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Posts posted by WearsomeKarma

  1. My opinion is brief. There is too much going on. The idea getting bigger and bigger only means that the audience it receives grows smaller and smaller. Cognitism is a cool magic, but it doesn't add anything to RP because it is all inside the caster's head. This seems to come into a very similar position. The roleplay is enjoyable only to those who are doing it (based on the complexities of the magic will likely be 3) and other than that it achieves things that can already be achieved through other magic types.


    A new realm/source of magical power is a HUGE shift. Likewise a language just for the sake of it. This is too big and trying to do too many things.


    I did just add today how the Raw Canvas isn't a new realm : P, but yea I do see where you're going with how it is getting really big. It's just that I'm not sure if when it comes to ideas, that people want a lot of in depth lore and details on it or as minimal as possible. I decided to take the safe route and introduce a lot, however, I am open to changing things around. If you have a fair reason for removing something please tell me because I do agree there is too much stuff, but seemingly necessary stuff.


    Also, this magic does have some physical effect outside of the user, with the change of their body and huge cons which make interesting rp, also the whole long distance mental travel is for having good rp with some strange powerful beings from a ghost of a little girl to Iblees himself. Yet truly the whole mental aspect is play dough for the event team.


    OOoo and I left out one thing, you can craft some pretty interesting things with this, like short range walky talkies.



    Than why bother making an entire realm and **** with this? It seems a large waste. Just use the void. The capability is there. Take that one aspect from mental magic/illusion that allows you to affect minds by finding them in the void, and amplify it across a large distance. Idk.


    And don't you think being a squid is a special snowflakiness thing? I think it is. People need to calm down with this hatred towards people who want to be special. 


    Well I don't see how a very physically weak social outcast with a squid head and can't speak any language but a language that is headache inducing to be a, "special snowflake". Its a horrifically immense con, but does create a lot of rp.

  2. So how would this be learned of it were to be accepted?


    Good question, I am going to add a section explaining how right now.


    -edit- added


    So essentially it's a way for people to communicate over large distances without actually moving physically. I don't see how much roleplay this could provide but it seems like a cool idea, but maybe not worth an entirely new plane of existence.


    I will add a section for examples, there is a fair amount.


    -edit- added

  3. What does moving through this quasi realm actually do? All I see is a very confusing mess that leads me to the conclusion of a magic that allows you to go to a realm that makes you into a squid after a while.


    The purpose of moving through the Quasi Realm is solely to explore and talk to other people and beings by going up to them at alittle slower than the speed of light.




    Moving through the Quasi Realm is perfectly harmless, its when the language of Wwrl is spoken or heard by the caster. At this point it will alter the body sub-consciously so it can speak Wwrl in the real world.

  4. Wot.

    Certainly seems well thought out, though I agree that it doesn't seem very lotcesque. What does it have to do with squids? Maybe I missed something, but casual chats with stars and squids seem unrelated.

    Edit: I did find it a little hard to read. I think your formatting derped, the words are all shifty.


    The whole notion that Wwrl sounds like drowning when spoken, and that it is one of the most unnatural phenomenon when heard. I have left some lore out that would've made it more sensible so I will add it in now. Also, when it came to the cons of using this magic I didn't want to go with the cliche cost more magic, or something like that. So I decided to make this magic cause the user to undergo a lich-like appearance except without it being un-holy. The squid-man idea comes from the Lovecraftian mythos (Same mythos that has Cthulu in it).

  5. -1. Really well written, and enjoyable to read. But I don't feel it'd fit into LOTC's universe to create another dimension that isn't needed, why not use some other preexisting out worldly source?


    I too did think the whole new dimension was a little unneeded, but I was afraid it would make one ask, what if a whole army of invisible beings came and attack every living thing in Athera. Also, it wouldn't be very good star magic if one can't reach them, and rocket ships are not fantasy, so I decided to create another dimension to resolve all the issues.

  6. AstronomerWbG.jpg


          For the past few centuries few have study the stars, and none has uncover their mysteries. All observations gave way to total uselessness, a field of study that held no real applications. Little does man know, the stars could very well explain the deepest secrets of the unknown. For now, instead of looking for the answer, one can risk the dangers and go to the stars to ask.


    Enter the Quasi Realm. Walk among the stars.





