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  1. ((OOC Information - Minecraft Name: Calum510 Age: 14 Timezone: GMT Villain Application (Optional): None Skype: calumhutton (I seldom have access to a microphone, but I will use it when I can) - RP Information - Full Name: Alek Mihailov Age: 26 Race: Human Gender: Male Profession: Has a decent shot in archery, and studied various sciences with the elves in his younger years. Hoping to one day to become an inventor, engineer or architect of some sorts. ((Stats: Lumberjacking 22 Mining 12 Farming 15 Archery 50 Wrestling 4)) A brief description about yourself: Alek was born in the harsh northern planes of Asulon. After moving away from his family, since he didn't want to follow in his Father's footsteps in being a warrior, he studied with the elven race to expand his not so deep knowledge. While living with the elves, he discovered that he also had a cracking shot with a bow and arrow, and took up archery as a favourite past time while not studying. He has recently began wandering the realms of Asulon, only to later find himself broke and living on the streets. After seeing the Holm Navy advertisement poster while wandering a small port town, he decides to go for it and submit a résumé that will hopefully get him off of the streets. Alek is willing to devote himself to the Navy.
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