it deserve special treatment for? What is the reaction so obtuse and stubborn?


    Absolutely no doubt halfling RP is going to suffer because of a Jim Crow style 'Leaving'.


    If you're not a true Halfling and never have been, you will never understand the trials and tribulations when it comes to our lives on LOTC, we ask for very little really, nothing we ask for has any direct impact on anyone else on the server, yet we are bombarded with accusations of demanding special treatment, all we do is farm, drink and laugh. It's for the rest of the playerbase to be held to the RP quotas or whatever silly shite it is, we've never been mainstream and never will be, all we ask is to be left be, yet for most of the whiny playerbase that seems like to much.


    All these broken records chiming in on this thread just to get in the GM good books are the same type we've faced in the past to get what we need, unfortunately for us this type of person is the type that eventually gets into power and then we have to face it all again, it's a vicious cycle.


    At the end of the day none of this action is necessary at all, it's just a lack of judgement and ability of behalf of almost all staff who had a say, it's all behavior I've come to expect over my years on this server. It's so sad because all you need to do is change your mindset and it will all be fine and you would see that, but the stubbornness has survived now for too long and I have't seen a reprisal on the horizon for a long time, do whatever you want I won't waste any more time arguing my points about the server.


    I might however continue to chirp at some players because it's a guilty pleasure of mine to put people in their places.

  3. Sorry Mack, love ya to death, but he's literally offered to pick your entire village up and place it WHEREVER ELSE YOU GET LAND, and you're throwing it back in his face. No matter how you look at it, that sounds like you wouldn't want the help even if he's giving it to you. It makes you look stubborn and bullheaded, and that doesn't make well for trying to resolve an issue. Trust me, I know. Bullheaded is kinda my thing.


    Love you to death buddy but surely you see the pointlessness of any world edit move when in fact it could just remain in exactly the same place requiring... hang on let me calculate this, square root of -1 to the power of 69... approximately 0 effort +/- 0.000000001 brain power points.




    Clench up staff members, Cpt_Noobman is about with his puckered lips.



    Dalek's post pre-deletion, valid points yet again ignored becuase of inflated ego's.


    It's a damning indication of GMs when they manage to stir up the most chill, peaceful and unobtrusive race on the server into an angry mob on the forums - and then indeed to have the cheek to then play the victims on the forum. Own up to your disparaging comments, your degrading attitudes and your inability to co-operate with real people outside of your Skype chat. I'm tired of the constant character assassination card that's always pulled against the name Dalek348, you have to make posts to counter my logical points and arguments - not give me your woe-is-me's about how I swore at you one time.


    The policy is dumb, it's obvious. It doesn't mean, however, that you just follow through with it anyway. This is actual people you're dealing with. You can't continue to see the server through graphs, quotas, rules and regulations as you do. The whole system is fundamentally wrong, unless you can (it would be a first) actually explain to me face to face why it is a good thing, or indeed explain to the new players playing halflings that you just accepted onto this server a matter of weeks ago. I would admire the integrity of any GM that would do that.


    I have to say that I cannot imagine a situaiton like this occurring under shiftnative, or with drplat as GM. Those people understood the virtues on what the server was built on, and knew more than anyone how halflings encapsulate everything that is good about the server. They would hate to see such a great thing be dismantled in the name of quotas and systems and regulations.


    I would say about 95% of the server is against your decision, and yet a majority of GMs voted in favour of it. Should we not be worried about this? Such a huge majority so disconnected from the reality of the server. I do hope you're satisfied with what you have accomplished.


  4. Being an Admin or a GM puts you in the firing line for peoples vented frustration, this should be acknowledged by all who even apply for the role, so what I don't understand is why every single time the GM's or whoever makes a decision that is likely to piss off a bunch of people, they immediately curl up and begin to cry at the thought of confrontation.


    If you cannot handle confrontation whether it be private or public then you are simply not fit to be a staff member, it's that simple really. Another GM requirement is sound judgement, something seemingly every one of you lack, rules need not be blanketed server-wide without regard, use your best judgement for what is best in that situation. Lastly, there needs to be accountability, stop passing blame like school kids, someone must make the final decisions so just man up, do it and then admit you did it later on.


