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Posts posted by JoakimVonAnka

  1. Anya Alfakyn Calith notices the note when she passes the Inn during a stroll around the city. Her face lightens up a little and she falls into thoughts. She brings up her journal and tear one page out of the book. She leans forward, using the wall in the Inn as support as she writes her note. After finishing, she heads to Brelyna's home and attaches it to the door.



    "Dear llir,


    I have for long had a terribly tiny wardrobe and with the great wedding coming up in just a couple of days, I would be ashamed to show up in rags I'm currently owning. I'm not sure how busy you are, nor how many requests you have been given, but I would love to have a dress tailored for me before the wedding.


    My awfully bad creativity makes it hard to leave an accurate description of my dream dress, impulsive I do have a couple of mere ideas, but I would love if you could fill in the blanks yourself. I wish for a long and covering dress, preferably in a lighter greener tone. Perhaps with some smaller sort of details on the sleeves and waist. You didn't specify any compensation in the original post, but if you need anything, catch me in elcihi.


    Ahernan in advance,

    Anya Alfakyn Calith."



    ((I'm just gonna leave this here as inspiration if you struggle with it!))


  2. Let me recommend you to rewrite the post in a more.. roleplay-ish way and post it as a note or the like! The Mali'aheral ways isn't to be changed through OOC-complaints. You should also try and contact some of the more veteran High Elven players to get some help if you have any questions! They can also help you understanding the reasoning behind how the High Elves act! And remember, it's all RP and funnies.

  3. Anya Alfakyn Calith moves her fingers over the leather cover of her book which she often carries with her as she listens rather uninterested on Seth as he tells her the story of the impure elf. She ponders and weighs the different alternatives for quite some time before she decides. As Cyrus returns to the residence, Anya opens the door. Her gaze is questioning and obviously looking at him as if he is some sort of criminal or suspect. She is wearing a long, white and covering nightgown with a pile of 3 dresses in her arms.
    "Hmm? Is this the impure mali that wished to redeem himself?"
    She asks, trying to avoid showing too many expressions or emotions. She hands the pile of dresses over to the exhausted elf, showing little empathy.
    "I want these three dresses to be washed properly until tomorrow morning. You better handle them with care. I don't want any scratches or miscoloring and absolutely no impure blood stains."
    She leaves him with a cold smile and a simple nod, Seth which stands behind her gives a small nod of approval. "Ayla, Anya."  He says to voice his approval of her task.
  4. I didn't get to chat nor RP with you a lot and I'm sad to have missed that chance. I hope you are happy with the decision you have made. I will sure miss your presence on the server. Even if we never really roleplayed directly, a lot of my characters have come across your characters and the things you created through roleplay.


    If you feel like it, when you get around Skype again, maybe you could take a few minutes and chat some?



    My name is Anya Alfakyn Calith.



    Origins of your birth, and your place of living:

    I derive from a small cottage in which I resided in with my parents, Aerion and Liethia Alfakyn. I currently reside in Elcalith'leh linn.

    How can you declare you are Mali'thill?

    You can see I'm a Mali'thill on my appearence and my traits. I was born before Aerion's mistake.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of our cihi?

    Grandpa is keeping me safe here. I wanna learn more of our culture and be with my only remaining family.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race?

    I believe we're the ones that should show the rest of the world how to live.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you?

    It means Progress and Health. It tells us to strive for more knowledge and keep ourself pure in blood and body.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why:

    Acal Tayna'ane Kina cinh maehr'sae. To me, that sentence means, it's hard when death comes around. And it is.

    What is the subject of the first book you may submit to the college?

    That will be found out later.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the Anthos Highway together?

    I would try to get the name from the Mali'aheral and tell grandpa who it was later.

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the mali’aheral?

    Avoid questions about kae'leh maln haelun'ehya.

    The application is written in a fine, seemingly mature handwriting.

  6. Aerion enters the Inn with an increasingly broad frown. He scratches his chin quite concerned. He moves over to the counter, leaning on it. He looks over the empty, burned Inn before shaking his head in disbelief. He speaks quite quietly and with a sad tone.


    "This.. will take quite some time to fix."