          I have looked far and wide and saw no lore regarding some elf stuff on the stars. I figured to make use of this, and create a magic revolved on the uses of space that we will find in the future, communication and discovery. In this magic the caster will be able to communicate with other humanoids across great distances in a quick matter. They could even spend a long and dangerous time from their physical body to ask the beings that linger with the stars. These sentient things either know nothing, as much, or unfathomably more than the user, whether or not they wish to share their knowledge or even mentally assault them is a risk the user will take.


    The Lore


          The breath of God within man's shell gave way to man's soul. Though the observant ones would also note that god has breathed out much more air into the world. This air, is not like the normal air one breaths, it is unbounded to the perceptions of up and down ((gravity)) and floats freely in anyway it choices, even through matter. This is called the Raw Canvas, and it is this that the soul of man can sail on away from his body through the Quasi Realm. What is the Quasi Realm you ask? Why it is the space on the Raw Canvas between stars and the invisible objects within, a world overlapping with reality, co-existing.


           Travel, is easy and very fast in the Quasi. The traveler must simply desire to move in a direction, and their speed is not limited to their mortal capabilities but extend to the Quasi Speed ((a little less than the Speed of light, and no, people do not age quickly in the real world. Thx fantasy)). Although what they see is very different... just stars, nothing but the stars and nebulae in the heavens. However the mental clouds of beings and the traveler's own body can only be seen for a few feet (More for stronger casters). Meaning traveling too far might make the traveler forget where they came from, resulting to death from thirst and starvation. There are also some stars which can be seen in the Quasi Realm, and not the real world. These stars are actual beings who rule the Quasi Realm, they are The Great Paragons.


           The Great Paragons are beings rumored to be immortal, and banished into the Quasi Realm with their bodies destroyed in the real world, making them unable to return from where they once came. Some lesser beings reside in this realm forever, possibly meeting the same fate as The Great Paragons, they wander the realms forever conversing with other beings. However some have taken to a purpose more intense than simple talk, but economic trade of secrets, instant travel for pay, and mental wars. One might think that when entering the Quasi they would see a war or hoard of beings, but with the infinite size of the Quasi, meeting another sentient being within a few Quasi Years is called being lucky.


            Traditional common, the language of the five races is not only just gibberish here, but also unspeakable. The thoughts of any language can not leave the being's mind, but there is one that can, and it is not pleasant to the mind. While it does not do any permanent harm to the mental stability of the traveler, it will changer their body in the real world. This language is called Wwrl, and it sounds like drowning in water when spoken. This strange and mind numbing language bares words with strange properties and there are rumored to be some made by The Great Paragons that can, kill, and make memories turn into blurry pictures. These are the Immortal words, only speak-able by the The Great Paragons. However there is one word, that when spoken (all can speak it) will force the speaker to say a numerical value. This word can have words before it to transfer numerical values with others, this is the Quasi currency used between the beings of the realm.


             This language is unspeakable in the real world, unless the traveler's body undergoes the Quasi Effect. A un-charming effect from traveling the Quasi Realm for too long or too often, where the physical body transforms into some sick abomination. Once the transformation is complete the traveler in the real world can speak the language, and use the word's effects on others.


    Raw Wave Principle  


               There is a functionality of the Raw Canvas that gives way to why Wwrl is the only speak-able language, why the caster's body changes, and why two minds in the Quasi Realm and any physical dimension can not interact. This is called the Raw Wave Principle.


               Rules :


                      - The Raw Canvas is a medium for souls to linger in its whole form without it being

                        dispersed for being away from it's body like shell. Think of it as a bubble underwater.


                      - Sounds can only travel through a medium (like air) and the Raw Canvas is seemingly

                        an abstract region of space, where only a certain energy can be traversed know as

                        the Wwrl Energy.


                     - One's soul in the Raw Canvas is Wwrl Energy on a positive level, like the crests of a

                       wave. The Wwrl language however is the through of the wave in the Raw Canvase

                       and when it passes through mortal compensation it can be degrading to their soul.

                       Those who undergo the Quasi Effect are not hindered by this, while those who don't

                       are. (See Mechanics)


                     - While this lore is NOT needed, the Wwrl could be a way of energies to invisibly move

                       through the real world(s) (other physical dimensions). THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL.


    How the Raw Canvas isn't a whole new realm. ***NEW***


               One should not think the Raw Canvas as a whole new realm, but instead a new form of existence without the need of a body. It is literally the breaking of the link between the soul and the mind, and the Raw Canvas is the air God breathed out (not the air mortals breath in) which allow for the mind to "swim" through space. This magic is very strange to mortals, in fact it might be safe to say it could rank up to be the most hated thing by druids. This is because Wwrl literally eats away at the mind for those who are not attuned to hearing it.


