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Posts posted by xmrsmoothx

  1. -1


    People are reacting to the constant raiding by defending themselves, can you really blame them?

    The constant raiding issue is always under discussion, so why not sort out this end of the problem until that's fixed? Solutions come from both sides most of the time, pointing fingers and saying "he started it" doesn't really help the issue.

  2. Couple questions.
    When creating a new system of magic that abides by mechstandard (is this allowed? From what the OP says I am assuming it is. ) is it required to post a lore thread on the forums detailing it? If not, is it encouraged?

    If a system of magic allows the creation of a tiny explosion from 2-3m, would it be reasonable to roleplay it using a click-punch, or would it be required to have a method of creating damage at range? For example, a bow?

  3. What counts as pedophilia on this server in an rp sense? Nobles would marry off their daughters pretty young, you know.


    The definition of pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children. So, anything to do with that is off-limits.





    It was not on the list




    Bans for pugsy'ing, cybering, paedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality remain permanent bans with no chance of an appeal.


    Oh I forgot that question, I need to add it.

    Can teenage female characters have children? This question is for example, not one I would ask IRL.

    Yes, if they've passed puberty. Didn't you learn this in sex ed?

  5. Well, my question is more about the server rules base than the rp base. Yes in rp, humans are adults in those ages, but what about for what the server rules are concerned?

    Pedohpilia is strictly attraction to pre-pubescent children. If a person has passed puberty, it's no longer pedophilia and thus allowed.

  6. I'm beginning to wonder whether we're taking this curse too literally. Yes, in our stories Iblees literally cursed them to have this, and he appeared often in Aegis; however, I've always seen the curses as a description of a race's characteristics. If it weren't for the curses, every race would be exactly the same, since they came from the four brothers(or so the story says). I know we have had run-ins with all these divine beings and we can't really say "herp derp, it isn't literal," but I think we ought to think of the curses OOCly a little bit differently.

    This is what I was thinking.

    I'd always assumed the lore about 'curses' was just a mythological, in-character way to explain the biological characteristics of the four races.

  7. I'll just go over the General Forum Rules for now.

    -What is the job of a moderator? Is it going too far, now, to tell someone "Hey, stop doing that, that's a **** thing to do."?

    -What is a "true purpose"? Who judges what is proper for 'bumping' an old topic? What does 'old' mean?

    -What does "inappropriately" mean? This rule is especially vague.

    -Since it's only stated that it's unacceptable to disrespect a member of the staff, is it henceforth acceptable to disrespect somebody who isn't staff? If that's not the case, why is that rule necessary?

    -What does "abusive" mean? What content can be classified in that way, and by whom?

    -What is "illegal content"? Is this content which is illegal to posses, or content which contains mentions/imagery of illegal conduct?

  8. Unfortunately, you cannot control how a character wishes to view the food and drink in the Haven, one can easily either 'believe the food to be of ill quality', make an insult towards the establishment by 'smelling rotten food', or have a medical condition that renders them unable to realize the true form of the food inside. It is not Void.

    (( My apologies. An biologically proper human would not smell anything rotten from inside the Haven. ))

  9. Thyst scowls.

    "What'n the 'ellre you... to come in 'ere n' take my home. Y'can get ther 'ell outer 'ere and let 'Apsi and I be."

    Thyst tears down the notice, spits, and tears off a length of parchment from the menu. He writes:

    This isn't just an inn. It's where we live. If you're looking to pillage people's homes, then maybe you should start with a richer lot.

    -Thyst, Co-owner

    He tacks it up where the original notice was and stomps back downstairs spitefully.

    (( I'd like to note that there is little to no rotten food or drink in the Haven, because people are living there. Any claims of a rotten 'smell' are void. ))

  10. Where is my option for 'all items are kept on death'?

    If there's something special in the inventory of the killed that needs to be dropped - great, roleplay exists, use it!

    Otherwise; if a monk can drag a five-hundred-pound orc back to the temple, they sure as hell can drag my character's sword.

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