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Posts posted by Redskye

  1. The King of Oren; Edmund Sheffield has fallen, The Queen and Prince have died. There are no heirs eligible for the throne. There are many who contest the throne. Dawn Perea, Gaius Marius And Felix Farnsworth. Yes they are all good leaders but many points though about it

    Felix Farnsworth is a strong leader and a smart one, But he has enough to run on his plate, Yes he can rule well but would he do well as the Leader of Oren?

    Gaius Marius is applying force to push his own position and right to rule for Oren. If he gets into power, We would turn into a police state. And Yes showing tactical an physical power with the army, It does not fare well with the people who might die with his claim.

    Dawn Perea Is a friendly woman, a peoples person but Unsurity for her own position though, Wealthy an famous all around Oren, But i do not think she would stand wise enough to be the Queen of Oren

    The three main contesters as i have heard through gossip.

    Now The Point i am putting across.

    Does Oren really need a Monarchy, A time where one man rules with a small council. Kings can change and be turned to favour those who he is friendly with or those with a heavy and strong purse.

    I have lived a long time, an traveled far And yes this may be one chapter in my journeys, it stands as a memorable chapter for those to read the novel of my life.

    I state a peoples movement is what we do, for the nation of Oren. It is the wisest.

    I propose several points.

    A council of 11(or less depends if it is possible) people to rule Oren, With a council this big, There will be little chance for the entire party being corrupted at once

    The Magnate - The counter and clerk of the finance and treasures that Oren possess

    The Patron - The peoples listener, The person who stands with the crowds and listens to what people say, This role is one of high importance as they have to listen to what the people say and decide and act upon what is said

    The Artisan - The one in charge of the Creation and development of Oren. This person is of a high architectural ability, and of good thinking as expansion and development for Oren's borders in which benefit the nation for better and for greater

    The Judicator - This man leads the justice of Oren, The man who decides if a man is guilty or not, Though a very heavy role as lives are at this mans hands, He must determine on laws of the land for the safety and security of the kingdom.

    The Explorer - Leading expeditions on exploration, He will also Aid the council on places to expand if there are places that are to be settled on. Though the expansion is not for Oren but for Humans and dwarves and elves and Orcs.

    The Sword - In charge of the Military of Oren, They will decide where a battle is to be fought in, or ran from. They are wise in their rule as the Sword but must focus on also making sure that Oren is prepared for anything

    The Shield - In charge of keeping the Morale of Oren up and preventing people from descending into chaos and madness. Their role will never falter in the task given to them. They will also be the Herald of Oren telling the people of the news

    The Mercy - In charge of thinking on the decisions for the enemies of Oren. Be they and invader or a challenger They will work alongside the Judicator

    The Crown - An ambassador of Oren, They shall work with the other nations in the campaigns against tyranny and evil. in the game of politics and the game of love

    The Sage - A keeper and caretaker of the Arcane arts of magic. They will police those who use it and punish those who do not use it properly

    The Spiritkeeper - The High priest of Oren shall guide All of us to a better life with peace and mind, Oren shall prosper and defeat her enemies with faith in her heart

    The Thinker - A thinker and an inventor of contraptions and devices. The machines and constructs that is made is to be made to better Aegis not for destruction or war.

    An 12th Seat will be kept in the Council for one man, chosen only when he dies by the other 10 holders of seats in the council, The Judge. He will watch and observe only and will watch if any of the seat holders try to push his own power up. For if he tries to bolster his own power, He has a risk of loosing all respect and his seat in the council. The Judge is to prevent that. The Judge will also have the final say on any great decisions should they come into conflict with other holders of the chair

    The Political system is here to prevent corruption Within the council itself.

    The Council chair holders are to be voted upon by the people each (4 weeks) time an election is called. The only person to not be voted for is the Judge. For he is reserved in power only by the choices of the Council. Once a man has become a council member he will have the task of his seat and he shall stay until The Judge expels him, He dies or when he is not voted for his seat again.

    We know Horen is gone, But He knows we will rule his nation with pride. Even if there is no monarchy or bloodline to hold the rule of The kingdom. It shall be a wise thing as this is for the fate of Oren as a realm for Men, Women and Children

  2. Please try not to unecessarily bump. Our GMs are slightly overwhelmed at the moment, but everyone will be gotten to :)

    While I'm posting, you may want to lengthen your bio, it's the #1 reason for rejection, probably.

