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Everything posted by hosper

  1. Is there a WoW server that most LoTC players go to?

    1. chaotikal


      Lion's pride inn, Goldshire. Moonguard US.

    2. Cyndikate


      Check out Nostalrius if you like Vanilla WoW

  2. I am not going to comment on my feelings towards this lore as I have a rather large bias when it comes to healing magic. Though I would like to note that one with full control of water and ice would be able to do this. If anyone is interested in the science of it I highly recommend looking up Wood Frogs from back in the /real world/. It is possible for an organism to freeze solid and have all of it's organs stop functioning for a set period of time. It is where the water freezes that determines if the organism can return to original function. For the frogs when summer thaw comes the animals organs nearly magically restart. Since this is a role play server the nitty gritty doesn't need to be looked into but I dare say this is fully possible in the realm of LOTC. While it can't work from the current water evo. since a realistic process requires the movement of the pre-existing liquid within the body to be manipulated... but still cryogenics are fully possible in a living organism if the right requirements are met.
  3. I personally really like this so far. Although I have yet to see a Wight in roleplay I do look forward to it. As to argue that you can just play an elf and gain immortality I would say why not ignore the OOC side of things. A human character could become a Wight or a Dwarf to withstand the sands of time. This lore also looks to set up the opportunity for very different roleplay and inflicts a mental shift on the character. The similarities between this and Lich end at the fact that they are immortal and stem from necromancy from what I can see. Overall looks like a fun new dark being to encounter +1 from me.
  4. Soo... is this Salvus in Ausolon round two? People attack from 10 sides to 3 people defending?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      I'm comming for you Hosper.

    3. Helvetius


      The orcs didn't destroy Salvus in Anthos xD. Half/75% of Oren hopping on orc alts is what destroyed Salvus (+Salvian leader for some reason picking to go with Oren when most knew Oren wanted Salvus, as a human city, gone).

    4. gam


      Orc alts still means orcs, lol. Orcs destroyed Salvus.

  5. I still see very little difference between this and War-Cleric magic when it will see use. It will simply be blue energy fighting evil beings instead of gold or white light. To me this seems like it is a regular cleric who has stopped practicing healing to pursue being a blacksmith.
  6. Ahh... sorry Well carry on then and pretend I was never here XD
  7. I have no problem with the lore itself. I realize my post may not have made that clear. I find that it is just lacking the most important part of Aengul lore... an Aengul. It is impossible for people to serve the creator directly as you will surely die. It created the void which powers all of the mages with the scrapings of it's powers. To touch into that is simply impossible. I can honestly say I do not know what you are talking about for the majority of this... I am promoting them to make another stand alone deity. This is also a sub-division of the lore that is a new concept not defining them. As for pushing red lines I would say it is safe to say that has happened for every magic from Air evo to shamanism. So instead of a near personal attack I might suggest providing a point.
  8. My personal feelings at this point are that this lore provides nothing new to the table and is essentially what is written in the guide with a new bell and a shiner whistle. I feel for Creator Clerics to continue the Aengul that services them needs to be fleshed out more and have adequate lore associated with it. I would much rather see that than a third branch providing no new roleplay than the Cleric not aging well. If help is needed of any sort I feel I know how the greater beings of LOTC function and can give you a hand there but for now I see this as somewhat remedial.
  9. As Daniel has stated this lore is essentially a carbon copy of the current holy magic sub-types of Priest Healing and War Cleric put into a single form of magic simply with a much faster progression. The problem being that this currently only states abilities with no reasons why they are there. In this you have created a new Aengul which is something that takes a lot of work an commitment. Currently this lore tells nothing about the Aengul itself and why it gives its powers to mortals and what its own goals are. For an Aengul to give powers it must have its reasons as stated in Lago's lore for them. So before deciding what powers you will gain it is often more help to design the Aengul and then the magic around it rather than the reverse. As of right now I simply see Clerics with a different name and no draw backs. At the end of the day an user of Aengul magic holds no power of their own and is nothing more than a servant in a greater plan. A pawn on the chess board if you will. This may seem bias as I hold the Cleric lore rather closely as I have been working with it for so long. Take what I have said with that in mind but if you wish to continue on with this I would suggest trying to make it more unique so that it might provide new role-play to the server rather than adding another name to something that already exists.
  10. 1 Hour till the Hockey game that matters most ;)

    1. oblivionsbane


      This is like saying 1 hour until the lacrosse game that matters the most. Except lacrosse is cooler.

  11. Idea: Make "edgy" a swear word IG and have guard forces fine or lock people up for saying it.

  12. Progressive house shall save your soul:

  13. A health reminder from the Necromancer Cleric coalition: http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1338412881964_9994275.png

    1. AndrewTech


      "... dratted Necromancers. They muddle the message every time!"

    2. DruinsBane


      I was drink writting, don't judge me... *Hic!*

  14. Exaaaaammmmmsss!!! :D .... wait a minute

    1. tnoy23


      -Shakes his head, going to help plan his funeral after his exams kill him-

    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      I had 2 today

      English and RM eh

  15. "I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital He said, "Son, it says here you're twenty-seven, But that's impossible... Cocaine!... you look like you could be forty-five"- Jackson Browne

    1. Heff
    2. hosper


      Rob Ford is actually 19

  16. "I listen with attention to the judgement of all men; but so far as I can remember, I have followed none but my own. -Michel Montaigne ( I wanna do a quote too)

  17. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  18. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  19. Hosper sees the posters of the Clerics as he rides across Anthos under the pale skies of dusk. He takes a moment to read the length of it. He then begins to talk to himself. "And so the fledgling shall take flight and soar. With the guidance of Tahariea I leave them in confidence that the work of the Clerics and beliefs shall live on to be passed to the chosen who will be ready to raise the weight of purity upon their shoulders. I shall return to you soon brothers for now there is much work I must attend to the light must shine through this haze that has settled upon us." He then clutches at the large pendant around his neck of the Cleric seal he then chants the hymn of the clerics three times before climbing back up onto his horse and continues his ride.
  20. Achievement get: Stop Orc combat by dazzling them with light.

    1. Aislin


      I didn't even notice you did light lol

    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I was so Dazzled


    3. Heero
  21. Can I be the first to say I absolutly love this lore? I feel that it would slide into LOTC perfectly and provide fun rp for all. A big +1 from me. The only thing I would change would be to have them look a little more unique but other than that I love it.
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