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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Updates posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. So little time, damn you life.

  2. Well I was walking for some time! When I came across this sign! Sayin' who are you and where are you from? We don't like when visitors come!

  3. Eagle Project starts tomorrow ^_^

  4. I'll probably be able to get on much more often after this Saturday. I have a lot of event ideas ready ^_^

  5. I just noticed that when I click my name to make a status update, it says "bob."

  6. Time to tell prophecies.

  7. Today was... interesting.Player ingenuity never fails to impress.

  8. Time to go to Didney Wurld! Huzzah!

  9. Bro you're ruining my hype :((((

  10. Drum Corps International is proud to present... The Bluecoats. DANA DANA DANA DANA

  11. "You must be somewhere between rage and serenity... between passion and precision."

  12. I'm sad we couldn't set up the forums so you guys could reply to staff statuses- that was one of the original ideas we had, but IP boards doesn't seem to be able to support it.

  13. To you folks whose ET apps have been gathering dust- I know! Right now, I'm focusing on the current members we have, and turning them into an efficient, organized force, so apps'll be on hold awhile.


  15. This is the last week of my hiatus! The clouds are clearing in my life, and I can finally get back to what I love: Bossing around the ET

  16. Awaiting our scores at finals... Hnnngh.

  17. You're making me blush.

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