    Lengthen it, Well **** :P i gotta post on both ends And also i was gonna wing it aswell xD but i'll try and lengthen the biography sure thing :)

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Redskye

    -How old are you?: 18 years of age

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: English is my 1st Language.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Well there isn't much that can be said. nor is there much that cannot be said, But I am a brilliant builder, coming 2nd place in the Worth1000 Fantasy-2 Contest http://minecraft.worth1000.com/contests/27522/fantasy-2

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Well i can get on whenever i find it appropiate for me, Which is alot of the time

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Beta 1.2

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Depends on the context. I know when to avoid a chracter from being too much in the aspect of a Deus ex Machina or having it appear as a "Mary Sue" Im not stupid when it comes to RPing, I have ran and still run my own RP group on another un-associated website with a completely different theme/idea to this story

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Hopefully not full of boxes and terrible builds like 90% of the other servers i have been on. The video you have which was favourited by the Youtuber "BlueXephos" shows promise. I am to hope the same is applied for logging on myself personally

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on a few servers in my time, But i usually keep dedication. I am a sniper on a server known as The Voxel Box. Regarded as the most esteemed and well respected creative server and one of the oldest servers in the community. I have also played on a friends server called Bloodlust which changed to Conflict. I still go on that server but its more focused on PVP, when sometimes i just want to build cool stuff and that server does not facilitate my building needs very well.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I understand the Rules and the Lore. and i agree to the rules. The Lore is still a deep thing and i am reading this whilst writing this application.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, Humans

    -How did you hear about us?: As a good majority of people will say, BlueXephos's liking of your promotional video

    -Did you vote?: Yes i voted on 2 of the 3 options, The 3rd one was not allowing me to, :(

    -What was your favourite Law?: Keeping in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: PVP without RP, Sometimes a fight can just be a silent ambush waiting to happen with little story needed

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Redskye


    -Character Name: Redskye The Lost Dreamer

    -What is your Race?: Elf or Human, It depends on which leader prefers to take me more. But by personal Preference, Humans, as their architectural style is more flexible

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Redskye

    -Biography: A wanderer of many years, Lost and confused unsure of where he was or where he was going due to losing a lost one he found himself in Aegis reborn again. Still confused he embarked out to find out who he really was. Still the wondering Dreamer, The lone Jester un-revealed by his mask. nobody but one ever seeing behind it. Taking a refuging home among Humans. Whom he stands most comfortable among, He heard of the tales of the conflicts, and the kingdoms, He feels that this should be no more, And peace should be made. But he knows that this will be a daunting task. many people will fall regardless of how the objective is done, and stands to rally people likeminded alongside him. to help in his fight for peace. He will even fight as a single man army for this cause

    -Character Age: Redskye is unaware of his age due to his many dimensions and worlds he traversed through. He could be old. He could be young. He does not tell.

    -Character Appearance: No face can be seen underneath the white mask, The Stripe on the left eye embellishes not a scar from a bygone age. But a personal mark for a wonder he lost and suffers for still, so long ago. Adopting simple Red flower and Woad leaf dyes for a craftsman's clothing. He shall never show his Flesh to any mortal man unless he trusts them enough. He has so far shown it to nobody but one.

    -Character Personality: Never ask Redskye a question, For he will not just answer it once, but three times, each time more terrifyingly true than the last. Is rather stoic and show immense loyalty, But will often heed his own needs before that of others, unless. Their needs are in collaboration with his own (Chaotic Neutral/ Lawful Neutral)

    -Your ambitions:To bring himself to a place of peace and tranquility but will pay any price for it, Be it blood, be it sweat, be it tears

    -Can your character read or write?: Literacy is a gift, many are deserving of, but sometimes many more don't receive it. Redskye is literate

    -Can your character mine?: Having explored many worlds, and fighting in pits deeper than the lowest levels of the world. He is used to the conditions of mining, But prefers not to. Seeing it a vital skill, But he prefers to forge the metals drawn from the earth into tools for many to use

    -Are you a capable builder?: A member of the Voxelbox Minecraft server (apologies for being OOC) of course.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Wielding a blade Is not just an ability but an art of martial standards.

    -Enjoy Farming?:. A vital Thing for bringing food, But Does not enjoy farming. Will do it if nessecary but won't out of choice

    -Does your character have any special skills?: ]Capeable of hiding in the most obvious locations and adeptness in the ability of adapting to his enviroment with ease.

    -A screenshot of your skin: mGAcS.png

    Optional Information: If i can keep up the effort, I might make him speak in Rhyme for the server :)

    Optional Information: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/335702-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-aegis-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/page__st__5820 Is the link to my Minecraftforums post

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