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Posts posted by AlphaCentaurus

  1. I'd be of the opinion that they are both right.

    Maby "God" decoded to put us on the earth to inhabit it and we evolved into what we are today. Maby we came from microbacteria.

    The one thing that science and religion agree on is that there sí too much order in the world fore there not to have been a hand in it weather by some great deity or some other unseen hand.

    Actually, there is not agreement in science that there was an "unseen" hand. This implies that there is a god-like figure. By this logic, there would be no sch things as atheist scientists.

    Also, Creationism covers a massive range of beliefs. If your answer is "both," I would love to hear more details about your beliefs, as simply saying "both" is anything but clear.

  2. Large reply. Comments in blue.

    There is absolutely no observation or experiment that proves evolution exists. Evolution is a myth, just as the past notion of a static universe was a myth. There are no missing links (transitional or intermediate life forms) in the fossil record. There are only unique, true species that are imagined to be missing links. There are no missing links alive anywhere in the modern world. Evolution is a false theory perpetuated by atheists.

    Actually, a huge number of both Christians and other religious people believe in Evolution. For example, on the PBS program "Firing Line" two of the four debaters on the side of Evolution were religious. Heck, one was a reverend.

    -snip, just an intro-

    Do we still have some beliefs that might be delusions? Yes. Many of us believe in flying saucers and extra-terrestrials. And I offer another likely delusion – Darwin’s theory of evolution. Despite the fact that all species of life that exist look to be designed, atheists cannot accept that God exists, so they promote a myth, Darwinian evolution, to cover up plainly visible reality.

    Darwin proposed that once life, a first cell or organism, somehow happened from mineral matter, individual organisms of any one kind of life (species) naturally varied in their characteristics (size, hairiness, intelligence, color, hardiness, attractiveness to mates, etc.). And those organisms with characteristics that favored their survival and reproduction did survive and reproduce more often than organisms that did not have the favorable characteristics. Thus eventually, the favored characteristics dominated the species. As additional, favorable characteristics naturally developed in the population, they too gradually expanded throughout the population. And as that situation repeated itself over and over again, eventually the species changed so much that it became a completely different species. That process -- of natural variation in individual characteristics and natural selection of the fittest -- then continued to produce more and more complex species until it culminated in humans.

    The process described in the above paragraph is often called “Darwin’s evolution” or “survival of the fittest” or simply “evolution.” It exists within a species and supposedly can cause sufficient changes that one species can develop into another species.

    But people, who don’t believe in Darwin’s evolution, argue that the natural variation and natural selection process can only operate within a species. That process can cause great changes within a species, but it can never cause so much change that it causes a new species to be created. These non-believers in evolution call this limited, within-a-species evolution “micro-evolution” and use the term “macro-evolution for Darwinian evolution. When the word “evolution” is used throughout this note, it means macro-evolution, Darwin’s evolution. The word micro-evolution is used herein for the only-within-a-species process of modification.

    Breeders have intelligently selected and manipulated micro-evolution to produce a multitude of animal breeds and plant varieties. But never has a breeder produced a new species. A Chihuahua and a Great Dane look very different and cannot mate naturally, but both are still dogs.

    This is because mutations, the foundation of what later becomes progress in a species' evolution, are not caused simply by mixing genetics. They're caused by the random changes in genes, where things don't really go according to plan. I'll give this an example, to clarify how a species evolves.

    If we have a climate with large amounts of pollution, small insects will begin dying because of the poisoned air. The majority will eventually die. But perhaps some can breath this polluted air. They have a stronger immune system, anything. They won't get killed off. Meaning that while the normal insects are dying in droves, these live on happily. The only ones who have survived are those with similar mutations, meaning that they are the only options for mating. Thus, they reproduce. Their children, having the same genetic material, will then most likely also be pollution resistant, and continue to survive in the environment. And so the only surviving members of the species are this new, slightly different, evolved insect.

    Visit a museum and the evolution section will display example after example of micro-evolution (changes within one species) while wrongly suggesting such changes are macro-evolution (changing one species into another species). Falsely insisting that if a large amount of micro-evolution occurs it will eventually result in macro-evolution.

    Sorry if I don't really get what he's saying here, but I think this is just him not really understanding Evolution. What he describes as micro-evolution pretty much is macro-evolution, or the larger theory of evolution. I'm not sure how he's trying to argue that you can have species evolution without having... evolution.

    Darwin openly admitted that his theory was unproven when he made it. But he expected that the future discovery of additional fossils would provide evidence of missing links between modern species -- for instance the intermediate or transitional life forms that gradually, possibly, led from chimpanzees to humans. But modern fossil evidence shows no real missing links. Most of the touted, fossilized, missing links have subsequently been proven to be fakes! Modern science has discovered more fake missing links than true ones!

