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Posts posted by Dasaro

  1. ==This Role Play Post is for House Vallark Members ONLY!==

    *A light gray carrier pigeon swoops through the air, landing in the hands of Aerios the Great. Aerios plucks a rolled letter out of the pigeons claws and starts to read aloud,*

    "Our Grace,

    We have built a Guild Hall ((This Forum Post)) for our members to discuss important matters, plan, and to do train as well as many other things ((Roleplaying!)) We hope you enjoy your grace, as we have worked day and night to achieve such a goal.

    Please meet us here soon.

    Thank you,

    ~The Recruits"

  2. +-OOC-+

    MC Name:



    ((Same as you Dez :3))

    Eastern Standard Time

    Skill Levels:

    Lumberjacking: 19

    Swordsmanship: 40

    Mining: 43

    Excavation: 40

    Archery: 40

    Blacksmithing: 20

    Link to a VA? If applicable:

    Don't have one yet, soon will.




    Simple but Sweet Biography:

    Dasaro didn't have a purpose in life, except mercenary work until he found the House Vallark. He trains daily for the great Aerios Vallark.

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards:

    Swordsmanship, Mining, Archery, Excavation.

    Past jobs and/or experiences:

    Aitalas- Scribe for King Dezios the Great, Aaron- Scribe for King Renati I.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman:

    Dasaro did not have a purpose until joing Vallark Bannerman.

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here):

    I, Dasaro, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

  3. What kind of builds do you enjoy doing the most?

    I really enjoy nature builds, castles, nether-related builds, etc. I pretty much enjoy building anything and everything as long as it does not involve redstone! I am an absolute newbie when it comes to redstone.

    Provide an example of a mine-craft build that looks "Aged" or "ruined" that YOU have built.

    It's not much, but I built all of this and more (it's all on my grandma's computer, so I don't have many screenies) on a single map for one of my event proposals "A Deadman's Tomb." All of this is a crypt, I also built a ruined library by the crypt, etc. etc.




    Please provide any other projects you've done or inspirational screenshots of things you're capable of creating. If you have a save file, please provide atleast one screenshot of the build aswell.

    All screenshots of this one are on Planet Minecraft- Click Here. I have updated this map but not the screenshots yet, but it's still good. I built this before Creative Mode was established only with Too many items, so it was a real pain to take apart mistakes. It took me a long time to build, but it was all worth while in the end. Enjoy!

    What makes your building style unique?

    My building style is unique because I always use lighting to emphasize my building. For example: In the Deadman's Tomb, I lit the under belly (or the actual crypt) with only redstone torches, to give it that erie feeling. I also use certain types of materials to make the scene happy or sad, dark or evil, etc. In my treehouse, I lit the place up with glowstone, but I also used materials like certain colored wool inside, so you see that inside, the scene is a comforting scene. I have built a haunted house during Halloween (also at my grandmothers, don't have screenies for that), that I used lighting, certain materials etc. to make the place erie and scary.


    ~Benjamin Tantalus

  4. Now that you know the benefits involved with being a Loremaster, you are probably wondering what it takes to be qualified for it. Well, to be an LM...

    • You MUST know the server’s lore like the back of your hand, you will be tested and quizzed on the material.
    • You need great writing skills; I’ll expand on this a bit more down bellow.
    • You have to have time to dedicate to your job, minimum of 1-2 hours online everyday, unless you tell us you’ll be absent ahead of time.

    Do you have to be a VIP member or a GM? That was one of my problems last time, because I am a great writer and I think I would be really good for this position.

    **Sorry for double post, don't know how it happened. So sorry!

  5. Now that you know the benefits involved with being a Loremaster, you are probably wondering what it takes to be qualified for it. Well, to be an LM...

    • You MUST know the server’s lore like the back of your hand, you will be tested and quizzed on the material.
    • You need great writing skills; I’ll expand on this a bit more down bellow.
    • You have to have time to dedicate to your job, minimum of 1-2 hours online everyday, unless you tell us you’ll be absent ahead of time.

    Do you have to be a VIP member or a GM? That was one of my problems last time, because I am a great writer and I think I would be really good for this position.

  6. *Looks at the Duke, standing before him, thinking of a proper response.*

    "I am Ambrose Tantalus, I come from the far away land of Akricio. I have come to tell you something... something about a scroll I had found in the Cloud Temple's library. It's speaks of a town called 'Norjun'. It says... something on the lines of...