               Summary :


               The Raw Canvas is just the air breathed from God during creation that lets mortals travel space with their minds. It is not a new dimension.




              This language can not be comprehended fully, and not at all be spoken by any creature unless that creature goes under the Quasi Effect.


               Wwrl does not have too many words, for beings of the Quasi realm usually use telepathy to speak normally. Wwrl is considered to be the "bodily" actions of beings of the Quasi Realm.


    Rules :


    No vowels.



    Words :


         Currency Word :


              Ylk                           ---  To tell the currency after spoken. *says Ylk*

                                                                       *then forced to say (A number)*

              Glhtt (Name) Ylk     ---   To give currency to someone.



          Normal Words :


               Llnhh                                                 ---   Yes, to agree.

               Nlnhh                                                 ---   No, to disagree.

               Llhgt                                                   ---   Announce being here, urge for a reply of being here.

               Mnnlh                                                 ---   Create a promise, or swear to.

               Wngh                                                 ---   Request mental entry.

               Nnghtn (Mental thoughts)                  ---   To set a condition, set a rule. Followed by mental                                                                                       thoughts.

               Llng(Random gibber with no vowels)---   Nonsense. (Used for attacking)


               ((List will grow in the future.))


    Mechanics. How everything works.


            -  To enter the Quasi the caster must connect to the void, then form a connection to the

               Quasi Realm (same way to connection to the void, but the caster must focus on the stars).

               The user must then focus on moving the "air" of their soul to the Quasi Realm.

               This is essentially two links at once until the mind is moved over, so no switching focus

               to cast other magic can be done without losing the entire process of entering the Quasi



                     - While focusing on moving to the Quasi Realm, if the user loses their 

                       focus they will die or undergo horrific mental damages.

                       This is because when the soul is being moved

                       it is like water in a water balloon. When the water is together, the caster

    ​                   is sentient, but once dispersed the creature will lose it's consciousness

                       and will make the user brain dead. When the mind is not fully outside

                       of the body when the caster loses concentration the soul will be split.


                               - If this occurs right when the mind is being moved, some of the soul will

                                  be lost, and all recent memories will be forgotten, and will make the

                                  caster fall unconscious instantly.


                               - If this occurs half way, the user will lose all recent memories, and all memory

                                up to half of their early life. (So 50 year old loses memory of being 25 and            

                                younger) They will also undergo the after effects of a stroke.


                               - If this occurs more than half way the user will be instantly killed.


                                      - All effects can be restored if they visit a monk. They are essentially being



            -  Mental magic can be used to it's full ability in the Quasi Realm, but only to those in the

               Quasi Realm.


            -  Other people CAN NOT be put into the Quasi Realm. Even willingly.


            -  Wwrl can not be understood by mortals nor spoken by them unless they go under the

               Quasi Effect. Although, those who don't will still be negatively effect by hearing the      



                       - Hearing the words for the first few seconds will cause head aches, and then quickly

                         Grow into painfully head aches. After a few minutes it will become into extremely

                         painful headaches with painful ringing in the ears. After a few more minutes

                         listeners who have not under gone the Quasi Effect will have the uncontrollable

                         urge to vomit and notice a great decline in strength. After about 10 minutes listeners

                         will probably pass out.


            - Speaking in the Quasi Realm and using mental magic is limited in range to how far

              they see.


            -  Traveling too far without a good grasp on astronomy to navigate the Quasi Realm can

               cause the traveler to starve to death. Also note, the user can die in the real world.


                       - Also, the user does not have to collapse when connecting to the Quasi Realm, their

                         body's muscles can stay contracted to keep them standing.


            - Items :


                      - Most likely the most interesting thing about Quasi Magic is the items. The following

                        can be made : 


                               - Item of Broadcasting :


                                         - Send messages through the Quasi Realm at a range of how far the crafter

                                            of the item could see. Messages are sent out mentally.


    ​                           - Circlet of receiving :


                                         - This object can pick up any thoughts within the Quasi Realm as far as

                                            the crafter can see within the Quasi Realm.


                                        -  While this sound can be overwhelmed and ignored with the presence of

                                           thoughts, the wearer will always hear a slight buzzing sound ((static)).

                                           This phenomenon is great mystery.



    Diagrams of the Mechanics. 



    How to connect to the Quasi Realm.




