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Posts posted by Dasaro

  1. *Walks home from a long night of travel looking for Aitalas' journal and grave. Almost back to Sarun, I notice a galloping sound coming from behind and the sound of a blade unsheathing. I turn and look behind me only to see the bandits.

    "Er... hello sirs." I say to them, they remain silent. I see one of their blades, glinting in the sunlight, so I unsheath my iron blade.

    I look into the glaring, piercing eyes and I glared back. I knew I was about to be pulled into a battle soon. I hear a shuffle behind me and see Simidimi, Amaroth, and many others behind me, all with their blades unsheathed also, ready to fight.

    "History repeats itself and a bandits head will rest on a stake by the end of the day." I say under my breath.

  2. Congratulations, you have been accepted! I am looking forward to seeing you as a teacher! I will talk to you soon about your payment. Thank you!

    Minecraft Name:covcath

    Roleplay Name: Amroth Elensar

    What Form of Scholar Can You Be? (Mage, Scribe, Languages, etc.): Combat

    What Past Experience Have You Had With This Topic? (levels in skills, etc.): Amroth was the personal guard for High Princess Indelwehn, back in Laurelin. He was also made the head of the Elven Military in Aegis. He was one of the chosen champions to fight in the nether and one of the luck to come out of it. He was made the head of the Sorani when Elandriel was around. He then was made a Marshal in the new Malinor Military, and is now a Marshal in the Crimson Blades and a soldier in the Seventis army.

    What Would Make You a Good Addition to the Teachers?: He is a respectable, polite person, who is very humble and is willing to help anyone.

    Why Do You Want to Become a Scholar?: He feels that he should pass on his knowledge to others, who desire to learn.

    Open-Response Questions:

    1) A student is not doing his job in class and you need to talk to him/her. What do you say to him/her?: First, Amroth will comend then and let them know that it makes him happy to see them prosper in his class. Then, he would go on to say what he needs to say with respect.

    2) You are walking home from your job and you see a student who has mistreated his/her teachings, and has harmed themselves. What do you do?: Amroth will help the student in anyway he can, but during the next class he would use the experiance as a lesson so others wont make the same mistake. If the incodent happens more than once then there would be a punishment.

    3) You are taking your students on a traveling study, but at night, you notice you camp is going to be seized by monsters. What do you do?: Since it is a combat class, he would turn the situation into a lesson. He would direct the students on who to properly get rid of the monsters.

  3. This is quite interesting, but where exactly are you putting the campus?

    Renati said he would keep a space open (if he didn't I'm beating him irl... :P). And to... the girl on the left question, we will be having uniforms, I will pass them out as you join the school.

  4. *waves her hand in the air for attention

    Seems like quite a lot you're taking on. You've told us *gestures to the crowd* nothing about our chances in Asulon after we have paid ye 350 minas and learned ye skills. Perhaps you should specialize in one particular field. We at ArmaLuna are constructing Asulon's Academy of Bards and Minstrels to be released in a years' time. If we are successful and gain a following I would love to collaborate and send our teachers to you or even our students for exchange.

    *crosses her arms and awaits for a reply

    *thinks for a moment...* Hmmm... Yes! T'is an extraordinary idea, I will look into one field... it would most likely be in the "Scribe" field, since I am a scribe myself. The classes for the scribe school will be new languages, etc. and the books that some of our students shalt write, will be put into the Scribe library. Sorry for the confusion so far, I am putting the Scribe College of Sarun description, etc. into the Guilds section.

    Thank ye all.

  5. *pulls out a feather quill and starts writing some history about this incident, hands to King Renati and then turns and walks into the middle of the camp. I then shout very loudly,*

    "King Renati is a fanastic king. In fact he is one of my best and most honorable friends. If Casmir if too dumb witted to see that he is an honorable and legendary man... Hail Renati, Hail Seventis, Hail Sarun!"

  6. "Will ALL the languages be taught? Or just the common tongue."

    *Stands back up and thinks about the question for a moment and clears throat,*

    "I will have to find teachers, but yes if we can find teachers we will have different languages and the common tongue classes. I will have to think of admition prices for each of the language classes, but yes we will if we can find teachers."

    *Looks to Amroth and thinks about his question, "I believe that there should also be some sort of fight school, where young men and women can go to learn to wield a weapon. I could help you, as I am a master with a sword and experienced with a bow."