    "In the morning a great dawn, but when the traitor speaks, his blade will be drawn. A decision made by one, will lead to the occurrence of the setting sun. A darkness will rise, to black out the skies. Norjun at risk of being overwhelmed, the hero of legend, will have to put on his helm. A battle will commence, between darkness and light, a hero of whims, must take flight. If Norjun does fall, the darkness will not stall. It will stretch through the lands of Asulon and dominate us all."

    "If this is true... we must act upon it now. I come to you now to offer you assistance if this problem ever arises. What I question about... is whom is this hero, and what of the darkness... and a traitor in our midst? If this is true, we'll just have to see... and pray that Norjun, does not fall."

  7. Hooded_Man_I_by_angelxcross.jpg

    ((Ignore the blade and shivs, this is just a concept art, and he will have a blade in battle. He is not an assassin!))


    It was raining out that night... the sky was pitch black, and the moon was covered with dark storm clouds. The guards were standing watch on the Norjun gates. A flash of lighting and a crack of thunder filled the night air. One of the guards looked in the distance, the sight of a black figure running past, illuminated by the lightning, caught the guard's eye in the distance.

    The guard ran up the stone steps leading to the archer's tower, the wooden hilt of his bow in his hands, and a quiver of arrows on his back. As the guard arrived at the archer's tower, another bolt of lightning struck feet away from him. The guards hair stood up and beads of sweat poured down his head, fear overwhelming him.

    The lightning isn't what scared him though... what scared him, was that the black figure... was right in front of his face. The black figure turned out to be a man, but men can be just as dangerous as monsters, the guard was on high alert, his bow and arrow aimed at the man's face, just in case the man attempted to make a move.

    The man had a gray hood on and was kneeling on one of the stone blocks of the wall of the archer's tower. The man was looking down, but the guard could see that the man had a straight face.

    The man finally moved his arm upwards, the guard about to release his arrow, but all the man was doing was pulling down his hood. As the hood went down to the man's shoulders, long shaggy brown hair, popped out, finally free from the containment of the hood. The man looked up as the guard, the man's diamond-like blue eyes showing through the darkness. The man nodded at the guard and smiled.

    "Hi there..." The man spoke, his deep voice cut through the air.

    "How did you do that sir? I mean... how did you get over the tower?" The guard seemed puzzled, but his voice was in awe.

    "Practice. And by practice I mean knowing how to use your environment since you were a boy. My father was an elf, but my mums was a human... my mum died in a fire started by the crazed king of Akricio, the little village we live in. My dad slit the kings throat in revenge, but all of the kings knights came after my father. I remember my father carrying me, I was about... ten elven years old back then. The only thing I remember after that was that my father and I were always on the run. My father being a very agile elf, always used nature around him to his advantage. He taught me to scale trees and to jump branches... and just... climb. That's how we survived all those years that the kings men were seeking us. Years had passed and I was about... 14. We reached the border of another island I do not know the name of... and the kings men were hot on our tails, merely only 500 paces behind us. My father and I knew we could never make it through the ocean if we swam. My father nodded at me... and told me that "My time had come, to show my teachings. But his time had expired, and it was time to let my father... and my teacher go." I knew what he had meant by that... he was going to stall the king's men and sacrifice himself for me. He walked the opposite way of the ocean, towards the kings men, to give me time to scan my surroundings. I quickly saw a bit of wood floating on the ocean's blue waters, and decided I must take that opportunity, that the Gods had given me a chance. I swam out to the large plank and crawled on, I was very skinny at the time, so the wood held me up, a wave came in, and it drifted me out.

    I eventually arrived here... and here I am today. But why am I really here you ask? I am here, to speak to a man... by the name of Aerios. I have... very important business to attend to, and I must speak with him now! A monk at the Cloud Temple by the name of Aaron told me I could find him here. Now... where is he?"

    The guard looks awe struck, the man obviously having something important for Aerios. The guard lowers his bow and finally turns, to lead the man to Aerios.

  8. Blackwidow920/Aaron Epifanio's Monk Application-

    Monk's name?- Aaron Epifanio

    Their personality?- Aaron is light hearted and very calm person, even in the worst of times. He is always trying to help with any problem, ranging from helping plague victims, to new comers. The only time he gets angered is when people are fighting on the grounds on the Cloud Temple, because to him, it is the most sacred and peaceful land someone can come by.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?: The Celestial Trumvite's were Lord Tariel, the prince of stars, whose trim is blue, and is represented by Lapis Luzili.

