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  1. ((can anyone apply to this or do they have to be chosen in-game like the ascended where?)) ((Edit: im getting the vibe that anyone can apply at this point? if that is the case where do I sign up?))
  2. Hey vinny long time no see ay

  3. 00no4 Character's name: Lord Sean Hawthorn, High Architect 3. Are ye applying ta start a House? Yes Name: House Construct Members: Reed (Nice_Pyro) What are yer House Words?: Build Beauty Perfection (That’s it I think)  Click it you know you want too :D
  4. oh ok so we have a proper name for the city now, nice
  5. Hmm witch 2 of the 3 aff leaders will be on the counsle? other than that small question the agreement looks fairly resonable to me. Signed Architect Sean Hawthorn
  6. Brief Character History: Sean, grew up on a farm out in the wilds, he is knew to these lands and is wanting to make a name for himself. After seeing the grate architect Candle in the grand library’s of Tube You. Sean has vowed to help the Ascended in any way that he can. Character Name (I.C.): Sean Character name (O.C.) 00no4 Race: Human IC Age: 19 Will you be a FOA soldier, or apply for a division? If applying for a division please list which one ((Currently the Paladins and the Preachers)): Just a soldier. Goals in the FOA?: To help the Ascended in any way that I can Good deeds you have done?: hmm I’m new to the server but I have given up my food to afew wounded soldiers. Have you done any bad deeds?: Not as of yet no. How did you hear of us?: I was trying to get into haven and the Ascended there informed me of the FOA. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: The undead are a blight on this land they are un holy and must be destroyed. Can you wield a blade?: Yes Are you a capable builder?: I like to thinks so. Are you an archer?: Yes Any special skills?: Not anything out of the ordinary. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I have faith that the Ascended will return because the Readings in the grand libraries of Tube You say so. I will spread the word so that we may have an army grand enough to wipe the undead from this land. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will follow orders, doing pretty much any job commanded of me.
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