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Ben Turner

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Posts posted by Ben Turner

  1. Having experianced Erlend's buildings designs/techniques first hand since early Aegis,I'm certain that he deserves a position such as this.His unique architecture has always blown me and many others away due to it's superiority to many other styles.Glenwood,in my opinion,is one of the most beautiful towns in Asulon and his building talents easily deserve a spot within the events team-just my two cents,but I definatly support this. +1

  2. Application:

    Mc Name-Sammeister97

    Rp Name-Lotharious Mannering


    Old Jobs and Work-In the late days of the old Kingdom of Oren I served under the Guard for 5 years,furthermore,I served under Renatus's navy earlier this decade.Finally,throughout the days of old and the kingdom of new I have always served under the Guardians.

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)-Mining((29)) Blacksmithing ((70)) Farming ((60))

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? (Weapon Skill lvl) Throughout my experience with the Guardians they have undoubtedy been the leading cause to my succession in Swordsmanship ((Leval 100))

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances?To serve the Kingdom of Oren to the best of my performance as I always have done.I have always given undying loyalty the kingdom of Oren.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed-

    Oath: I ,Lotharious, pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

  3. *A panting messanger slowly approaches,gingerly handing a letter with the unbroken seal,recognisable as Lotharious's*

    "After succesfully recovering the reminants of my families history throughout Asulon i believe it is only justified that i return to Glenwood at once to serve the Guardians once more.I appologise for my vacancy."

  4. The Guardians are in need of new members to pledge their blades to us and help cure Asulon of the evils that dwell within,or need more hands to help with our duty of helping any who are in need.In return we offer;free equipment,usually of Iron tier,until you progress steadily with us;Shelter,each recruit recieves a their own bunk and a Guardian vault-of which has maximum securtiy;companionship,Our welcoming community will look upon you as a brother,and treat you so;Free food,our self suffiency is very beneficial for us;and we can provide you with any training you wish you acquire with our regular mining trips to Adyton Island(boat fees covered by the leaders),our on site farm and ,many other facilities.

    We look forward to welcoming you.

    For any further enquiries or an intrest in our fine guild send me or our GrandMaster a bird at Crestfall Keep.((Me:Sammeister97 , Jordan/grandmaster erlend0501 ))

    ((For more information: Guild Page ))

  5. *gently nods to himself while reading the note,pleased by the guilds efforts to climb back on it's feet*

    "Ah , 'tis a pleasure to know the guild is finally rebuiling.Perhaps one day it shall be renown for it's great deeds throughout Asulon once more"

  6. MC Name:Sammeister97

    In Game Name:Cadet_Loth_Mannering or Civilian_Jonathan (for the event)

    Position applied for (citizen or video):I can play as a citizen and video using fraps , hopefully it'll run pretty smooth.

    3-4 sentence backstory and history of this character:Jonathan lives peacefully among a cosy village house,with his wife,located in Holm.He was raised on a cramped,isolated farm with his family of 8.Despite the poor education he recieved the farming skills he learnt helped build the rest of his life,he moved to Holm at the age of 19 to look to wed , and to make an honest living.

    Sample RP scenario:

    You are walking along a busy market place, it is mid day and everyone's spirits are high. In a blink the stall to your right explodes in fire. Injured citizens lay around you and smoke fills the air. How would you react?:

    Jonathan braces as the sudden impact takes place , as he slowly rises to his feet,with his ears wringing,he stumbles over his wife's mutilated corpse.Horrified,Jonathan franticly spins round to identify the attackers before tending to his wife with a fools hope that she may of survived .As he rises once more,with teary eyes,Splinters of wood cut Jonathan's bare skin as more cannon balls continue to lay seige to the town.Exhausted and frightned,Jonathan flees to his house seeking safe refuge.

    Are you available on Saturday March 3rd 2012 from 4pm – 6pm PST?:Well,in GMT that's 12pm - 2Am so i should hopefully be able to attend if i'm lucky.

    Do you hereby solemnly swear to uphold the rules of this server, as well as the rules of this engagement, to include: No PvP, No OOC chat, No breaking of character, and No lack of awesomeness?:Yep, i certainly do!

  7. MC Name :Sammeister97

    RP Name :Loth_Mannering

    Race :Human

    Previous Experience , If Any:I'm afraid the only experiance i've 'ad on a boat is on the great sail to Asulon - where i manned the sails , but , after a pirate attack i was forced to rest in the medical bay as a result of my injuries!

    Highest Weapon Level ?:I can swing a sword easily ,swiftly making it an almost graceful maneuver.(Level 100)

    What can you bring to the Navy ?:I believe i can bring a strong , eager and fresh pair of hands to the navy.I also believe i can follow authority and commands well without argument.

    Open Ended

    Pirates pull up alongside your ship and fire their cannons at you. You are the First Mate and the Captain is killed by a cannon shot. The Crew is losing morale quickly and it's down to you to save the crew. What do you do ?