    There is also Lady Relliana, Queen of the Moon, whose trim is light blue, and is represented by diamond.

    Last but certainly not least, is Lord Keldrith, King of the Sun! His trim is gold, and he is represented, by gold.

    A lost traveler comes to the sanctuary and asks,

    "Monk, where am I? and how might I find my way?"

    I look into the weary eyes of the lost traveler and I smile, remembering a time when I was but a lost boy. I finally say, "You are in the Cloud Sanctuary. Welcome! From your appearance, you are a Human, so I suggest ye go down the Human road, which has the blue tint to it. I must warn 'ye though, there's a bad plague going around, so be cautious of any coughing people.... Before ye go, I will supply you with food and supplies to get you going. Have a nice day in Asulon!"

    I gleam my white teeth, as I watch the boy, human scurry down the pathway, with a backpack full of bread and other supplies.

    Skin: ((I have uploaded two skins, one for the plague event with a mask on, and one without the plague event and normal. This skin will get gray hair as times go on and as he ages.))

    To see the skins bigger, click here on the Planet Minecraft links.

    Plague Monk>>> http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/plague-monk-skin-lotc/

    Regular Monk>>> http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lord-of-the-craft-monk-skin/



  9. Recently King Renati I of Seventis fell dead from the plague.

    ((Since I don't know about this yet, since I am going to be off traveling looking for the journal, I have an idea. After we find the graveyard, you're dad and my dad's grave and Gwonams grave is going to be in there, due to all the members were in the group "The Old Hero of the West." We'll bury your body once we find the corpse in the heroes graveyard after we clear it out and refurbish it. Thanks man, ~Aaron. P.S. Read my event post about it :D http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/53444-a-deadmans-tomb/#entry410713)).

  10. Event Planners, MC Names: Dez1320, Blackwidow920 (myself), Symodimi12, (more to come.)

    Event Type: An exciting adventure for my character, whom is looking for his father's journal from Aegis, that was buried with him in his crypt. Simidimi assists the character, along with an excavator to the quest for the tomb.

    Event Date: May 8, 2012, Tues. 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time.

    Factions/Nations effected by the event: It is connected to the plague in Seventis going on, due to Aaron going to find the journal on the day the first case of the plague started. Aaron and his companions will be unaffected by the event, until they return to Sarun after finding the journal, and seeing many corpses, and the worst being King Renati's corpse, lying on the ground. The companions can either save the nation, or leave it, in fear. (Renati and I have talked about this IRL and have decided that this will be linked.)

    Event Location: Don't know where exactly, but if the graveyard could be in the middle of a semi-circle mountain, that'd be great (just need perms for the graveyard building. I don't necessarily need the mountains, just that would be very nice.)

    Summary: A month before the arrival to Asulon, Aitalas Epifanio's wife, Serenya, had a child, whom they named Aaron. Serenya died during child-birth, and Aitalas died soon after, due to heart-break, leaving the baby in the hands of Mr. Simidimi. When the child grew old, Simidimi gave him a note from Aitalas, before he had died.

    The note read, "My son, the darkness will grow in your life, but the sun shalt shine soon after. My journal holds secrets, that only you may hold. You will know what they mean... you will know, in your heart."

    The note had held some clues to the location of the journal. The first clue being a marking at the top right corner of the note. Aaron studied the marking for ages and soon found that it was the marking of a ship that had sunk near the border of Asulon. Aaron traveled to the boat and found a map. The map led to more clues, but the trail stopped cold after Aaron found a sword with etchings carved into the side.

    Aaron was determined to find his fathers journal, but years had passed, and Aaron's attempts to find the journal grew effortless. There wasn't anything to find about the etchings... until one day, when Aaron was talking with a monk at the Cloud Temples steps. Aaron showed the monk the etchings, and the monk's eyes widened. The monk soon led Aaron into the Temple, and pulled a lever near a wall, the wall opened into a wide hallway. The monk led Aaron into an extravagant library, where the monk scanned the shelves with his eyes, eventually pulling out a very dusty book. The book said something about "The Old Heroes of the West." The book told of The Old Heroes, being a secret organization, located underneath the city of Norjun in Asulon. The members of The Old Heroes were, Claudius, Gwonam, Dezios, Simidimi... and Aitalas himself! Aaron recognized most of the name, Dezios was Renati's father, Gwonam and Claudius were a couple of his best friends, and Simidimi was his God Father!

