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Status Updates posted by cometking123

  1. CRASH coming hard and fast 6 o clock! FIRE AT WILL!

  2. I find that sometimes a small flame can turn into an unquenchable wildfire.

  3. Ok. -armordilloface-

  4. Food that's left open in chests that rot over the course of many IG days? Nope. #roleplaycooking2012


  6. Iron Chef in Asulon live at the Cloud Temple. Things are cooking up.

  7. Damn. Some peeps need to clam down and take it like a mussel.

  8. I won 15000 minas it seems. My inn shall become a reality!

  9. Asulon Cooking Tourney. So much win!

  10. Ok. It's really pissing me off. There needs to be a CLEAR line in the sand on when PvP is okay and when it's not.

  11. Chef Mavro=Julia Child of Asulon.

  12. The fire roars and consumes, leaving a tree sprouting fruit into ash and cinders.

  13. Yeahno I go solo like a #YOLO kind of man.

  14. Take your knife, take your board! For we fight for combat nevermore!

  15. The search for suppliers of Raw food who actually RP's it begins...

  16. Watched Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. That stuff's intense.

  17. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73059-the-guild-of-chefs/page__pid__597837#entry597837 Looking for those that want to learn RP cooking and professionals, the Guild of Chef needs more adventurous members!
  18. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73059-the-guild-of-chefs/page__pid__597837#entry597837 Join now, new folks and veterans, newbies or experts in roleplaying. All are welcome in the order!
  19. K. Cannibal Man Eating Magical Pie Crusts are on the way. Thank mdhegs for that. :D

  20. *adjusts his silk top hat* So this is what it means to be an gentleman.\

  21. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH. The tourney starts in 49 minutes. :D

  22. 30 minutes until the League. Prepare yourself.

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