    A: Retreat from battle. This would save your crew and gain their respect , but you do not know how the Admiral will feel about this , he may be angry or he may respect your decision.

    The crew's lives are more important to me that the honnour of winning.It would be a waste of fresh , hard working lives and a valuable ship if i were to take the risk or winning but fail and get us all killed.And, if the Admiral were to be angry , i would take the punishment knowing that i saved lives.

    B: Raise the Morale of your crew and attempt to take on the pirates , this risks you and your crews life , but you may be defeated and killed or captured and help for ransom.

    C: Explain your Own Answer Here.

    Your Ship begins to sink and you are Captain , what do you do ?

    A: Order your crew to remain on the ship and attempt to fix it. You may save the ship and her crew , or you may all perish and drown.

    B: Abandon Ship. This will save your crew , but you do not know how others may react.-(for the same reason as number 1!.))

    C: Explain your Own Answer Here.

  8. Game Name: Sammeister97

    How long have you been on the server: about 2 days (if this is a problem i'm willing to wait longer,if it makes you more comfortable)

    Character Name: Lotharious

    Why you want to join the Guardians:The undead burnt my village to ground,i wish to avenge my family as i had to witness them being burnt without mercy.I've wanted revenge ever since,however i need a place to start to get armed and become the great warrior i once was.

    more over i believe joining this guild would make my stay on the server even more fun as it will supply me with more things to do.I'm willing to do general repairs on the base,keep the base in stock of food and do whatever i can to repay you for allowing me to avenge my family.

    thank you for reading.

    Have you committed any crimes:no

    Have you ever fought the Undead: No

    How did you hear of us:looking through the forums for a guild that fits my needs.

    What is your field of profession: warrior

    What weapon do you typically use: sword,but i know when the bow is needed.

    Do you promise to obey our rules: yes

  9. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:


    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    England,GMT +1

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I believe so considering i'm,and always have been,in top english sets n school and im currently three quarters through my first english G.C.S.E and my estimated grade is an A at the moment :D .

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I like to help people and i'm hard to annoy so you won't be getting any raging from me XD.I always love to just relax and play mc and that,i believe,will be even funner while playing on this server :P.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I'll be on every day after school except when im going out with friends or i have an exam on i won't be on as much as i'll be revising ect,so expect to see alot of me :P .

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    About 9 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    I havn't done much roleplay except on a few other,laggy,mc servers and a few less graphicly appetising games such as space station 13 which i had great fun on.

    Thats why when i found this server and looked it up i couldn't wait to get on for a great experiance.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    Fun and a totally new experiance and from what i've seen i can't wait to get on and start my story.however i know it won't be all fine and dandy as i can,and probably will,get killed in the wilds however i'm prepared for that and won't rage/cry.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I've only really played one which i've been dedicated to as their staff were kind and i rised through the ranks there to admin.I won't be leaving them,i'll just be playing this server alot more :) .

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:

    I've read and understood the rules i think they're very fair and as for the lore i think its genious XD .It reminds me of The elder scrolls series in which theres so much background to learn and it's so fascinating.

    -Name the 4 races on this server.


    -How did you hear about us?:

    Minestatus,then i checked out some walkthroughs on youtube by candle (<3) and was so excited i came to apply.

    -Did you vote?:

    On two,for the third i couldn't find the url =[

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    No griefing/destroying the landscape.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    I checked the list so much but i couldn't find one i honestly disliked :3 .

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:


    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:



    At a young age he lived in a village that was constantly under threat from the undead.He learned how to master the art of the sword at 18 years old and started fighting monsters,loot their corpses, and gaining money.

    However one dark day the village was burned to the ground by the undead and he lost everything in the fire except his belongings on him,his sword and a book of various sword fighting manouvers

    knowing he couldn't withstand them he fled to a bigger more secure town but got lost on his way and had substained a gash on his face and fainted in the middle of the wilderness...when he awoke face down in a pool of blood he was as pale as a ghost and had no energy untill,luckily,a traveling merchant picked him up and nursed him back to health.

    Afterwards he swore to get revenge for the village,and his family that were also lost, he decided to try to find the human kingdom and to become a guard to help this city against any that stand against mankind and after he retires to become a traveling merchant,to make a wealthy living,however his hatred for the undead will always remain and also for the ones who support them...

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    average height, brown hair,with a scar on his face from a previous battle

    -Character Personality:

    relitivly calm and helpfull but when angered with someone he'll do everything he can to make their life hell...

    -Your ambitions:

    To get revenge on the undead,and then to become a travelling merchant making friends and mayby even fellow merchants to start up a merchanting buisness with.

    -Can your character read or write?:


    -Can your character mine?:

    yes,but he struggles.

    -Are you a capable builder?


    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes,as mentioned in the bio,he is a master.

    -Enjoy Farming?:


    -Does your character have any special skills?:]

    apart from his mastery of the swords,no.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:

    I hope you accept,thank you for reading and i can't wait to play :) .

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