    I would love to see examples of these pieces of the fossil record being "fakes." Darwin wrote his theory with plenty of evidence in mind. For something so radical, he would have been an idiot to just make a baseless claim. He cited the Fossil Record, mentioned here. The Fossil Record is one of the largest supports for the theory of evolution. I'm not really going to even start to begin trying to counter this guy's argument because he supplies absolutely no evidence, and just makes baseless claims.

    For there to be missing links in the fossil record the missing links must have been alive at some time in the past. If evolution existed in the past and is a natural phenomenon, there is no reason why it should not exist in the present. The presumed "missing links" were more suited to survival than their predecessors; so why aren't they still living while their “inferior” predecessors (chimpanzees for example) are still alive? If the purposeless, mindless, blind, natural process called evolution exists, why are there no examples of its work-in-progress anywhere in today's world?

    Okay, at this point, I got very angry with this article. I felt like this guy has very little of an idea of what Evolution is, and that this entire essay has actually provided no evidence. They're just disjointed sentences and tirades. Please do not use this as a source in the future.

    /end rant.

    Evolution isn't about creating a generic "better" species. You can't simply blanket that this evolved species (Such as humans) is better in every way than their predecessors. It's that they've been adapted to their particular environment better. It's not worldwide. And two species can coexist - of course they can! There can be many different stems and branches of evolution, not just one straight line going up, one species at a time. Hell, there needs to be variety, or many of these won't survive. The food chain and all that?

    Don’t tell me how one species might have changed into another species a million years ago. Show me -- in today’s world -- one member of one species that shows signs of evolving into another species. Show me one wingless insect that has half a wing or one snake or worm that is growing little legs. Can you find one squirrel or lizard, among the billions that exist, that shows sign of nascent wings? Has anyone reported one lizard that looks like it’s losing its legs, or one hippopotamus that shows signs of becoming a whale? Has anyone seen one chimpanzee whose hand-like feet show signs of development toward becoming human feet? Are there any reports of rats becoming wolf like? Of any mammals learning how to use sonar systems like bats and whales? Any humans that are losing their little toes, gaining telepathic powers, the ability to see ultraviolet or infrared light, or the talent to sense the earth’s electric and magnetic fields?

    I don't think the writer understands the changes that evolution causes. Radical changes, such as the growing of wings, take place over thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years. It's not just *poof!* A lizard can fly!

    Now, on the point of humans. Humans are a bit of a special case - no, hear me out. Humans, because of our factories and tools, have manipulated the environment to suit our current needs. We aren't really challenged in many ways. Thus, there isn't really that much of an opening for evolution to happen. This is only in relatively recent times, of course. If you look back on our history, and the history of hominids, you see massive amounts of adapting to fit our environment. A great example is bipedalism. Hominids adapted to reach higher fruit, look over the tall grass, and be able to carry tools, food, and children in our hands. We lost the hand-like feet we see in earlier hominids after we moved out of the high branches of the jungle. We don't see telekinesis and things out of movies because those are huge, supernatural shifts that are hardly in the realm of academic discussion. We certainly see mutations, however, which is what causes evolution.

    Why is there not one example of evolution acting among the existing billions of members of the millions of species currently alive on earth? The earth should be swarming with fresh missing links. Truly, evolution is the most elusive and mysterious of all conceived natural processes? It appears to have become completely extinct in the modern world. How could that happen to a presumably natural process?

    Birds and insects not native to Hawaii were introduced just a couple of centuries ago and have evolved to take better advantage of the different flora, actually. That's one example. Second, mosquitos introduced into the London underground system have adapted to the environment. From the same mosquito, they have adapted to fit their environment - evolution in action. There are countless examples happening in the modern world, even with humans.

    Another massive example is in bacteria. Every day, in hospitals, we're seeing new viruses and bacteria that counter our antibiotics and other medicines. They grow stronger, and start being resistant to the drug, meaning that we have to switch drugs. This is a part of the medical process found everywhere, noted on radio stations - this is inarguable evidence.

    Modern molecular botanists are able to take a gene from one plant species and insert it into the DNA of a different species. Occasionally that modification results in a new plant that has better characteristics than its parent plant. Then scientists exclaim: “We have created a new species.” And they are right! They (intelligent beings) have manipulated DNA to create a new species, but blind, purposeless, mindless evolution was not involved.

    I don't think anyone calls this "evolution." It's called genetic engineering. This doesn't have much of a place in this discussion.

