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Backup Lago

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Posts posted by Backup Lago

  1. Hi guys,


    Figured I'd stick my head in and see how everything's going around here.


    For those that don't know me, my name on the server's Lago, I was a senior LM for a couple of years. Made a fair chunk of server lore and event chains in that time and did a lot of behind the scenes work with as well. A few rule changes I was secretly the architect of (even if they didn't end up exactly as I planned :( ) I'm probably best known for being the player behind golems, being both the creator of their lore and for the majority of my time on the server unofficially in charge of them OOC.


    Also got waaaay too involved in OOC "politics" far beyond an LM's mandate and eventually burned out at a result. My recommendation: don't do that. Once you get too far into the OOC cogs of the server, once you get stuck into the mindset of trying to "fix" it it dominates your perception and sucks all the fun out of actually playing the game. For me it ultimately caused me to see almost every war claim or raid as a front for players bullying each other and using the less combat oriented players as "punchbags". Ultimately flipped out over some completely legitimate conflict RP I wasn't even involved in (sorry, Burk!) and quit.


    You also may be wondering why I'm posting this on my recovered ancient account that got lost in the Great LotC Password Glitch Of I Actually Don't Remember The Details Of 2011 that's only got two posts on it as opposed to the one with over 5000? I kinda, well... um... irreversibly locked myself out of it. You know it is with keys.


    As for why the name? That's what this account was called. Why don't I change it? I can't. Apparently you need five posts to do that.


    So back on point, how's it going around here nowadays? I left just as the reborn Undead were coming out and am completely out of the loop. Also figured I'd say hi.



  2. Out-Of-Character: Lagomorphia

    -Minecraft Account Name: Lagomorphia

    -How old are you?: 16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT, England.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: My first language is UK English, which I am fluent in, and I can write reasonably eloquently when I need to.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I tend to spend a lot of time at my computer, maybe too much. I enjoy modding some games (ones without creators built in) as much as playing them. I am reasonably intelligent, and tend to get top or second to top gradesin exams (A and A*).

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I geniunely do not know, it could easily vary from week to week, I apologise for being unable to provide a decent estimate.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: For about two months.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I own several of the SWRPG books, which I have read throughly, but have never been able to gather enough players to play them.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I have used the Wandering Soul feature to the explore the server, and the architecture is incredible. The lore is also impressive, and I expect the server will provide an interesting and immersive experience.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have been on a private server which is almost empty, and had a look at a factions server but didn't join due to its terrible community.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?

    What about the lore?: I have read and understood the rules, and the lore on the Lore page of the website was excellent.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. The Humans, from the Royal Kingdom of Oren, The Dwarves of Kal'Urguan, The Orcs which come from the War Nation of Kragrum, and the Elves that hail from the Holy Princedom of Malinor.

    -How did you hear about us?: To be honest, I put RPG Minecraft servers into Google and it was at the top of the list.

    -Did you vote?: Yes, I did. The server looks to be of a quality that deserves it even if I am not accepted.

    -What was your favourite Law?: The veto law for the Elves. By changing the role of the leader figurehead, it helps distingush them from the other races in terms of political operation.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: The totalitarian law of the Rex in Kragrum, because that Rex may use very severe punishments. I do not think this law should be changed however, as it shows the violent autocracy of the Orcs, and admins can intervene if the position is abused in a game damaging way.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Evern


    -Character Name: Evern (At least, this is the name he provides when asked. If someone presses the issue, he either repeats the name 'Evern' or ignores them.)

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:

    -Biography: Several decades in the past, before the undead menace had even reared its head, there were tales of evil practices in the far north. These were intolerable to the civilised kingdoms, and in a grand gesture, the King of Oren sent his six finest knights and a force of a hundred men north, offically to bring order to it, but with the secondary objective of expanding the king's influence to new lands. At the head of them was Sir Erverin, a distingushed knight famous for his unique helmet and for leading the counteroffensive against the bandit cartel known as the Poisoned Daggers, who had been preying on the outer villages of Oren. Little is known of what they found there, as the only man to return was a traumatised soldier called Orvl, who had been driven mad from the experience. He returned gibbering that almost everyone was dead. He spoke of a threat that had emerged from a eerie violet portal pulsating with an aura of evil. They had driven it back, and Erverin had lead the remains of the army through the portal to defeat the menace once and for all. The man was clearly insane, so the king assumed that those who lived in the north had simply slain his army and he chose not to send another.

    That assumption would prove costly. Oren was completely unprepared when the Undead began to appear in the north; they were as surprised as the other nations.

    Recently an old man wearing a battered helmet, who refers to himself as Evern, reappeared in Aegis, wearing a battered helmet consistent with the description of that worn by Sir Erverin. Unlike the famed knight of old, his hair is white and he lacks any of the chivalry or joyful banter Erverin was famed for. His skin feels cold to the touch.

    Could he be the famed knight of old, returned from the dead to defeat the undead? Is he truly alive, or is he an undead creature as wretched as those he fights? Only one thing is truly known about him: he seeks to destroy the undead once and for all.

    -Character Age: Even he is not quite sure.

    -Character Appearance: He is clad in a worn, medium length red cloak without a hood. He wears a large helmet of unique design and a simple iron breastplate, neither of which any living soul has seen him remove. He seems even to sleep with his helmet on. The most disturbing things about Ervern's appearance are the two reddish glows coming from beneath his helmet where his eyes should be. The helmet shrouds his face in shadow, so these are all of his face that can be seen. Sometimes his hands shake violently, something Evern seems to have no control over.

    -Character Personality: Evern often seems overly blunt and sometimes rude. He is a man of few words, prefering to get straight to the point and having no patience whatsoever for small talk or anything he considers to be a non sequeter.

    -Your ambitions: Evern's only goal is to drive the Undead from Aegis once and for all. He seeks information about them, where they truly come from, and a way to seal portals, preventing more undead from advancing into Aegis.

    -Can your character read or write?: He can read; it seems to be one of the only things he enjoys in the world. He can write, but the shaking of his hands makes his writing barely legible.

    -Can your character mine?: He is capable of smashing a rock with a pickaxe, but nothing more precise than that.

    -Are you a capable builder? Evern can move heavy objects, but struggles with precise work.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Evern is as skilled with most melee weapons as Sir Erverin was and a deadly combatant. His fighting style tends to focus on powerful blows rather than precise striking; he lacks the steadiness of hand required for precise striking.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Evern has never farmed. He is more likely to slay a pig for food than to grow wheat.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Evern is unusually resilient to extreme cold, a trait that supports the belief that he is not truly alive. He seems to lose his ability to feel emotion the colder he gets, as if low temperatures sap him of his humanity.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

    I would like to reiterate how impressed I am with the aesthetics of your server. It is worth logging onto it even as a wandering soul just to see the incredible work that has gone into such a beautiful and functional world.

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