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Posts posted by Goldrim

  1. MC Name: Timsalabim


    IC Name: Xort


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Orc


    Transformed Form: Harbinger


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Broxigar's legacy traces all the way back to Aegis, his turning can be read here.


    The Harbinger, a shattered spirit trapped within a broken husk of armor, immolated by Setherien's flames and once a slave to the Black Wyrm's relentless will. They acted as executioners and commanders of His armies, slinging frostfire spells and tearing ebon rifts where unknown beasts of old would pour forth from.  Now they are few, for them life is no longer an option and merely exist, they have broken the shackles of their former master, but remain dependent on minor sources of bloodshards, feeding in order to sustain themselves. Most have perished at the grand battle where the Wyrm fell, in the aftermath some couldn't live with the atrocities they commited and chose to join the Wyrm in death. But some, some choose to rise and fight for new age of strife to dawn upon the descendants.

  2. Alright, there are two questions which instantly come to mind.


    Will this be set in the LoTC universe? From what it looks like it isn't, then how are we supposed to apply for a character if we don't even know the lore?


    How will this be fun to watch? Average audience of Minecraft is like what, 12 years old? And we all know how fun it is to watch someone RP in Minecraft.




    I played one game more than you on all of your games combined, lol. Rough estimation, you roughly spent about 35 minutes average on each game combined? Granted, I didn't put much thought into my calculation, so I may be completely wrong.

  4. Then, to those who don’t play Kharajyr; What is your opinion of the race as a whole? Have you considered playing as one? If so, have you and did you enjoy it? Why didn’t you? If not, what’s making you not wish to try one?


    The Kha is pretty much the laughing stock of the server when it comes to races, for three primary reasons. Their looks, behavior and speech are the main issue.


    Lasted for about two weeks until it just became flat out an embarrassment to play one, the picture below speaks for itself.



  5. It really doesn't matter either way, simply because I highly doubt that the staff team is capable of creating a proper layout which can support our current player base, previous maps are proof to that. This topic has been milled too many times, nobody ever listens.

  6. can someone explain the point of 4/20 to me like why does there need to be a special day for everyone to scream 'im a degenerate who lacks any ambition other than looking forward to the next bit of hash i light up'



  7. Good, racials are fine as is when you take the player base of each race into consideration.


    Although I'm still waiting for the misc. races to be implemented so that my persona won't be deleted for playing a Dread Knight, I suggest taking it out of the patch notes since it leaves people misinformed.

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