    Now to the shenanigans,


    Firstly, this whole Halfling business is so incredibly dumb it is unreal, just drop the thing and move on, why is there even any discussion on destroying anything or moving anything, activity quotas are dumb and so is the resulting forfeit when you become inactive. Secondly, Halflings have always been a small secluded sometimes inactive and quiet race, this is just how it is, people generally float in and out of Halfling life because that is what is attractive about it. To try and change that by making their lives much harder will just drive everyone away from the race and is dumb, special treatment is really just a non issue with such a small race and anyone with a problem with a halfling fast travel or the like is really just a small kid crying about his shorter list of amenities which he thinks he deserves for choosing a bland race full of other greedy kids. Thirdly, unban Dalek348, even if you think he is corrosive or however stupidly you put it, that lad has the nuts and brains to call people on dumb decisions and you should value that ability rather than scorn and silence it, he's a long standing member with a history of being absolutely correct about almost everything and you should really be rewarding him for his undying effort throughout the years.


    Time to get real and stop acting like the kings and queens of the sandbox.



    For those silly kids who keep referring to Halfling concerns and genuine discussion as shitposting and spam, how about you stop practicing what you're preaching you utter morons, whether this offends your pretty forum feed or not we don't care, we will discuss things until it is sorted, for that is how adults handle things.


    Parkins mate since the dawn of time little necromancer groups have been bundling about trying to be all scary and it rarely ever becomes more than an undead copycat group so I'd go as far as saying you deserve whatever issues befall you, whereas Halflings have 100x the depth of your little dead man walking act.

  5. Another reasonable counter-argument:


    Item-hungry thugs will dispense with RP entirely and force their victims to PvP so they can get their items fast and leave.


    Indeed it is!

    But I do believe it has been addressed already, I would also hope that it would be easy to see the solution to said problem, seeing as hunger for power and material possession is a very real and expectable thing in life and RP and therefore it has very obvious solutions of a less out-of-game nature. Would it not be expectable to react accordingly? Hire a guard, carry a sword, travel off the beaten track? This is the essence of roleplay and is what provided the majority of my fun here on this server, I think it's about time these (not calling you out here buddy, it's a general statement) self proclaimed 'good' roleplayers realised this.

  6. Not a post explaining it, or declaring it. A topic in which the players together decide to do RP. Just like this one. This isn't an announcement, it is a debate. 

    And to Sorsby- this change is happening spontaneously due to the staff's sudden decision to change the rules. Not a gradual process by the players.


    About my misspelling- I had no sleep tonight, so, sorry for saying pole instead of poll.


    No one woke up after a nasty dream of a bad RP fight and then suddenly decided to change the rules. The staff have seen it as clear as any player (because in most cases they are players...) and they've also had enough of the shite that RP fighting unwillingly trails behind it.


    That brings us here today, trying still to decide.


    And if you would so kindly check my past posts you might see that I have been quite active in the promotion of PVP over the past few months, and so your wildly incorrect statements are yet again disproved, it is simply now that the silent supporters of PVP have opened up because they see their cause is supported by many (It also helps that the opposition are unable to ever form a reasonable counter argument ;p).


    EDIT: Just to get a bit of closure, I would also kindly request that this bullshit about 'betar compooter win gaim' or 'moar monaz therefor pay to win pvp' be removed from everyone and anyone's mind. It simply bears no relevance to the bigger picture, there is no obligation for the vast majority of the servers playerbase to sacrifice their enjoyment and/or wishes because someone cannot afford a computer capable of running the game it uses as a base. You shouldn't buy a game if you can't run it to any sort of acceptable standard, it's like buying fuel for a car when you can't afford to buy a car to use it in.

  7. Look here:

    PVP combat or RP combat is not what is the problem here, it's the unwillingness of players to adapt to the situation and to expect the normal and react accordingly. It comes down to the idea of 'having fun'. If someone provides roleplay that has reap-able reward for all players involved, it is honestly guaranteed to pan out well and to be successful, but when the RP is dragged out and boring, when the aim of either player is clear (i.e. to kill them) it is the problem that everyone seems to need to physically fight back. Why? think Tyrion Lannister, use wit and charm or gold and power to win over the situation, rather than being a predictable boring sod and raising arms yourself, not doing so just sets yourself up for failure and upset, not to mention the Tyrion way of handling things is usually much more enjoyable in the end and during.


    Just use a little...


    PVP allows this to occur, although it may not appear to, it was so common in aegis that people just used a little ingenuity to escape clicky death, and it worked brilliantly, much better than an RP bicker-fest would do.


    Just get your heads out of the sand and think a little further than the bounds of your villain app biography, you can do whatever you want you know, that is the essence of roleplay.

