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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Wavejammers

  1. The ringing of bells through the empty square would signal the end of a Halerir’s protracted shift. All day had he studied the outrage, indignation, horror, and bewilderment which had grazed the faces of ‘thill who came upon the missive. His aching knees trudged towards the board. The original bulletin was barely legible behind the flurry of replies which now claimed every available inch of space. An ascending moon would cloak the missives in darkness, and the ‘thill began his arduous march home. He would stop before a familiar marble statue of ‘The Dove’, which stood erect, bathing in the glow of a starry night’s sky. Near the statue’s base would be lodged a small crack. “Kina’metta” the 'thill would hum to himself, glancing now at the statue’s still flawless neck. “Hileiane metta”
  2. ((I finally found a hole of sparetime, but honestly don't expect a masterpiece... I know there are people out there that would write better by slamming their heads into their keyboard.))
  3. You forgot an ' in your avatar.

  4. This is why we can't have nice and fun things.

  5. So you've joined the DUCK SIDE!

    Ba dum sh!

  6. Pick my design or I'm gonna crush you like a bug.

  7. Ahhhh, you made Merkel because of that meme I made, right?


  9. You have 10 minutes, or else.

  10. I'm disappointed, you've just been promoted to admin, and you do this...

    I'm disappointed...

  11. I just saw the recent ban report on you, I'm 99% sure that they used NPC to "Talk", because I know you wouldn't ***********s, but you need no get out of this Shítstorm soon.

  12. Screenies for me prehaps?

  13. Hiebe's VA denied because of coloring.... Lulzx

  14. Why do you even ask?

    (But I'm stupid guy that days after joining the server, tried to ban all orcs)

  15. 4/9 I've seen you a bit on the recent event posts, but anywhere else, well no.
  16. Siger den skøre Københavner

  17. Can I get my Wobbuffet? :c

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