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Posts posted by Nigthhealz

  1. Yoyo, 


    I used to play on here back in 2012 and like to log in every once in a while for the nostalgia factor.

    However there are a couple of posts that I’d like to nuke into oblivion to save myself from the cringe, any way to do that? I’ve looked on forum posts but can’t find a delete button anywhere.


    Anyways thanks a bunch, nice to see that this server is still up and at least somewhat active.

  2. ((Just wanted to say im a new halfling))

    Do we want to develop a halfling belief system or religion over time?

    - This would be done very naturally--none of that instantaneous transition stuff. I imagine it would be very nature based, simplistic at core.

    No,i dont think it would fit for us halflings

    In the past, I wrote halfling limericks and songs and what-not. Do we want to continue that and perhaps build a collection of halfling literature?

    Yes it would be fun

    Do we want to reveal the location of our town? We may be protective of our peace, but we are also friendly and generally happy. This might give us a chance to share our ale, quirky creations, and generate interest for future halflings. This isn't saying that they could live in our town, simply visit it. Frerry will be involved with this decision.

    No i dont feel like revealing it, i dont trust many of the other races because they want halfling slaves/butler's

    Should, at any point in time, halfling architecture and culture advance a little bit? In many other fantasy worlds, halflings eventually live in small cottage that are partially above-ground.

    I like the idea and the design Kanatar/Mercen made Here

    Should we as a race bring back the stereotype of halflings being mischievous and tricky? My character in-game wouldn't support this obviously, as he knows the history of halfling thieves, but it might provide interesting roleplay

    I Would like to bring them back but not for the time being, bring them back later on

    What are our opinions on magic and foreign beliefs?

    In my opinion we should not bother with magic its complicating and hard to use

  3. *you see a note attached to a tree*

    Today a fellow dwarf died Durent Blackaxe he died from poison

    ((How i died))

    When Durent was walking te the new dwarven capital he gets attacked by a bandit as he is trying to defend himself the bandit throws a bottle full of liquid at him, As Durent defeated the bandit he starts to feel pain he thinks it is nothing and hurrys to the dwarven capital as he is outside the walls he feels a pain in his chest and figures that the liquid was poison as he tries to crawl into the dwarven capital he dies of poison

    ((im now going to play a new character that will still be a Blackaxe member but now Grand Council Bazian Blackaxe's son ((i dont know why i said his whole title)

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