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Coal VIP
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Everything posted by super_sam291

  1. All the truces are failing this is what the undead want, if the races start fighting eachother then the undead will just kill whos left.
  2. I did send a message to TheGiver17 explaining why i could not attend the meeting
  3. My chest has been taken out of the Initiate bunk room, and my name has been taken of the list of Initiate's I don't know if this is a accident or on purpose, but could somebody please tell me why this has happened? Could i also have the items back that were in my chest please Warden_I_Galdor
  4. minecraft name: super_sam291 RP Name: galdor_trian Your time Zone: (GMT + 1:00) Sword skill level:7 Archery skill level:0 Why do you want to join? I currently have no job or no home and have been like that for a while, becomeing a warden would give me a temporarry place to stay and a decent job to get me food. I also would like to join because my parents were murdered by undead, even tho i will not fight them face to face i can still be able to help other people fight them by providing them with the resources that they need. Which Guard you will want to be in: Dark Wood Collection Link to server application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/14547-super-sam291s-application04/page__p__63206__fromsearch__1#entry63206
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