    The monk allowed Aaron to keep the book, Aaron finding out how the Old Heroes would use the symbols to tell of a time of trouble. The last time that The Old Heroes used the symbols was when Norjun collapsed to the minions of Iblees. He also learned that The Old Heroes consisted of over 25 members.

    Aaron studied the journal and as he reached the end, the back page that was connected to the back cover fell off, reveling a sort of... secret hole in the thick cover. Aaron took off the patch of leather covering the hole, finding a map of a graveyard with mountains hiding it, a silver key with the symbols etched into it, a dagger with the same symbols, and a small piece of paper at the bottom. The note was from Dezios, Renati's father.

    The note said, "Look towards the mountains, they may not look like much, but they can hold many secrets. Look towards the sun, it may not look like much but a ball of flame, but it can hold the biggest blessing one can ask for, life. Look towards the crypt, it may look peaceful... but where the dead rests, it is the most dangerous place. Look in the crypt, darkness seems to flow through it, cutting off, the blessing of the sun."

    From that moment on, Aaron knew where he had to look. He told Simidimi about the graveyard for his organization, and Simidimi nodded, telling Aaron he would come with him. Thus their adventure began.

    Concept Images/Screenshots:




    Other info: This will be linked to the plague in Seventis, We'll travel back after finding the journal, and we'll be stunned and will eventually have to make the choice to save the nation, or flee in fear. A couple of us may die in the process of retrieving the journal due to monsters, it is highly suggested if you die from monster to either perma-death your character, or just travel back to the crypt.

  11. It has been far to long since I have seen someone RP a good old fashioned cold and flu.

    My suggestion is a new RP event, Outbreak. One person selected in secret by the GM's or Asulon Council will be the start of it. It would need to be carefully planned so this person can direct people on the forum where to go for details about how to act out the timeline and symptoms.

    ((Dez1320/Renati and I have been talking irl about an event like the Black Plague, and I wanted that to be linked to my event, where I'd go on a journey to the old lands to find my fathers journal, and come back to find everyone... well dead. If you'd like to partner up with us for it, that'd be awesome! Thanks.))

  12. ((Lol sorry Symodimi* :P I'll correct that real quick.))"Thank you Symodimi... It means a lot to me. We'll be leaving in one elven week, due to problems with our travel, and the camel bandits outside the town. We'll be leavin' soon, thank ye all." ((Stay tuned for more info, we'll be going Friday 11, 2012. 6:30 Eastern Standard Time/5:30 Central Time.))

  13. If you need an excavator I have one in my service that I could send with you. What sort of work did your father do?

    Oh thank ye, yes that would help much! My father was a scribe, as I am. He was also, coincidentally, the scribe for King Dezios, Renati's father. If ye could get the excavator, that'd be great.

  14. "Hello Sarun... I'll be gone for a bit. I am off to find the last resting place of my father, Aitalas Epifanio. It's been a big thought to me about all of this lately, how I came to be... what my father was like. The only thing I have from him today is a letter from him before he died that Mr. Symodimi gave me when I was a boy. The letters tells me that my father loves me and hints about my past. I will be back soon, it'll be a dangerous and long adventure. I am going to find his journal, to learn more about him. I just want you to all know... I may or may not come back. There are many threats in this world... especially in the places where the dead rest. Thank you all... if anyone would like to join me, that would be gladly appreciated. I will start my journey in a elven week, to allow myself to pack up, make sure everything is fit in the college... I will be back... I hope." ((I have put it in event proposal, please look at it! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/53444-a-deadmans-tomb/#entry410713)) old-journal.jpg

  15. *Walks home from a long night of travel looking for Aitalas' journal and grave. Almost back to Sarun, I notice a galloping sound coming from behind and the sound of a blade unsheathing. I turn and look behind me only to see the bandits.

    "Er... hello sirs." I say to them, they remain silent. I see one of their blades, glinting in the sunlight, so I unsheath my iron blade.

    I look into the glaring, piercing eyes and I glared back. I knew I was about to be pulled into a battle soon. I hear a shuffle behind me and see Simidimi, Amaroth, and many others behind me, all with their blades unsheathed also, ready to fight.

    "History repeats itself and a bandits head will rest on a stake by the end of the day." I say under my breath.

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