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Status Updates posted by Lugmak

  1. really they should be expanding the player slots... :| theres like 267/250

  2. 272/250? how is that even possible?

  3. 249/250.... server is full...****** BAG WHY SAY 249 THEN! really ticks me off

  4. were is the orc camp? followed the road and leads to no where :(

  5. can anoyone get on the server? it just goes into this weird thing for me when i try to log on

  6. were do you get the code if you have donated?

  7. watching the yogscast

  8. couldnt they put the player slots up more? :P probablly not

  9. whenever i try and log into the server i always shout "FOS RU DAH" to try and get it to get me to join the server...never works though :(

  10. JESUS CHRIST i keep dieing and im in the orc land so i always have to walk ages to get there

  11. I really hate SOPA :(

  12. do you guys like this? i made a topic to make wrestling more powerful, as it is so under powered! tell me if it can be improved! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38053-new-perks-for-wrestling-skill/page__gopid__264453#entry264453

  13. woooo im unbanned (i only took 2 glass panes out) now time to enjoy LOTC and never brake the rules again!

  14. gunna play some xcom

  15. so boring, HOLE day at school doing MATHS AND GEOGRAPHY! but now i can play some Lotc :D

  16. COME ON PEOPLE VOTE FOR LORD OF THE CRAFT :D:D:D:D if you dont your lazy :P

  17. 1174 PROFILE VIEWS WOOOOO IM SO POPULAR :D lol jks not really :P

  18. server down :( :( :( :(

  19. I think this server sucks.........APRIL FOOLS ;D

  20. arg....so...boring...i have to cut down like EVERY tree surrounding the orc capital on the valley....but i might get a promotion so hell yea!

  21. if anyone has RPed with me before and thought i was good/mature, or if you know me from teams speak or chatting oocly on the forums, i humbly ask you to read and +1 my VA. I dont mind if you dont! just asking people that have RPed with me before :D http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50006-unreadlugmaks-villain-app-minime126/

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