    Still atheists cannot ever concede that evolution is false. They must always argue that eventually they will find proof that evolution exists, because evolution is the keystone of modern atheism and without evolution atheism is exposed as the lie it really is.

    There is no "proof" that Evolution exists. It is a theory, just like many things that we take for granted in the scientific world, such as gravity. It is, however, something that we can observe in everyday life and scientific experiments. That it does not have definitive proof doesn't mean that it's not true. It still has mountains of supporting evidence. By the same logic, gravity, God, and the theory of relativity are all completely untrue.


    Note that the above was not written by me, but it sums up what I have to say quite well on the subject. (For those interested, it is from The Way [link]).

  3. *Another note finds its way to the high elves.*

    "I imagine you have seen the first message, and you are in quite a state of panic. This is perfectly understandable. However, if you would like to pay double the price on the initial bid on all books, I will give you them and your problem will disappear. Think on it. You understand the stakes here as well as I do."

  4. *Kvothe takes out quill and pen and begins to write, glancing occasionally at the new wall of his library, as if making sure the books are still there.*

    "To merchants, scholars, and all those who hold interest,

    I happen to have... come across a few over the books in the high elves possession. These are not those found in the open library - not at all. These are books in a reserved, locked down wing of the library. And by its contents and the layers of dust on the area, I would guess the place has not been looked at in a very, very long time. Within I found five books of interest.

    Three are poems, which clearly have significance. As of this time, I find it nigh impossible to wade through the contents, but I assure you that a man of a more academic nature will find plenty to please himself within.

    The fourth is a record of a council meeting. I can hardly disclose its contents, as this is the meat of the collection! I'll give you a hint - it questions the firmest beliefs of the high elves themselves. I'll say no more!

    The fifth, and final, is what I believe to be the most interesting. It is a journal from a lass named Larihei. She, I believe, holds the key to the entire high elven culture. It is almost entirely in high elven, but I am working on procuring a translation into common.

    These books will be for auction. The poems will have a starting price of 1000 minas. The council records will start at 3000 minas. The journal will start at 5000 minas. These prices might seem high, but in them you can hold the secrets of an entire civilization.

    - Kvothe"

    *The letter begins to find its way around Asulon, by word of mouth and reprintings. A copy even finds its way to the high elven city, this one placed under the doorstep of a household selected at random by Kvothe personally.*

  5. ((I'll be hiding in the wedding cake, then.))

    *Grinning as he swings his knee over the lip of the balcony, Kvothe scrambles into the high up elven tower. His face swinging around the area, he takes a few steps inside, idly pulling a book off a nearby shelf and flipping through it, his eyes not registering any of the words. He drops the book to the ground carelessly. Looking around, a cluttered desk catches his eye. His face impish, he walks over. Rifling through a few of the papers on the desk, his eye catches on the gold ink of an invitation. Scanning through it, his already impish face grows practically demonic. Laughing, he tosses this, too, on the ground and makes his way downstairs, continuing to explore the house.*

  6. *Kvothe begins dragging the beheaded corpse of Lyweneth through the muddy road of Solace towards the other body, but hearing the cloaked man, clears his throat awkwardly and backpedals, deciding to instead throw it away surreptitiously in a nearby alley.*

  7. I think that there was at least some level of error on the GM's part. The mistake is perfectly understandable, but I was in the TS at the time, and I heard little of what Respiren is saying he said. I'd say the majority of the blame, however, should go to Mirtok and his army. There was a river of OOC and /tells saying for him to not attack, that there had been a mistake - that he did not is the only thing that made this anything more than a simple error in communication.

    The Alrasians might have won, but this could have been a really fun, long battle, instead of something you'd see on Battlecraft.


    Expand upon your open questions, and add detail. Once done, I will review.

    MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    Handy with a bow or arrow, but slightly less so in a simple brawl. He doesn't mine, farm, or anything similar, because of a combination of ineptitude and believing himself above what he considers trivialities. ((I'll work the stats out when I come to that point - currently, my stats are spread around all sorts of fields.))

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Like most Kha'Pantera, Penthe has a glossy black coat. The male Kharajyr is physically mature at twenty five, and given a fair amount of lean muscle for it. His eyes are light blue, closer to the icy side of the spectrum. His clothing varies, but generally keeps a consistent loin cloth with bracelets of varying sizes on his wrists.


    Extremely prideful, which often blinds him to certain basic facts. He is unusually empathetic for his fellow Kharajyr, taking great stock in friends. This leads him to an extremely trusting personality. If he dislikes someone, he dislikes them with a passion, and often acts fairly irrational in regards to them. His empathy is completely lost with non-Kharajyr, something not unusual for his people. For him, it's like there are two entirely separate worlds, and he's a different person in either.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    (If required, I will do a longer bio, but I've been extremely busy lately, and so will not be doing the massive biographies typical of my applications.)