    How Wwrl works :




    Roleplay Section      ***NEW***



    Roleplay provided from Quasi Magic




    Beings, is a very broad word. So when you hear "beings" or "being" while reading this, it could mean a huge spectrum of things. Such as, Daemons, Aenguls, or straight out outer-worldly beings. However one can not tell (unless they use mental magic) what that being is, so then cultists and clerics (who have arcane friends) can speak to their worshiped beings, or celestial friends.



    Most people would like to kill weird squid-men-things. Especially if they start talking and give them headaches, but maybe not if the squid thing makes them cool stuff.



    Travel the cosmos together with others.



    Brag that you talk to outer worldly things, and maybe get beat up for being a show-off or killed for being a heretic.






    The biggest one, cool lore for the stars.



    Roleplay Examples



    Timmy : "I wonder if Margret is alright."


    Quasiman : "Don't worry, I will ask her tonight."


    [Later that day.]


    Quasiman : *Quasiman sits down in his chair and closes his eyes, a blue circle forms around his left eye as he connects to the void.*


    [Wait a little bit]

    If your in a group that is rping, wait like 2-3 emotes at least.


    Quasiman : /persona prefix QuasiRealm


    Quasiman : *Quasiman's body turns limp, the blue circle dissipates, he is still breathing but behaves as if he is dead.*


    xXxMARGYxXx is Margret


    Quasiman : /pm xXxMARGYxXx ((Are you in the Quasi Realm and within 180 ft from XYZ location?))


    Margret : /r ((yes))


    Quasiman : /r *From the eternal gloomy darkness that is the Quasi Realm a blue cloud, the size of a head comes to view.*


    Margret : /r *The blue cloud you have found ((I)) emits a Wwrl signal* "Wngh."


    Quasiman : /r *The blue circle in front of you replies* "Llnhh." ((Mental barrier down))


    Margret : /r *You feel a presence enter your mind.* "Is this, Quasiman?"


    Quasiman : /r "Yes, it is Margret. Timmy wants to know if you're alright."


    Margret : /r "Yes I am-OUCH"


    Quasiman : /r "Whats wrong?"


    Margret : /r "Something is hurting me I got to go." *The presence leaves your mind*


    Margret : /r *The blue cloud moves away about ten feet before disappearing in thin air.*


    Quasiman : /r *waits for it's return.*


    [A bit of time goes by.]


    Margret : /r *A blue cloud returns from where the old one left. A presence enters your mind.*


    Margret : /r  "Sorry Michael was pinching me for something stupid."


    Quasiman : "Okay, well now that I know your okay, I best be off before something comes here."


    Quasiman : *The blue cloud in front of you turns and looks around in the stars before heading off in a direction out of your viewing range.*


    [Wait a little bit of time]


    Quasiman : *Quasiman's body tenses up and takes a huge gasp as the eyes open, it seems Quasiman has returned to "life".*



    How to learn Quasi Magic ***NEW***



          I have decided to make this magic locked because I believe that the ability to be able to converse with spirits, ghosts, undead, and unknown sentient beings (who could be daemons, angelus or who knows what.) should be held solely to those who really roleplay the path needed to take it. That path being a teacher or any other sentient being that can spend their worthy time to teach someone of such low worth. This magic is impossible to start alone, very hard to learn alone, and impossible to master alone. This is because the caster must learn Wwrl (exclusive language only to those who under go the Quasi Effect) and strength their abilities by staying in the Quasi Realm for a very long period of time.


           Yes this new magic will require an event for the five races to uncover Quasi Magic. Where as the character Taelen'onn uncovers it by meeting an intelligent non-humanoid being. (Taelen'onn is a character of mine, and therefore since I made this magic I'd be the best one to teach it first to others.)






                 - Tier 1 :


                            At this tier the caster can find the Quasi Realm through the void enter it. They can                         only see up to 15 feet, they can not learn any Wwrl yet.


                 - Tier 2 :


                           At this tier the caster can see up to 30 feet, and can start learning Wwrl if they

                           chose to under go the Quasi Effect. View Quasi Effect Tier.


                 - Tier 3 :


                          At this tier the caster can see up to 60 feet, and can start learning Wwrl if they 

                          chose to under go the Quasi Effect. View Quasi Effect Tier. This is the last Tier

                          they can advance before they have to under go the Quasi Effect.


                 - Tier 4 :


                          At this tier the caster can see up to 180 feet, and HAS to under go the Quasi Effect

                          they can start learning Wwrl. They can spend their mana pool to warp through the

                          Quasi up to 5 Quasi Years.