    "Hmmm... Yes I was thinking of an area for warriors also. Once we have the college built, I will be posting applications for teachers and students, so I would gladly think about you as a teacher of the warrior classes!"

    "Do we want this to be a centre for simple minded convat arts or literature, science, and ingenuity? And maybe we can have a tactical class, but learning how to swing a axe is not something that you can't be taught in the matter of days."

    "Yes, I would enjoy for this to become the centre college in all of Asulon! T'would be amazing infact, but even if we do not succeed in making the centre college of Asulon, I am sure it would be the centra of information for Seventians and all of our companions. As for the tactical class, we will be including that in the new "warrior" class that Amroth mentioned for us all. We will be having archery practice classes also."

  7. "Hail everyone, the teacher application has been posted! The student applications will be posted soon, when the college is built. Teachers will be getting payed 450 minas a week

    (payment may go + of - due to how much college activity with the student payments.)

    Students will be needed to pay 300 minas per class you choose, or if you want a dormatory and food coverage, it will cost 250+350 per class,

    (again may go up or down due to college activity.)

    The applications for the teachers and students are below. Post them below and I will choose if they are accepted... or denied. I will also be moving these forms to the Guild section as well. Thank you." *Steps off of podeum and nails the forms up to the bulletin board.*

    Teacher Applications

    General Questions:

    Minecraft Name:

    Roleplay Name:

    What Form of Scholar Can You Be? (Mage, Scribe, Languages, etc.):

    What Past Experience Have You Had With This Topic? (levels in skills, etc.):

    What Would Make You a Good Addition to the Teachers?:

    Why Do You Want to Become a Scholar?

    Open-Response Questions:

    1) A student is not doing his job in class and you need to talk to him/her. What do you say to him/her?:

    2) You are walking home from your job and you see a student who has mistreated his/her teachings, and has harmed themselves. What do you do?

    3) You are taking your students on a traveling study, but at night, you notice you camp is going to be seized by monsters. What do you do?

  8. Congrats Dez for getting nation! I will be up soon and was wondering if we could build, "The College of Sarun" which I would be headmaster?

    "Also Ursolon, I have a house reimbursement form for ye!" *Scuffles through bag and eventually brings out a sheet of paper, giving it to Urs.

    MC Name: Blackwidow920

    RP Name: Aaron Epifanio

    Original cost of house owned: 500 minas, plus taxes- 600 minas.

    Settlement of previous property: Fairfield Village

    How active are you in Seventis?: I am VERY active! (I know Dez irl :P), I am royal scribe of Renati, so I spend a great deal of time in Seventis.

    What role do you hope to play in the new nation?: I hope to be the headmaster of "The College of Sarun," which I hope it will teach people the art of being a scribe, a bard, mage, and warrior studies; it will also have a study room, a music room, and a practice arena outside for the trainee warriors and mages. I also hope to open a library (possibly inside the college) where all of my books for Renati will be inside; and much more books.

    *I will be putting up an application form for both students and teachers for the College soon, after it is built.

  9. *Using the agile moves that Jester has trained me to do, I leap the rooves of Ascella and look down upon the Crimson Blades guild hall, watching the funeral and Sorrok being confirmed as Champion. I smirk and stand up, showing myself to all the guild members who are left. I shout,*

    "Crimson Blades... I am sorrowful for the tragic events that have happened here; with these two young men. But I'd like to point out, these events could have been bypassed, if it weren't for you Demivar, and the corruption of the Blades. Yes, I say 'Corruption'. Yer guild has been tainted; first by the acts of Creseran, and now by the acts of Demivar. Jester and I have fled Ascella; in hopes, that we may restore the Blades back to their old youth. I say to all ye now, ye may think we are the rebels, ye may think we are the tainted ones... but I warn ye, we are no such things; and ye need to beware Demivar. Yer so called 'Rebels' are coming for a nice visit soon... the destruction of yer guild hall was only the start. Only a warning to change yer ways. Now than; ye have lost two of your men, we may have lost one of ours... we know not of where Nix is at the moment, but this does mark a new era in the Blades. Rest in Peace to your fallen members; but this could have been avoided. Jester and I will be back; and there are some... high ranking people in Ascella, that are wishing for the Blades destruction as much as us. Goodbye Demivar, Goodbye Brothers... I say brothers, because we were once brothers... in Crimson. Goodbye all... we will be back though. Be wary... The Blades... are broken."