    Penthe was born in a well-to-do Kharajyr family. His childhood was well-cushioned, if not precisely pampered. He did not have any real desires, or ideas of what he wanted to do with his life. His parents, however, firmly wanted him to become involved in the priesthood, a job they considered suiting of their only son. Unfortunately, Penthe was not particularly enthusiastic about this idea. As he neared his fifteenth birthday, it climaxed in a particularly heated exchange with his parents, after which he was promptly ejected from the family and put out on the streets with a comparatively meager sum of cash with which to live his life. Trying to make the best of it, he found a simple job as a carrier. Realizing that he had completely fallen from his position of luxury, he made it his primary goal to get back to the place he was. He also made a solid effort to completely forget about his past family - an understandable desire for such a boy.

    Character's ambitions:

    Taking a great deal of stock in social exchanges, Penthe makes it a priority to rise socially. Often, he considers the accumulation of material wealth to be much the same, as monetary matters are one of the main factors in social classes. The general focus of his goals are consistent, however - making himself up to be a greater person in the eyes of those around him.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Note: Should I have a VA, given Penthe's personality, he would most likely simply enslave the man. Because I cannot go on that assumption, I will go with a slightly less realistic scenario.

    Penthe looks at the man distastefully. He recommends finding his way off of this land quickly before turning on his heeling and walking off. He feels absolutely no sympathy for the man's predicament. He briefly reflects on sharper control of who can get into the area as he walks. He nears the town. Trying to find the nearest clump of friends, he informs them of the man, letting them do what they would wish with the information. As they run out the way he came, it's fairly predictable how the scene will end.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Penthe hardly hesitates. It goes without saying that he would be offended by any jest. That it should come from a non-Kharajyr is shameful - he's glad there are no other Kharajyr in the room to see it. It's still an affront, however, and one that must be addressed quickly. He doesn't speak to the dwarf, but instead simply stands and walks to him. Grabbing the small man by the front of his shirt, he picks up the bowl of soup on the table in front of him and slams it into the dwarf's face, the viscous liquid dribbling down his front. Throwing him back against the wall, he exits the tavern as swiftly as possible, wondering why he came inside in the first place. Behind him, he can already hear scattered laughter for the humiliated dwarf.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    The punishment for murder is the same whether justified or not, which makes it not worth his time to delve into the question of whether or not his friend was justified. He won't be put to death, which is something, but exile and confiscation is something no one wants. Penthe pleads with his friend not to force him to make this decision, but the other Kharajyr continues to beg for help. He could call the guards, either behind his friend's back or giving him due warning. He's reluctant, however. He puts a lot of stock into friendship. Steeling himself, Penthe tells his friend that he won't call the guard, but only if he leaves this instant. It's definitely a compromise, but there's not much he can do. Regretting not helping him more, he shakes his head, closing the door behind the departed man.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Yes I do.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    Note: If I get accepted, I will probably ask someone for a custom skin. In the meantime, this is a quick and simple edit of Darrian's alternate skin base.


  9. *Tassel pouts slightly

    Im not a midget at six foot. Nor is Syrila at ten. Selti is six foot three, Cethis is just above six foot as well. We do have Majora.. my sweet little halfling made of huggable adorableness... but shes the shortest we have.

    Im guessing you havnt gotten the notice that Holm is under new management..?

    *Tassel smiles softly, chuckling

    But I if we are midgets, Id hate to see what you consider tall...

    "I've been unfortunately absent from Holm, mainly because of the aforementioned plague of midgets. I'll pop over and take a looksee, though. In any case, if Solace is getting destroyed, I'm going to need to find a new home.

    Also, I've decided to help these Evening-Dawn-Twilight-Dusk-Morning-Noon people. Forgot their name. Who should I go to to help out?"

  10. *Kvothe stares at the paper for a few moments, trying to wrap his head around its contents. He distinctly remembers his time with Cassandra and Lirinya, but has firmly left those days behind. Shaking his head, he decides to leave it. Briefly noting Bayde's writing, he walks off, marking the group down as doomed for failure.*

  11. "Eh, I payed too much for my house. I don't plan to move any time soon. Salvus will always be the largest of cities - there's nothing you can do to change that. Renatus is a boneyard, and is much too large for its fledgling population. Hanseti makes me freeze my rear off. Alras - well, it's a nice place, I'll give you that, but almost entirely made up of incompetent, overweight, unintelligent military men. And it's awfully far off the beaten path. Haelun'or is full of racist bastards - there's not much to say on that score. And Normandor is even worse than Renatus. The only life I see is flocks of small woodland animals scouring houses for anything left behind. Holm is full of midgets, meaning that's off the list. I can't say Salvus is perfect, but there's not much else we got."

