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Posts posted by Wavejammers

  1. The ringing of bells through the empty square would signal the end of a Halerir’s protracted shift. All day had he studied the outrage, indignation, horror, and bewilderment which had grazed the faces of ‘thill who came upon the missive. His aching knees trudged towards the board. The original bulletin was barely legible behind the flurry of replies which now claimed every available inch of space.

    An ascending moon would cloak the missives in darkness, and the ‘thill began his arduous march home. He would stop before a familiar marble statue of ‘The Dove’, which stood erect, bathing in the glow of a starry night’s sky.

    Near the statue’s base would be lodged a small crack. “Kina’metta” the 'thill would hum to himself, glancing now at the statue’s still flawless neck. “Hileiane metta”


  2. I said it once and I'll say it again: Items have no place in LoTC.


    It gates meaningful roleplay behind layers of region-perms, nexus grinding and metagaming. It focuses the minds of a few, but very destructive players on obtaining as much as possible, as quickly as possible, which lead to the horrible abuse of PvP default we saw. It could all be fixed so simply by just removing dropping items on death. I can't for my life believe why this haven't happend yet. It'd also remove powergaming completely, as player's will be more inclined to take defeat.


    Also, can a GM fill me in on what kinds of items are mostly lockpicked? Is it aincent scrolls in the bottom of the Felsen church? Is it an aincent elven loveletter? Is it the kings diary? Or is it just sweet sweet lewtz? What motivates these players? Do they want to open up a mystierous caravan that sells all kinds of stuff? Do they want to open up a museum? Do they want to hide all dangerous magic away from the general populos? Or do they just want to increase their E-peen?


    In my ideal world. Players should be presented with a wide varaity of tools to gain what they want. Most preferably through minas and the voting system. I would set up/allow stalls in all the major kingdoms, each with a speciality of said kingdom. So humans would have food. Dwarves would have stone, brick and armor. Orcs would have weapons/hides/meat. Wood elves would have logs, saplings and flowers, decor. High elves would have marble, enchantments, and staves. Players would then use their starting minas to go around and outfit their characters, before going on their journey.


    I know this idea is not refined. But I hope you get where I'm going.


    Also, if someone has a cool/unique concept for a city/kingdom and they have filled out their paperwork. Get them Creative Mode and let them fulfil their dreams.


    In short: Get rid of the need of items and go back to RPing.

  3. So in the process of deleting my past posts I came across this topic sitting in the top screen and I'd thought to give my two cents.


    For the record, I've been playing since 2011, just to give you some perspective on what I've been through.


    PvP default was never meant to be what it is today. It was first introduced to be a final solution to solve a physical voilent dispute.


    However, some players wielded this like a club against others, and since PvP was the default and rightous solution to all problems. A lot of players felt thrown under the bus by the system. A lot of players left, or simply turned into off-season casual RP'ers. Including me and the people I hang out with at the time.


    A lot of players have joined the server since, and that couldn't make me anything other than happy. But few of said players know about how RP and the server looked before the introduction of PvP default back in late 2013.


    One of the striking comments I see is that raiding will die out or take too long. To sound like a total granpa: Back in my days, we didn't need PvP to raid. 

    I played a grey-area villian for a bit (Without an app, you never caught me, suckers!) And I clearly remember raiding Haelu'nor back in Asulon. We didn't kill anybody. All we did was wander into the city, steal a princess, fend off some guards (Retreating) and lock her in a cell. My character was about to stage a proxy wedding with her, until her prince charming came and saved her, which he eventually did. At the end of the day, we went OOC and thanked eachother on the fun RP, and went on with our day, even though I died and lost some stolen iron armor.

    It wasn't all butterflies and roses. The prince had to contact a GM to remove perms and supervise our (Unfair) barricade. The important part is, that at the end of the day, we enjoyed the roleplay and went on with our lives. Even though my party lost.


    Another complaint I see is Powergaming & Edgy elves. Truth be told, we've had both of those back in the day, if not more. All I really have to say to that is: If you need a GM to supervise your fight for powergamingm, there's something wrong with both parties. Yes, that includes you. I've always RP'd without items on, simply because it removes the fear of loosing gear. If some dark elf with shurikens approaches you, simply shake your head and turn away. The worst thing /damage 20.can do to you is to spawn you back at the cloud temple. You can't always win. Heck, you don't even roleplay to win, you roleplay to expand your character. All interesting encounters i've come across have never been motivated by a need to win, but always a feeling of letting a breeze take you to wherever.


    If I could change one thing. I'd remove item and mina loss on death. Gold corrupts the mind.


    Feel free to prove me otherwise.


    Edit: Christ people. Are all you ever care about fighting? Is that and memespeak the only intresting roleplay you can come up with

  4. In addition, why are random bystanders protected by OOC rules when they could have head for shelter behind a locked door?


    >Because every innocent LotC member has perms to every house ever.

    >Because they totally see it coming from a mile away in order to escape.

    >Because raiders will never ever not ever contact their pocket GM to unlock a region (xaxa Maple Port).

    >Because the sign written in all capital letters not to attack civilians outside the gatehouse will totally be followed because raiding is not at all a means to gain more pixels.

    >Because a bunch of frustrated teenagers will totally react and attack like it's therealistic war' that they're carving for.

    >Because combat logging will not have put a ban report on you.

    >Because PvP has any motivation to it's whatsoever.


    Syndicate. I know I suffer from the same problem, but please re-consider when you're about to click that post button.