    *I look at Jester at the other side of the roof-tops, and we both nod to each other. We both start sprinting and jumping through the roof-tops; exiting Ascella once more, all thats left on the rooftop where I once stood, is a broken sword.*


  10. *Aaron Epifanio lays down his feather quill and the piece of parchment, now littered with words. Aaron gets up off of his desk-chair and takes the piece of parchment with him. He pins the parchment next to the gates of Ascella. Aaron then walks away from the letter, closes the gates, and climbs up a ladder to the town walls. He waits for a Mandarin to walk by and read the letter. The letter reads,

    "Citizens of the rebelling tribe, 'Mandarin', ye are wrong to challenge the nation of Seventis to a war, and ye are all wasting your own time. Our high king, Renati, usually does not have to wield his axe, but once some ignorant tribe comes and duels his kingdom, he'll bring every one of your men down! Renati is a great and honorable man and mark my words, you willbe defeated. Balthakrieg will bless the soldiers of Seventis, and let ye 'Mandarins' suffer! The remaining amount of yer group after the war... will be hunted down. We will win this war. Renati will succeed, as will Jullius, as will Amedaius! And the Mandarin's will die in vain; an unhonorable death. If you think you may win this war, think again! We will have all of our best men fighting and remember... we have traps for ye along the way. For Renati! For Julius! For Amedaius! For Seventis! For Ascella! For Justice Against the Mandarin! Ye will loose and Seventis and Ascella... will be honored by many! Remember Mandarin; we will win. Yer just wastin' your time and your precious lives. ~Aaron Epifanio, Royal Scribe of Ascella "

  11. *Looks up to the roof top as I walk away from the pedistal and see Jester jumping away in the corner of my eye and smirk. I turn to the ignorant few who are betrayels to the Blades and glare, when I see a glint in the alley way, and realize it is someones knife. I see the knife fly past my head just as I exit the city gates, running behind the fleeing Jester. The fear overwhelms me, and I look back to the castle as a tear runs down my face. I keep running, the Crimson Blades now a disgrace to Ascella. I decide not to return to Ascella, and to just flee, trying to find Jester and possibly Nix.

  12. *Steps unto a pedestal and shouts with a booming voice.

    "Crimson Blades... today... we have had a great tragedy... Creseran has... 'left' due to his treason against the city of Ascella. He will be hunted down and soon killed for his treachery! Jester never murdered, he only acted in self defense; as he was Loyal to Ascella. Last week, we had signed a parchment saying we would forever stay loyal to Ascella and Seventis... but today, TODAY! Creseran has disgraced our title as Crimson Blades.... Us that are loyal to Renati and Julius, shalt stay LOYAL! We will never disgrace our Gods names ever again!

    Our lord Julius, has decided that Jester, shalt step up; and become leader of our gracious Crimson Blades... may the Crimson Blades regain their status, as important, loyal figures! This day, this... infamous day; May this infamous day, never be forgotten, as the day the our trust fell, but us loyal to the Blades, clung together. Crow, Jester, Nix, and all others, please... come back to Ascella. We will talk there. We need another way in our guild hall, the doors have been locked and sealed shut. We may... even have to build a new one for all that matters!

    I am on my way to our high King, Vaquixine now, for permission for building a new hall, apart from Ascella and out of the city, so all cities may prosper from our heroic and loyal deeds. We will still gather in Ascella and stay loyal to Renati and Julius.

    Thank you, and may we never forget the day, that our trust broke; but we came together!

    *Steps off of podium and clenches blade hilt, in the case that someone may try to kill me during speech.

  13. *Grabs the sheet and looks for a scribe or a Crimson Blades position and sighs, but signs name at the very bottom of the sheet anyhow and writes 'Royal Scribe' next to it (Aaron Epifanio).

    "A scribe needs to be of importance somehow." You hear Aaron mumble.

  14. Item up for Bidding

    An enchanted bow.


    I was slaying monsters with my friend when we found a nether slime, or whatever you call those things. We fought it and the bow was part of the loot.

    Starting Price

    I will start the auction at 3500 minas, since the bow is a bit damaged.

    Amount of each Bid

    Whatever you want to bid, I really don't care.

    Ending time

    As long as people are posting and raising the bid.

    I don't have 3500 on me at the moments Simodimi! Good luck on the bid!

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