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Posts posted by hosper

  1. ((IGN: hosper))

    Full name: Hosper Blackthorn

    Race: Dark Elf

    Practised branches of the Arcane: Clerical Magic in the fields of healing, blessing and war

    Place of residence: Currently without home

    Closest relative: None to speak of 

    [X] I agree to persecution upon a violation of the Magic License Clause, within and without Orenian territory.


    Signed: H. Blackthorn

  2. Doesn't get much better than Joe when it comes to quality magic RP. Having fought beside him and against him on numerous occasions (All IC of course) and loved all of the RP I can't imagine someone better to teach these strains of magic.   

  3. There should really be no clerics around healing entire limbs unless it is rather fresh and the owner of said limb has it in their possession. Of course a finger, toe or the outside of the ear are possible but not legs, arms or even hands. If this is happening it is not part of the cleric lore that needs to be reported. Feel free to contact one of the members of the LT or Itharel if you see this happening as it is lore breaking and should not be occurring. 


    As for it making medical rp "pointless" , it is a magical realm with gods that intervene in the world. Medieval style medical practices would not likely compete with such a power. Yet there are still many people who do conventional medicine for the roleplay and at the end of the day it is because those players enjoy it. If one can't enjoy roleplay because there is someone out there who can potentially preform the skill better I would suggest looking into a different branch of roleplay.


    Lastly on the topic of the players returning at later times with their limbs attached. I feel like this is more that reasonable. One player should not be able to completely alter another players character from a single RP session. If the player wants to continue their character with the disability it should be there choice. Should the player be open to evolving their character through the roleplay? Yes most likely but if they feel there is a lower quality of rp for them after this I see so issue with them going to the monks so they may continue to play the character they have been working on.

  4. Hosper looks between people who were speaking, his eyes would dart between Veren and the story teller. He would smack his lips a few times as he looked back down at the stew in front of him. After a moments pause he would begin muttering to himself


    "The poor soul. . . trapped within that swamp with all of it's horrors. A spirit should ney have to spend an eternity in such a place, especially if he has been looking to make this cure for his ailment all this time. There is no cure for death. For death is to be a freedom not a trap. 


    He then closed his eyes and would let out a deep breath. 


    "I do suppose I have been left here to do my work. I am not free yet am I"


    Hosper would then glance up quickly looking to Veren and call across the tavern to him. 


    "Veren what say you that we make a trip to this home?" 

  5. I am not going to comment on my feelings towards this lore as I have a rather large bias when it comes to healing magic. Though I would like to note that one with full control of water and ice would be able to do this. If anyone is interested in the science of it I highly recommend looking up Wood Frogs from back in the /real world/. It is possible for an organism to freeze solid and have all of it's organs stop functioning for a set period of time. It is where the water freezes that determines if the organism can return to original function. For the frogs when summer thaw comes the animals organs nearly magically restart. 


    Since this is a role play server the nitty gritty doesn't need to be looked into but I dare say this is fully possible in the realm of LOTC. While it can't work from the current water evo. since a realistic process requires the movement of the pre-existing liquid within the body to be manipulated... but still cryogenics are fully possible in a living organism if the right requirements are met. 

  6. Hosper smiles as his gaze falls upon the notice. As he reads through it a wide smile begins to cross his face. 


    "It seems one wishes to return to the ways of honor among the 'ker. The Mori have been held in far to favorable light in the past moons. Perhaps the ways of old shall return and the respect for out people with it. "


    Hosper nods to himself as he finishes reading and rubs a small imprint on his left arm. 

  7. Another notice is left below that of the monks. It is written in slender script with a warm golden color. 


    "The Clerics do not hold such reserves. We shall see to it that the shrine is dismantled and remnants destroyed. In times of looming darkness shadows can not be left to fester. To the Citadel of Silvo we shall ride on the next dawn. 


    ~ Forseti, speaker of Tahariae "


    The insignia of the Cleric order of old can be seen stamped upon the bottom of the notice 

  8. As the word spreads to many within the realm it reaches the ears of Hosper Blackthorn. As it is explained to him a small frown spreads across his face. 

    "I do hope that this school is not foolish enough to dismiss such an offer. The High Elves seem

    to be reasonable and on mark with this one.  . .So it is up to the people of Raine to see if valuable Elven

    blood will spill or if peace can continue."