  8. So, what...? Be a psychopath, but don't go and hurt people...? That's not really psychopathy... And Knox has weapons of course, or he wouldn't be much of a psychopath, would he? And yes, of course it makes little sense to go attack large armoured people, but that's the idea of a psychopath, they're not meant to make sense, and no OOC rule edit will make me change my character.


    Kinda at a loss...

    All you've said is that your psychopath character will attack people but you're unhappy that you lose? Is there some sort of unspoken law of insanity that dictates psychos are at more of an advantage than the normal man and so should not be killed as easily as a normal man?


    You think in any setting if a man felt threatened by some crazy man at the side of the road, that they would have any second thoughts about splitting the man in two for their own safety? No. Not unless the creepy man can talk his way out of it, use his ingenuity and insanity to his advantage, gain trust, and then strike. It's not hard and is a hell of a lost more rewarding.


    It seems most people are desperately clinging to what is left of their 'easy way' of roleplay, roleplay is meant to be unpredictable, you cannot see into the future and therefore should not be disappointed or angry at what the future holds for you when you do something warranting a reaction of some severity.

  9. Eh...


    I can't play Knox with any system other than RP-default. I'm not a PvPer, and I've always enjoyed my roleplay as it is... I mean, it's pretty damn hard to play a psychopath when you draw some sort of weapon and are instantly beaten to death through a burst of frantic clicks. Nor do I myself really take pleasure in slaying somebody with the left mouse button, as I hardly see it as providing enjoyable roleplay. I suppose bandits are the only villains this system suits, and as they are in abundance (well, there are no bandits, just various military orders that act like them) villains like myself are left behind.


    Not to play the 'victim card' but I can't continue with psychopath roleplay if the system changes. So this is why I'm voting RP-default.


    Why is it necessary for you to physically confront someone to play your role? Hide in the shadows and atop structures and creep all you wish, it frankly makes little sense to try and physically confront some clearly armed and dangerous person when all you have to defend yourself is your distorted view of the world and such other traits of a psycho.


    Most just lack the skills required to talk your way out of a dangerous situation, I used to do it all the time when a bandit would approach me and demand minas or the like. A crafty tongue can sway even the most sturdy footed bandit or criminal, but no one seems to be willing to try, and instead must absolutely repel any mention of a situation where it may not always go the way they want it to (oh heaven forbid).


    PVP default was great and will prove to be great again once implemented. I urge the staff to grab their manhood and to take the plunge and fast track this into the game.

  10. As a quick response to my above doubters:



    unfortunately the many plugins and such that you have been implementing over the past couple weeks are not the type of fruit being discussed here, if anything they serve as an adequate distraction to the overall lack of server story and activity, the desired fruits.



    here in the birth land of the english language we use the correct version of the word labour, although admittedly I am still unclear as to what you meant by 'labour or labor', I thought it best to tell you that. Everything else you say is entirely reasonable and correct, but I would like to add a little something to your closing paragraph and the analogy concerning the building foundations. It is true that you don't build a skyscraper without proper foundations, but when the only things necessary to build a great event are, 1. People (which we have plenty of), 2. Story (which I'm told we have although I've not heard or seen anything regarding it), 3. Willing moderators and 4. Tools for creating an event (i.e. Minecraft and the bloated plugin community). All of these things are in abundance and therefore it would make sense to crack on with construction, no? Not every event must have a deep background, why people insist on having ONLY events which ultimately mean something is beyond me, you're just limiting the ways in which you can satisfy the playerbase.


    To further supplement my earlier posts, I present a previous thread asking a much similar question:


    The playerbase already decided that more events are needed and the majority in that thread express views not so different from my own, it's been about 5 months since that thread was created and the question was answered, so my next rant will be:

    Why are we still in the opinion gathering stage, when 5 months ago a similar conclusion was reached expressing a desire for more events no matter the 'type' or 'meaning'?


    Again I will stand by my opinion of ending the infinite loop of wishful thinking in favour of actual action which produces both opinions and enjoyable (depending on the situation) gameplay at the same time. There are simply no downsides, especially with the already collected ideas you have floating around.


    your smart ass remarks and sarcasm aren't needed sorsby. You don't understand the amount of work on the back end of things; especially for this community. If you are bored and don't want to wait out weeks of planning and implementing then Adios and don't let the iron door hit you on the way out.

    You can claim to be making progress from the amount of work going on all you want my friend. It doesn't change the fact that we're not seeing any of the fruits of your labour.