                 - Tier 5 :


                         At this tier the caster can see up to 500 feet, their Quasi Effect is finished and they

                         are fluent in Wwrl. They can also use their mana pool to warp through the Quasi.

                         Anything over ten Quasi Years will put the mind unconscious.





    Quasi Effect Tiers :***NEW***


                 - Tier 1 (Skip if starting at tier 4.):


                         The skin will start to turn grayish and hair will start to thin out from intense

                         shedding. Muscle will start to be replaced with fat, however the caster will not

                         become a tubby. The user will start to studder their speech. However all verbal effects can be ignored to beings that have no physical body, don't use their body to speak, or have some approved ability to not be effected by it (Ex : Angelus or Daemons don't need to be effected negativity.)


                 - Tier 2 :


                         The skin will turn grey, squishy, and moist (like a squid's) and bumps will form

                          around the caster's mouth, the mouth will also start to pull back more to reveal

                          their lack of teeth due to it falling out. A small beak from where the teeth once

                          was will start to form. All the hair will fall off from the head and the eyes will turn

                          into a grey color. The user will not be able to say; "s", "o", "u", "a", it will come out

                         as; "nn", "wwh", "wh", "nh" respectively.


                 - Tier 3 :


                         The transformation is completed, the bumps will form into long tentacles that can

                          lift light objects, and the beak will be formed, the upper and lower lips will fuse into

                          one big squishy ring covering the beak. The caster will be unable to speak anything

                          but Wwrl, they can think in their home language though if they mentally talk to

                          others often, however.



    Final Notes :


    I would say that the Quasi Lore is pretty nice, but could use some work. I am open for criticism, the goal is to make stars magically useful.


    I am alright with completely rewriting the entire lore for this, or even starting something completely new, I just desire there to be lore for the stars.


    Old versions :


    These might hold unimplemented lore\ideas that I decided not to add, if you feel like it should have please tell me.




    Edit Log :


    10/5/14 -


    Fixed some colors.

    Added old versions section.

    fixed a name in the credits.

    updated Final Notes section.

    Added "Raw Wave Principle" section.

    Added Diagrams for mechanics.

    Added roleplay section.


    10/11/14 -


    Improved lore on Quasi Effect.

    Changed method of learning.Quasi Magic.


    10/15/14 -


    How the Raw Canvas isn't a whole new realm.


    Credits :


    These kind souls helped me with making the lore :




    The Harbinger (Achye)



    And anyone who posts in this thread! Seriously even if it's off topic it gives me inspiration!

  7. Name: 

    Axrel Sayvon

    Race and Sub race: 

    Wood Elf

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: Aye
    Are you a citizen of Oren: Nae
    Military Experience(None Needed): None, prefer to be an undercover intel gather for the Decterum to inform them of enemy intentions than a soldier.


    ~ OOC ~

    MC Name: 

    What is your Skype (If you don't have one, are you able to make one?): 

    Do you have TeamSpeak (Required for battles/events): 

    Will you be able to make this your main character:


  8. I'd like to have a drawing of my character please.

    Everyone on my skype who plays lotc has fan art and I'm really jelly.


    -My character is Nuzk'ponral he is a magic user.

    -His robes are dark grey with white grey lines looking like branches.

    -His hair is messy.

    -No facial hair.

    -Really intense light blue eyes.

    -In the drawing please make him lean/sit/stand near a metallic tree of ebony.




    The -1 is gone sadly.

    Anyway, it's definitely possible to add claws, appendages or the like through alchemy, but unfortunately, very few characters ICly have knowledge on how to make chimeras, and there is a chance that your character will die in the process of creation.

    You simply need to find an animal, find an alchemist that knows how to do it, and fuse it together with yourself.


    Thank you. Someone finally helped.

  10. No offence guys but I asked for help if I could do it or not and if not can I make lore for it.


    A "no" doesn't justify.

    Please help me not try to look cool. Where is the -1 button.

  11. I heard that monks can create entire new bodies for people.


    This I can't prove true but, I wanted to ask is there a way for me to do this and how :


    I want to change my body to have features of animals, so clawed hands and falcon feet with a squid head.

    Yes I want to be a cthulu thing but not as big.


    Is this possible? If not I could make lore for it right?

    I am not asking if monks can do this I am asking if >> I << can do this.

    For example, what steps can I take for magic schools or alchemy.


    Resolved. Thank you Kalifa.

    I hope her post teaches a good lesson on how to help people.

    "no" gets everyone no where.

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