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Everything posted by leeloogsam

  1. Brief Character History: Salvalia is a peasent from a small village at the outskirts of Snowy Fields and Alstion. Life was harsh there, having to live off game meat, and the land was unsuitable for farming. But yet she was happy, as her parents were very loving and doting on her. A few years ago, while she was but a lass, the Undead launched a suprise assault on Snowy Fields. Needless to say the town fell quickly. The village decided to move into Alstion, but her father saw folly in that plan, seeing as now Alstion is isolated and too far from Al Khazar. That very night, the family quickly packed up, heading towards Al Aras. The father knew the night was full of bandits and thieves, but he was more anxious about his soul being devoured than losing a few minas. The father was dead(literally) wrong....Their caravan was attacked by a group of not bandits, but pigmen! The pigmen stand 6 feet tall, a face of a pig and the body of a dead human. With murderous red eyes, they attacked mercilessly at the family. The father died a fast death, being the leader of the caravan. Salvalia's mother died trying to shield her from harm. Her younger brother, Lauric picked up her father's iron sword and swung wildly at the pigmen, yelling to his dear sister to run for the hills. Salvalia was too stunned to move, and her younger brother died in a matter of seconds. While Salvalia saw her life flash before her very eyes, a war cry came out. Suddenly 3 hooded warriors rushed out of the thicket and took the pigmen completely by suprise. Butchery followed, and everyone had porkchops. The men claimed to be Followers of Aeriel, and took Salvalia(fainted due to exhaustion) to the Church, where the nuns looked after her til she recently reached her womanhood. Salvalia vowed to take revenge on the pigmen, and hopes to see that the pigmen and their kin, the pigs, pay for what they did to her family.((sorry, i didnt want to be rejected again, so i just pasted my server application, which does explain a lot of things in the app for FOA)) Character Name (I.C.):Salvalia Character name (O.C.) leeloongsam Race: Human northener IC Age:18 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):Preacher. As Salvalia was orphaned at a young age, the church has always placed its emphasis on recitals and mass to Aeriel. She longes to be a soldier, but she is more suited for a preacher role. Goals in the FOA?: Salvalia has just gotten out of womanhood, and is seeking to interact with these heroes she has always admired. She also hopes to meet different people on her travels and talk to them. Good deeds you have done?:None really, apart from helping with some odd jobs. A good deed is something done when someone is in extreme requirement, but cant do it themselves. All Salvalia did was relieve some people's inconvenience by running their errands. She hasn't saved a life or anything. Have you done any bad deeds?:STealing cookies from other orphans(that was a long time ago, forgive her!) How did you hear of us?:I always see FOA men walking around Al Khazar, and their battlecries during the fights. Its hard NOT to notice them. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:The undead indirectly killed her parents, but they are merely a casualty of war. But she thinks they are directly responsible and wants to get revenge for them. She also wants to prevent this from happening to any other families. Too many have been torn apart by the war. Can you wield a blade?:No, but she likes to think she can, seeing as she used to play with wooden swords with her friends in the orphanage. Are you a capable builder?:Nope. Zero. Ziltch. Are you an archer?:She would be a very clumsy archer.... Any special skills?:Getting lost. She gets lost pretty easily. A foolish girl. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: It might sound cliche and redundant coming from a orphan of the church, but she believes Aeriel is guiding her will to others, and we should believe that she works in mysterious ways. But one things for sure, you can always trust Aeriel. I will be more than willing to share my belief, but i will not force it on anyone Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: Apart from bringing some good humour and a extra preacher, I will serve the FOA and the Ascended and Aeriel faithfully.
  2. Brief Character History: Salvalia was a orphaned -snip background story- young girl who has always dreamed of living the life on the open and adventure at every turn. She has recently gotten interest in the men in shiny armour, that claims to have saved the day in the battles with the undead, Bane of the Dead. Character Name (I.C.):Salvalia Character name (O.C.) leeloongsam Race: Human northener IC Age:18 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus):Preacher. As Salvalia was orphaned at a young age, the church has always placed its emphasis on recitals and mass to Aeriel. She longes to be a soldier, but she is more suited for a preacher role. Goals in the FOA?: Salvalia has just gotten out of womanhood, and is seeking to interact with these heroes she has always admired. She also hopes to meet different people on her travels and talk to them. Good deeds you have done?:None really, apart from helping with some odd jobs. A good deed is something done when someone is in extreme requirement, but cant do it themselves. All Salvalia did was relieve some people's inconvenience by running their errands. She hasn't saved a life or anything. Have you done any bad deeds?:STealing cookies from other orphans(that was a long time ago, forgive her!) How did you hear of us?:I always see FOA men walking around Al Khazar, and their battlecries during the fights. Its hard NOT to notice them. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.:The undead indirectly killed her parents, but they are merely a casualty of war. But she thinks they are directly responsible and wants to get revenge for them. She also wants to prevent this from happening to any other families. Too many have been torn apart by the war. Can you wield a blade?:No, but she likes to think she can, seeing as she used to play with wooden swords with her friends in the orphanage. Are you a capable builder?:Nope. Zero. Ziltch. Are you an archer?:She would be a very clumsy archer.... Any special skills?:Getting lost. She gets lost pretty easily. A foolish girl. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: It might sound cliche and redundant coming from a orphan of the church, but she believes Aeriel is guiding her will to others, and we should believe that she works in mysterious ways. But one things for sure, you can always trust Aeriel. I will be more than willing to share my belief, but i will not force it on anyone Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: Apart from bringing some good humour and a extra preacher, I will serve the FOA and the Ascended and Aeriel faithfully.
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