  7. Are you kidding? I'm sorry, but NO events are there for everyone to enjoy. Why? Because timezones exist. No matter what time it is, there are players in different timezones that would not be able to participate. The time I made, GMT players could still have participated, so don't give me this "Not everyone can enjoy it" nonsense. Also, it's hard to say "I chose not to continue this discussion" when you are sitting here, continuing it. The fact that you are discussing it proves that you could have logged on and participated, so you aren't proving anything to me by complaining about it.

    Not that it is your buisness, but being on the forums on your phone and being online Ingame are two completely different things. Let me apologize if you feel offended or whatever.

  8. The event is IC. We had events at Halloween, but they weren't for Halloween IC. We had events for Christmas last year, but not because it was Christmas IC. Similarly, this event was thought up because it was close to Thanksgiving, but IC it's just a feast. We have events all the time because of OOC influence, just to celebrate and do something different, but don't confuse this with the event being an OOC event.

    I could continue this discussion, but I choose not to. There's a problem about this so called 'IC events' if they are not placed for everyone to enjoy, simply due to the fact of it being an 'OOC holiday'.


  9. I'm confused and quite bothered. I thought the event tonight were a IC event, not some silly OOCly thing. As a few of you stated, "This is an U.S holiday", but shouldnt everything that uses our server as its 'hall' to hold these events, be 'Asulon events' and not 'U.S events'. I won't be there due to the time difference and I wish you all a good evening with fun "roleplaying".

  10. A hooded female approaches the note, grinning evily at the sight of the note. She giggles, shrugging before putting up a note by the previous one.

    "I dare you to touch Barry."

    She takes out her dagger, making a tiny cut by her finger. She drops some blood at the note, grinning again before heading off.

  11. ((Think you guys need VAs for this. Hope you have them.


    There shouldn't be any need of a VA if the motive isn't villainous, right? Or did I get the new lockpicking rules wrong?

    EDIT: And shouldn't lockpicking fall under the same rule as the one allowing anyone to hire an assasin? I found it weird if it was in any other way.. "Side note - you do not need a VA to hire an Assassin"[]

  12. Delphine hurries down the Dwarven path down to the Sanctuary. She looks around worriedly before pinning the note to the Sanctuary messageboard. She smiles weakly, signing the note before running off the same path as she arrived on.

    "Greetings People of Asulon!

    My name is Delphine Saelantae and I'm on the lookout for someone that can pick a couple of locks for me. The locks are located on the island of Armaluna and my motives are of course not evil nor mean at the least. More details and information are available after shown interest. Send me or the post office on Armaluna a bird and we can come up with a good deal.

    -Delphine Saelantae.

    For Armaluna, For Griffith and Kyra du Mont, For Eurydice."

  13. Delphine looks over the note, a bothered look on her face. She looks up at the pitchblack nightsky with a slight frown. Delphine flips a couple of blonde locks of hair to the side. She scribbles down the contact information on a small paper with a tiny piece of charcoal before heading off towards Roseus and further off to Armaluna.

    Well at home, Delphine reads through the letters she have been sent from both King Godfrey and High Prince Bravepaw. Delphine takes a deep breathe, heading out on the beach for some fresh air. She plays with the necklace hanging around her neck

    "Oh mother.. what would you have done?"

    Delphine asked herself, her eyes wet from worried tears. She goes inside again to negotiate with herself and come to a conclusion.

  14. Delphine frowns lightly, reading the note. She moves her feets nervously and looks over her shoulder for just one second.

    "Poor girl.. I.. wonder if she have any family."

    With a short time of thinking and negotiating with herself, she puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles for her bird. The bird arrives shortly after and sits peacefully on her shoulder. Delphine strokes the back of her bird. She smiles weakly and quickly scribbles down a small letter to send to the girl.

    "I'm worried about your safety, where is your family? I.. might have a job for you if you are interested. The only requirement is the ability to move.

    -Delphine Saelantae,

    For ArmaLuna.

  15. Aerion coughs dryly, struggling with understanding what was happening around him. As confused as one can be, he defensively takes a weak grip of Aelia's hand. In desperation and in fear of losing her, he shouts, his voice cracking.

    "Leave me and haelun alone! Go away!"

  16. Aerion opens his eyes. He was disorientated and exhausted. His gaze were weak as he stared at his father.

    "Haelun.. is.. dead, maln.."

    Aerion studders, trying to find her with his hands. His cheeks are still wet and eyes red. His gaze drifts away and he fights once again to not fall unconscious.

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