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Gordok (Gropier)

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Posts posted by Gordok (Gropier)

  1. Terrific, I would like to meet in person to set up a more permanent dealing with you Gordok. I can meet you in Alras or we can meet in Galahar it's up to you. ((I'll be on at around 5:00 EST))

    It would be better if we met in Alras. I don't travel much these days. (( I will be on about 1800 EST if the server comes back up )).

  2. @ gropier, the owner of region B would not have permissions in region A.

    However, region A will always have perms to region B, unless there is some secret to the "priority" command that I don't know.

    Could always just lwc the doors, then no one could get inside ;p

    That is if you set REGION_A as the parent of REGION_B right? If not, You would need to be a member of both to access Region B. Correct?

  3. Also, on the subject of the new world. Is there any way we can either find another Shop Mod or modify the one we have so that shop Minas are attached to the shop, not your personal account? I mean if you have a shop, or multiple shops you would need to deposit minas into that shop with which to buy things with and you would have to visit the shop to withdraw any profits. When the shop minas run out of it's shop account, the shop can no longer buy stuff. This would allow for a couple of important things: [1] It would allow shop owners to determine profitability of a shop (which is almost impossible now); and [2] It would create an RP reason to actually visit your shops from time to time to look at the "Books" and deposit more funds or withdraw your profits.

    Basically, it would require one more data column in the Shop DB for Funds, and three more shop commands:

    • /shop account balance - this will display the balance of funds of the shop you are standing in.
    • /shop account deposit X - this would take money out of your personal account and add it to the funds of the shop you are standing in.
    • /shop account withdraw X - this would take money out of the funds of the shop you are standing in and add them to your personal account.

    If you are looking into other shop systems, please consider this in your evaluation of them.

  4. ...

    The new world is very different from aegis, there will be more protected areas all over the continent so that key land plots wont be built upon without a proper village application

    Some biomes will be buildable and others wont.


    One of the problems I have seen is if an area is protected by a Region. Lets say it is called REGION_A. And REGION_B is created that within REGION_A, then either:

    • REGION_A and REGION_B must be related (Parent or Child), or
    • Authorized users must have PERMS to both REGION_A and REGION_B

    Perhaps the illustration below will help me ask this question:

    If Jack has PERMS to REGION_A and Jill has PERMS to REGION_B, is there any way for

    Jack to NOT have PERMS to REGION_B and Jill NOT to have PERMS to REGION_A at the same time?


    The reason I ask this is because, as the Viceroy of Alras and me being a VIP200, I would like my plot of land to be an Estate within Alras territory.

    But, I do not want everyone with PERMS to Alras having PERMS to my estate and I don't want my estate employees to have PERMS to all of Alras.

    If it is not possible, that is an acceptable answer, I was just curious?

  5. I've just arrived at this land you people call Aegis and have but only 92 minas. If anyone has a job i'd be glad to take it

    OOC: i just got accepted and need money...

    If ye can find yer way to the South Alras Tree Farm, I can put ye to work for a trial period. The work is demanding, but the pay is good and ye get a secure place to live while ye are there.

  6. Great Vaq!

    I know how much easier it is to work with clean, organized code.

    I have been thinking about the skill system and I would love to see a few mores skills in it:

    • Alchemy
      - the skill necessary to make potions and magic items.

    • Scribe
      - the skill necessary to make paper, make books, scribe books and copy books.

    • Tinker
      - the skill necessary to place redstone or make redstone enabled items.

    • Husbandry
      - the skill necessary to bread animals.

    • Glazier
      - making bricks, glass, glass panes and glass bottles ( a rare skill in the middle ages ).

    • Carpentry
      - making wooden items or placing wood-type blocks (anyone can place logs).

    • Mason
      - making mineral items or placing mineral-type blocks (anyone can place dirt and sand blocks).


    So to make a bookshelf, you need a scribe to make the books and then a carpenter to make the actual bookshelf.

    Also I think Blacksmith it a bit too powerful as it is and would like to see it split into the following:

    • Blacksmith
      - the skill necessary to craft and repair tools and forge minerals.

    • Weaponsmith
      - the skill necessary to craft and repair weapons.

    • Armorsmith
      - the skill necessary to craft and repair armor.


    By limiting the skills it would really help RP and the economy by forcing characters to hire skilled labor because not everyone can do everything.