    Also take this with a grain of salt, just, please. Before you go on with your 'i cannot rp expansionism bcus of nazi gm and rulez'

  5. Not only topping BravePaw in physical appearance, Munch is also way wiser than Shiftnative.


    Couldn't +1 this more if I could.


    Munch posses the ability to remain completely unbiased. I've never once had him call me names while we were playing league, or sending me or any I know hatefull PM's over skype mocking my physical appearance. Or sharing embarrasing photos of me to everyone he knows on skype, including his hot chemistry teacher.


    Munch would never go on and abuse his powers as a GM on the server, because he never plays on the server, Innit that a win-win?! ;)


    He's also a great RP'er. The best cyber-sex I've ever had since that one time with the kinky high elf.


    I r8 this 8/8 m8.

  6. Interesting, especially the part where I am seeing no post from the former Warclaim Team. You've clarified that you have it out for our ol' Arab, but nothing proof-wise about the former warclaim team itself.


    Absurd to you, but reading this thread shines a different light with people as random as JoakimVonAnka telling you to calm your pistols.


    You fail to see both sides of the story. This is why a Warclaim team will never work, regardless of who you put in it.


    Enough with my salt, I'll be leaving this thread not.

  7. This is what happens when someone not involved tries to make an accusatory statement. Ironically enough, I brought the Warclaim Team to reject the Teutonic Order's conduct against the Dwarves. Weird, I thought Mogroka would want one of his vassals to win!




    I know you're not all knowing and such. But I'll have you know I have been involved in probally the most absurd case of warclaiming.


    In the not so distant past, you have proved to be everything from:

    immature and confrontational, to hateful and incredibly biased,

    both toward and against certain groups.

    I feel that if you are granted this position,

    I am positive that you would abuse that power, should it be to your benefit.



    Are you sure you've not confused 0_DK_0 with me?


    Anyway DK. +1 Very active, hard working and reliable would reccomend any day of the year


    Whenever it's helping an inn translating russian letters to english, or building a giant interactive world map, DK is always there to help. I've also never seen him be angry, and I'll have you know I beat his butt in league ;).

  9. -snip-


    The thing is, while you might see it as military roleplay, or shaping the environment, or "expansionism" Others will see it as pixel hungry edgy OOC bullying. And no matter how convinces you are that you're doing this for the good of the server, there will always be someone on the other end who perceive it as all the negatives listed above.


    In the other end, is really something that frequent raiders/soilders should really consider before raiding / applying for warclaim.


    Warclaims are not a means of pure evil, but when a steamrolling powerhouse with nothing to lose goes up against someone who has everything to lose, there is bound to be a greater loss than just pixels.

    • Consistently depriving another player (or players) of their fun for your own personal gain or amusement, even after receiving appropriate warnings, is punishable if deemed necessary by the moderation teams. This may also be considered harassment. Essentially, don't be a troublesome player that only plays to annoy others or be a nuisance.

    Does this mean that 'trolling' and cyber bulliyng, and anyother harrasment will be punished. + Don't annoy others?

    Or am I just stupid?


    This is a question btw.

  10. ((I finally found a hole of sparetime, but honestly don't expect a masterpiece... I know there are people out there that would write better by slamming their heads into their keyboard.))



    Mc name: oskaraskov
    Skype name: Oskar.Askov
    How and what have you heard about us In Character and Out of Character: OCC: Jena told me about the Wihuns, I was the first non-former to join the guild back when it still was the Wihuns. IC: Erien were a member of it once.
    Why do you want to be a part of the Reformers: I really miss the good old days of the Wihuns, those months were without a doubt the best months I've ever had, and ever will have. I'm also trying to come back into the game, I haven't really RPed since LAST october.                                                             
    Have you read all the lore (if no, read it, it WILL become useful) : Yes I have, thrice.
    Do you possess a villain application for your character? If so, what evils (link): None.
    Timezone: + 1 GMT
    Ingame Name: Erien
    And what Race are you: I'm a human.
    Your age: I'm 28 years of age.
    Your gender: I'm a man.
    A quick description of yourself and your life? (Max 2 paragraphs) :
    I... I can't remember, it's like, there's this big void, my memories have gone murky. I have no memories of a careing mother or teaching father, nothing... But, I remember elven woman, with a beauty of a tousand roses, accompanied by me... happy... together.... I remember her turning away, useing magic to keep her away from me, and even hurt me... I remember a man praising me, a master... Tyret, when I unleashed my anger upon her and her neglect. He told me I was good... I've never been told that I'm good... I remember him, Tyret ,suggesting me to join his forces. He told me how mages, clerics abd undead would feast upon the magical powers they were given, like vultures on a dead body... I am Erien, and I am good.
    OOC: Erien has forgot the most of his past, and is still has the QI of a brick, easily manipulated and is unable to think critically.
    What's your profession and what do you work with:
    I... I don't know... But I feel like the plow and the dagger feels home in my hand.
    Why do you wish to join our club:
    I want to show my old master my true potential, and purge the streets of every last pity essence of magic.
    What is your thoughts about magic, and what is your relation with it:
    Magic is vile, it drives people who greedly hoard the powers of magic to do unspeakable things. I've seen it up close, and it's not pretty. It pollutes and corrupts human beings.
    What is your most gentlemen like deed to date:
    Once again; most of my memories has been washed away in the river of the past... But I remember once shareing a loaf a bread with a starving poor youngster lying in the streets...

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