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Posts posted by Bloodnight

  1. OOC:

    Minecraft Username: Bloodnight

    Timezone: CST

    How active you can be (semi/always/neither):

    Why are you interested in joining: Because I stare into the deep darkness and saw a light that can offer me salvation.



    Name: Adolphus

    Age: 31

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Noble or Common Lineage: Noble

    Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Semi

    Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Canonist

    Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Complete

  2. Merchants logo wit circle.png

    “...5th of Malin's Welcome, 1633.”


    A letter would be drafted on official letterhead, signed by the Lord Azaghal Doomforged. The posters would be plastered all around the city, dwarfs scurrying around with adhesive and copies.




    “Henceforth, all domiciles with eviction notices will see those notices executed in two stone days from the issuance of this edict, should your home be a part of the eviction process there will be a lock on your possessions with a payable fine to see them returned to you. All residents are required to submit housing information, not limited to; profession, clan affiliation, race, status within the Grand Kingdom, and any other applicable information pursuant to the Grand Merchant."



    "By the power vested in the Grand Merchant under the Articles of Urguan, all residents of the great city of Kal'Omith are officially ordered to supply the following information before the deadline of two stone days."

    Name of Tenant:
    Profession of Tenant:
    Soldier of the Legion (Y/N):
    Time living in current residence:
    Clan affiliation:


    Lord Azaghal, of the Clan Doomforged. Grand Merchant of Urguan, Keeper of the Coin and Wealth of Urguan, Elder of the Clan Doomforged.

  3. IGN(s): (List all of your accounts that are white-listed on LotC.) Bloodnight.


    Age: (14+ is a requirement.) 21.


    Timezone: (Example: GMT.) CST.


    Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.) Bloodnight #8013


    What map did you join during?: (Example: Axios) I joined the server in Aegis.


    Do you have access to a microphone?: (Yes / no.) I do have access to a microphone.


    Average daily playing time?: (How much time on average do you spend on the server?) I play approximately 3-4 hours on an average basis. I go to a major university at the moment so I must obviously devote the bulk of my time to furthering my studies, but I can and often allot myself a good amount of time to the server.


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: (Discuss what position(s) you have held before. If the answer is none, put N/A.) Yes. I was an ET4 and build manager of the event team during Vailor.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?: (Discuss briefly why you want to join the GM Team.) I want to join the GM team because I believe strongly that it is where I will best fit in the server again, not as a player but as a mentor and a tool for others to rely on. I have played the server far longer than most players and that experience makes me a key person to helping teach and mold new players to the standards of Lord of the Craft. Through my time in the server I have seen how things have been done poorly, and what has succeeded both in thought and practice and hopefully I can be given the ability to help keep the server great. I am not applying for power, or for any type of recognition but because honestly I want to help people more than anything in the server, from mediation in times of crisis to creating flowing role play and memorable events that players can remember for a while.


    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application: (Link any previously denied GM applications.) 


    Anything else you want to tell us?: (This is optional.) 

  4. Yeah, so regardless of what people say to defend this, I am a firm believer that this'll be just another thing for the "niche" players. Books will mostly go to the high elves / ascended / holy groups, especially books that don't make sense going to them. I won't be swayed by whatever good words that anyone put fourth, we've been shown time and time again these types of additions that strictly benefit a small group of players. Let's focus on bringing and flushing out actual lore for actual player groups that legitimately matter like the four races, our dark magic groups that get absolutely zero spotlights (server's to whiteknight) instead of focusing on these ignorant things that won't ever give any attention to people on this server that are critical to this server's continued success.


    The last time the dwarves, for example because I play a dwarf character as my main, was when we finished the Hall of Urguan event, a full MAP later, nearly 6-7 months ago. Albeit that event wasn't even completed to its maximum potential, after the lore was basically annihilated by malicious people. I was brought on as a builder on that event last minute to get it ready for launch, it wasn't a completely thought out event, and was a raped and butchered version of what it should've been. 4.0 was, for all intents and purposes, the "Dwarven" map, this isn't something that can be argued, it is fact. We got so destroyed that map it now has become a joke among our player base, mainly our older players who survived its horrors.


    So, tl:dr stop making shitt(not bad writing, meh) lore that will basically only benefit an extremely small amount of players and actually focus on the main groups of people. But, what do I know, I don't know all the plans that the server has to yet unfold, I am only working off what I have witnessed and been told as a player.

  5. just remove the ascended if we cant have an antag why should we have a protag doesn't make sense balance is not being satisfied. A lot of the magics now aren't really magical at all, they're just an excuse for cliquey players to keep power and support their friends exclusively.

  6. 25 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:

    I think the fact you're able to do a meme leaving thread without anyone really caring or mournfully sobbing over your perceived loss speaks worlds for you, yourself, your attitude, your circle of friends, and how exclusive they are of the rest of the majority of the server.

    just like the elves!!1

    u go girl

  7. "Ti's fock can'e even write 'es own ****, ow' es som fock like 'es suppose'h tu up'old som' treateh..?" says a dwarf of no discernible identity. "Te' puppet ov' malin ah' say, don'ae let te' fockin frilly lil' shite elf lies fool ye, te'y aren'ae sovereign, unloik 'um honorable races in te' world. Ah've shite things 'at are more menacing te'n ye fahgot dominion."


  8. MC name: Bloodnight


    Character's name and age: Azaghal Doomforged, 366


    Character’s Race: Doomforged Dwarf


    What magic will you be learning?: Golemancy


    Who will be teaching you?: Dagor

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: -

  9. Merchants logo wit circle.png


    “...13th of Snows Maiden, 1551.”


    A letter would be drafted on official letterhead, signed by the Lord Regent Azaghal Doomforged. The posters would be plastered all around the city, dwarfs scurrying around with adhesive and copies.




    “Henceforth, the lands that comprise the Urguan Resource Guild, a privately held company are officially seized and all residents expelled from them. Any people continued to be living on the aforementioned lands are to be charged with trespassing and squatting, and will be fined not less than 300 minas.”



    Lord Azaghal, of the Clan Doomforged. Regent and August Confidant of Urguan and Clan Father of the Doomforged.


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