  12. You're stuck thinking I want random mob events, no. Take a current element of story going on in Anthos, gather a few staff and get the ball rolling with an event, this is minecraft, you're not organising a trip to the moon, just jump in and do something.

    -- Replying on my phone is bothersome and it is late(or early 3am) and so I will dignify further posts with a response later on in the day after some rest.

  13. quick render of a no-planning situation

    No problem. I've got a perfect idea, a server-wide crash event for everyone. It'll be a 'everyone must participate', and will last a total of 30 days. Then we can see the reaction, and learn from it. Hell, let's scrap the map and delete all backups, I'll bet it's a perfect idea. Then we can generate a new Aegis!

    Now, in all seriousness, I don't think putting on a blindfold and shooting all over a courtyard, in which you hope you might get the suspect of a horrible crime, is a good idea. This is essentially what you're suggesting. If you take a moment to sit down and discuss things, it will go a lot better than otherwise.

    My plugins would be a lot worse if I didn't plan them, which I do. There is a lot of planning involved, and there's no way I can just plow through not knowing how it'll end up, because then it ends up a pile of crap.

    Yes, there are long wait times, but that's right now. Everything is finally starting to converge, there's just a bit more work left and there will be many events and much excitement in the near future. :P

    Now my idea may be outlandish to most, but your example was ridiculous and plainly, downright idiotic. it's a nice measure of how much thought you actually put into the post, though.

    And as for the future promises, I would think it's already clear that I am addressing and actively discouraging such things in favour of actual action, but remain ignorant if you must.

  14. Because that's the worst way to do anything. We aren't going to waste our time doing something that the players don't like, if we could spend our time doing something they do like. Spontaneous events that mean nothing at all aren't what we want - we want meaningful, entertaining events. Gauging feedback from after an event is idiocy - why on earth would we risk wasting time on running a large-scale event, which people don't like? Logically, the way to go forward, is to see what the playerbase thinks before going ahead with it. In the duration it took me to write this thread - I couldn't have run an event, so it's hardly as if the planning for this idea has taken up time that could be better spent.


    Firstly, no, it's not, it gives people something to actually do in the multiple MONTH downtime between anything bloody enjoyable happening on the server. Secondly, you have wasted time in the past making things people don't like, so sorry for assuming you might risk it happening again. Thirdly, never did I mention that the events would be void of any and all meaning, I didn't propose you blow up a city spontaneously just to inject some thrill (although at this stage that would probably serve as a good starting point), simply work with the ideas currently floating about and put them in motion rather than adding them to a seemingly infinitely long LOTC calender. Fourthly, it's idiocy to suggest that it's idiocy gauging feedback after an event, so put down the pipe, son. And finally - you're correct in some manner, you should do what the playerbase wants, but it should not be taking as long as it has done in the past year or so.


    The underlying point in my messages (in case you hadn't figured it out yet) was that you're all taking too bloody long faffing about with minor insignificant details and the playerbase is forced to either sit waiting and hoping that one day they will actually be presented with something they can enjoy, or to give up and seek entertainment from another source. Personally, the latter option was my ultimate choice, as I no longer have the patience to wait for months on end for something to be released, especially when it is likely to never even affect me or the majority of other players in a fun/enjoyable way. And yea you could argue that I should be able to make my own fun, and in my time I have done my fair share of fun making, but I (and most others) joined this server to be part of the bigger picture and to be able to interact regularly on a server-wide scale. This unique claim to fame LOTC used to boast and be proud of is disappearing bit by bit each coming day, and it is sad, because you all come up with great sounding solutions aimed to bring it back, but we never see them in action.


    So how about it? Why don't we all get something done 'now' rather than 'soon'.


    The past:


    The now:



    I know which one I preferED

  15. I personally think it's about time you stopped planning and started doing, the easiest way to keep the server healthy and active is to run regular server-wide events that everyone can play a part in, planning and planning and planning to then find out that people dislike the idea once actually implemented is obviously a waste of time and rather disheartening for all involved, so rather than suffering through that endless cycle like we've been doing ever since Aegis, why don't you just do something and gauge from reactions after the fact whether or not to do it again. THX.

  16. You can't try to force or push players to do as you and a select few wish, fact of the matter is, most people want to play a character that is a hero, recognizable to everyone in the realm, you even said this yourself 'The thing is here that 90% of the server consists of master warriors, super ninjas and heroic players who want to be the main character.', so why is it they must conform? Why don't the other 10%... the minority.

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