  9. I have already been involved with many of Watyll's events involving Ikuras. I have enjoyed every moment of them and believe he will be a very strong member of the ET and provide truly unique and interesting events. +1

  10.       I will be making a large post here later to clarify how the magic effects certain groups but I must go to work soon, As for the Clerical magic being able to harm beings not listed it has been talked about for a little while but decided that they are unable to. A Cleric is however able to restrict or blind/daze a mortal if the need arises. While Clerics are not bound to stop or interact with mortal crimes, banditry, ect. When see it would be illogical if Tahariae left them defenseless against such attacks on themselves. 


    So the blanket answer for that part of the inquiry is that Clerics can cause no permanent damage to a mortal not listed using their magic. 

  11. I personally really like this so far. Although I have yet to see a Wight in roleplay I do look forward to it. As to argue that you can just play an elf and gain immortality I would say why not ignore the OOC side of things. A human character could become a Wight or a Dwarf to withstand the sands of time. This lore also looks to set up the opportunity for very different roleplay and inflicts a mental shift on the character. The similarities between this and Lich end at the fact that they are immortal and stem from necromancy from what I can see.


    Overall looks like a fun new dark being to encounter +1 from me.  

  12. The OSL does heresy tests on anyone who looks dark and shady anyways.

    Cut skin

    Attempt to heal skin with clerical magic

    if no heal, is necromancer or shade



    I am sorry but this is wrong on potentially every single different front. To start if you could provide a list of the Clerics doing this action of cutting everyone's flesh or allowing people to cut other's flesh to do this test I would appreciate it. I would appreciate it because I would like to personally see to it that they are disconnect from their patron for acts that do not make sense and essentially break a Cleric's archetype and lore. 


    The shade or necromancer still gets healed from Cleric healing. Shockingly they still have mortal flesh that Cleric magic effects. Also something people seem to have forgotten is unless a Cleric effectively applies a sedative or other pain killer to the area it is going to hurt like a b**** while it is healed. Having light pinch a cut together as it stitches through it will hurt just as much as if you do it with your hands and a needle and thread. Having bone move within your body by the light back to where they are supposed to be... best believe you will be crying out in pain. 


    This is why lore had to be changed. Acts like this are total abuse of Holy Magic and are a sorry disguise for what is effectively metagaming. 

  13. MC Name: hosper

    RP Name: Hosper Blackthorn, I am also known as Forseti, Itharel of Judgement 

    Timezone: EST

    Skype Profile (Optional, can PM): hospur1

    Are you a Citizen of Alras?: My guild owns an alter (Which will be under repair soon) as well as a handful of houses within the city. They act as communal homes for our members. 

    Which Alrasian Guild are you affiliated with in a leadership position?: The Order of the Clerics 

    Why are you suited for this rank?: I have held ranks within many different councils in my past and feel like I would be a useful addition to the council. Along with my connection to the Cleric Order I would also bring my extensive knowledge of the darker arts and how to deal with them to the table. It is well known that there are many people capable of Dark Arts within Alras and it could be quite hazardous if they are left unchecked. I wish to work alongside the city guard to determine and identify these people within the city.  In addition wish to help keep the peace between the Mages guild and the Clerics to avoid battles in the streets. To do this I shall work alongside Crumena to keep both of our numbers in check. If there is ever an issue with acts of Shades, Necromancers and the like the city would have the Clerics close at hand to quickly deal with issues that may a rise. 

  14. From the peak of the alter of Tahariea within Alras a dozen white doves fly in different directions with each as small parcel is held. Parcels are tied a small scroll to each bird, they knew its destination as they flew. The clerics resting across the land would soon receive the birds and the note attached. 


    Brothers and Sisters

                 It is with great sadness that I send you this letter. One would think that with the recent death of the great Wyrm we would have the chance for at least a short time of peace and purity. We were wrong. There are dark forces brewing and what appears to be a new Dark Prophet. He is coming into the world swinging and wishes to shed  blood. He has already stuck once. Corruption has taken hold in the former lands of the Snow Elves. We shall clear this corruption and show this is not to be stood for. I summon all of you to Alras till further notice. Cultists must be dealt with and darkness kept at bay.

    Regards, Forseti of Wisdom 

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