    Keep the 275 max skill levels in place as is. That will cause people to decide to either focus on a limited set of skills or be a jack of all trades.

  7. Viceroy Gordok of Alras will repair Armor, Tools and Weapons (all types except Diamond) at no cost.

    All you need to do is supply the materials. For wooden and stone, I usually have the materials just laying around.

    Just get a message to me and I will be more than willing to help you out.

  8. Being rich is not an issue. There are quite a few rich folks who have commented saying they would enjoy the reset. The issue is when people become to attached to material things when I and many others believe they should be focused on the intangible.

    @ Petyr - My point is this. It may be your and others opinions that characters should focus more on the intangible and I respect that. I respect all opinions. It is obvious that you have fond RP memories playing your character that way. But it is an opinion, not fact. It is my opinion that playing my character the way I do is the best for me and this character, and I have played every type of character you can think of. I am sure that there are as many "opinions" on this topic as there are players on the server. Each character has goals, motivations, hopes and fears and players strive to RP them to the best of their ability in their opinion. Please don't go down the road of your opinion on how to RP is more valuable than the opinions of others - that is elitist, very high-handed and not appropriate - especially from a member of the GM staff that is supposed to be supportive and tolerant of others. If anything, the GM staff should be embracing as much diversity in RP style as they can, because if everyone RPs the same, it will get really, really boring very fast.

  9. As for gaining wealth not being RP, my character Gropier has wealth, but is not the wealthiest player, he tend to stay between the 40th and 30th rank most of the time. He could be much wealthier, but he hires people and gives them jobs. He has guards, a groundskeeper/gardener, a miner and two lumberjacks who have all become quite well to do in their own right because he mentors them and pays them well. He has invested over 100k minas in being partners in business ideas that others have brought to him and has spent almost 50k minas and countless resources on building what I think is the best looking arena on the server and the Alras Fight Klub Gym. He has sponsored many contests and still continue to do so. Gordok believes that minas are like manure, they aren't much good for anything unless you spread them around to help little things grow. But he is also wise in that he knows in order to have wealth to spread it around, you have to make smart business decisions and work hard.

    Gordok has grown to be a respected member of the community and leads as the second ranking leader of the great city of Alras. He has made many, many friends, two of which are young maidens that had no father to insure that they were treated properly by young men, so he took them in as his wards and will soon be paying for their weddings. Philanthropy requires RP and it is not possible without wealth. And regardless of what others think, I RP with Gropier with just as much zeal, just as often and just as serious as any other player. I am 51 years old and have been playing RPGs since before D&D was invented - I know what RP is and how to do it well. So, can we please stop insinuating that just because your character is wealthy, you don't RP or you suck at it. I for one am starting to take it personal.

  10. You guys don't even know how/if/why/when the map will change. There will be lore and events and exciting things, and everything will be explained... we don't do things to purposely turn off players, you know.

    I have no doubt that there will be plenty of lore, events and exciting things. But for some, who have personal goals for their character and are RPing the process of attaining those personal goals, the overall world lore and events don't mean as much. I happen to be one of those players. I am sorry, but I just don't have time to follow the world lore and I don't enjoy that as much. BWT, my character goals are not the accumulation of wealth, wealth is the vehicle to achieve those goals. To be honest, I believe that there are many players who feel the same way. I know it sucks to hear that, but I believe it to be more true than people are willing to admit. I ran an RP Game server (Neverwinter Nights) for seven years and I tried my best to get the player base involved in the world lore, but it ended up only being important to only about 20% of the player base.

    I firmly believe that in this case, if you take the character's hard earned accomplishments, it will turn many players off. Partly because they lost the items and minas, but mostly because they will feel betrayed and will always wonder if and when it will happen again. I know that is how I will feel. I won't leave the server, but its only because I have donated and i am invested. But I will not enjoy having to start my character's personal goals from the start again. If I had not donated, or my money were refunded, I would leave the server and I would hate leaving, because I have very much enjoyed my time here.

  11. Yes, but let's say you make an A in math in freshmen year. In your sophomore math class, you don't automatically get a grade, you have to work just as hard to earn and maintain the grade.

    I wish it wasn't so, but it is.

    But what we are talking about here is not getting an A in Math, or earning that first suit of diamond armor. We are talking about the cumulative accomplishments of a character's entire time on the server to date.

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