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Posts posted by Religious_Pie

  1. ((Dude... just... dude... your the best builder in teh worlds... this looks great!))

    ((Thank you very much, I must admit sorry, I am helping the dwarves with their new city, however, I am in no way, or even wanting to be, an Architect of them, I am a wandering architect, I do my trade, get paid and go on.

    But because this is for an Order which I hope will come to hold dear to my heart, I will always be happy to build anything and if need be, everything. :3 ))

  2. ((Mr Bannana, not sure if you do not believe my work, or questioning my ability to live up to the rep of this order...Anyways, good or bad, here is what I cam up with, if we are in Hanseti, then we could change the wood to darkwood, but....meh.))







  3. It is a shame that this happened...however, I am sure I have enough resources to make your new sanctuary, and I am sure, I could offer some of my personal supply of ores to ye brotherhood...

    (( I have loads of building materials, 50 iron blocks and various other supplies, however I don't have any food, that j can share anyway.))

  4. It is a shame that this happened...however, I am sure I have enough resources to make your new sanctuary, and I am sure, I could offer some of my personal supply of ores to ye brotherhood...

    (( I have loads of building materials, 50 iron blocks and various other supplies, however I don't have any food, that j can share anyway.))

  5. ((welcome to the bravexes, we still need to get some lore up for your character of you want. So we know which Son or daughter you guys are. Also somebody can rp as my Son or even sons, maybe play twins :P))

    ((the only problem is, I want to keep my char, so, can I be your bastard son with a human mom? As my char is adopted. ))

  6. MC name :- Religious_Pie

    How long have you been on this server :- Since August 23rd.

    What is your Timezone :- GMT

    Do you have Skype :- Yes, I do: Name: Religious_Pie

    Do you have Teamspeak :- Yes, I do.

    Details (How you work, what you like to build etc.) :- I am currently an architect, and have only recently started building dwarven architecture, however, I am building a "Proto-type" of my idea of what the city will be like in Single Player currently.

    Screenshots :- I shall add soon (pictures of the city, along with a map-download.), as my previous works are Human architecture, however, I shall post a link to what I advertised with:

    My Human Work:

  7. After a long arduous fortnight, the manor is finished, with only a few cock-ups! Which in my books is a success, thank you Lord Drake, and I hope you like your new home.

    Kind regards, it may be a while till I'm back in Salvus now, unless time changes it's course.


  8. We haven't found a new sanctuary yet but we may have a location.

    ((Pie, meet me IG first, then we'll IC talk about architecture and stuff))

    ((I'm not IG at the moment, sorry, I'm on my phone, however if we do meet, could you post some pics if the base, before it's destruction, that way we have something to work on.))

  9. ((Ok, I've started the region is a bit glitched, so I will modreq for it to be fixed, if you aren't on of course :3 ))

    EDIT: ((May I have perms to the Storage house, or if you have a chest of wool somewhere? As I do not have any wool. ))

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