  12. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    Handy with a bow or arrow, but slightly less so in a simple brawl. He doesn't mine, farm, or anything similar, because of a combination of ineptitude and believing himself above what he considers trivialities. ((I'll work the stats out when I come to that point - currently, my stats are spread around all sorts of fields.))

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Like most Kha'Pantera, Penthe has a glossy black coat. The male Kharajyr is physically mature at twenty five, and given a fair amount of lean muscle for it. His eyes are light blue, closer to the icy side of the spectrum. His clothing varies, but generally keeps a consistent loin cloth with bracelets of varying sizes on his wrists.


    Extremely prideful, which often blinds him to certain basic facts. He is unusually empathetic for his fellow Kharajyr, taking great stock in friends. This leads him to an extremely trusting personality. If he dislikes someone, he dislikes them with a passion, and often acts fairly irrational in regards to them. His empathy is completely lost with non-Kharajyr, something not unusual for his people.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    (If required, I will do a longer bio, but I've been extremely busy lately, and so will not be doing the massive biographies typical of my applications.)

    Penthe was born in a well-to-do Kharajyr family. His childhood was well-cushioned, if not precisely pampered. He did not have any real desires, or ideas of what he wanted to do with his life. His parents, however, firmly wanted him to become involved in the priesthood, a job they considered suiting of their only son. Unfortunately, Penthe was not particularly enthusiastic about this idea. As he neared his fifteenth birthday, it climaxed in a particularly heated exchange with his parents, after which he was promptly ejected from the family and put out on the streets with a comparatively meager sum of cash with which to live his life. Trying to make the best of it, he found a simple job as a carrier. Realizing that he had completely fallen from his position of luxury, he made it his primary goal to get back to the place he was. He also made a solid effort to completely forget about his past family - an understandable desire for such a boy.

    Character's ambitions:

    Taking a great deal of stock in social exchanges, Penthe makes it a priority to rise socially. Often, he considers the accumulation of material wealth to be much the same, as monetary matters are one of the main factors in social classes. The general focus of his goals are consistent, however - making himself up to be a greater person in the eyes of those around him.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Note: Should I have a VA, given Penthe's personality, he would most likely simply enslave the man. Because I cannot go on that assumption, I will go with a slightly less realistic scenario.

    Penthe looks at the man distastefully. He recommends finding his way off of this land quickly before turning on his heeling and walking off. Trying to find the nearest clump of friends, he informs them of the man, letting them do what they would wish with the information. It's fairly predictable how the scene will end, however.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Penthe hardly hesitates. He doesn't speak to the dwarf, but instead simply stands and walks to him. Grabbing the small man by the front of his shirt, he picks up the bowl of soup on the table in front of him and slams it into the dwarf's face, the viscous liquid dribbling down his front. Throwing him back against the wall, he exits the tavern as swiftly as possible, wondering why he came inside in the first place. Behind him, he can already hear scattered laughter for the humiliated dwarf.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Penthe pleads with his friend not to force him to make this decision, but the other Kharajyr continues to beg for help. Steeling himself, Penthe tells his friend that he won't call the guard, but only if he leaves this instant. It's definitely a compromise, but there's not much he can do. Regretting not helping him more, he shakes his head, closing the door behind the departed man.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?


    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    Note: If I get accepted, I will probably ask someone for a custom skin. In the meantime, this is a quick and simple edit of Darrian's alternate skin base.


  13. *Kvothe dips his quill in ink quickly, jotting down a short answer to each question.*

    Name ((RP and MC)):


    *Kvothe hesitates, deciding on a name.*

    My name is Simmon Fairfax - named after my father, you see.

    Age ((IC and OOC)):

    I am a spry twenty seven years of age. ((17 years old.))

    Combat skills:

    Quite the swordsman, I'd say. ((100 skill.)) I'm also passable with the bow and arrow. ((35 skill)) I can hardly swing an axe, though ((5)). I'm used to the battlefield and being in the thick of the fight. I can also improvise in any given situation most effectively. I also have the agility and climbing abilities of a well-greased ocelot.

    Non-combat skills:

    I'm a decent farmer - I actually run my own farm over in Salvus ((25)). I've been told I'm quite good at blacksmithing, as well ((40)). I'm passing in all others ((20+ mining, excavation, cooking, and lumberjacking.))


    *Kvothe writes down only those that would be suiting for a military man, omitting the vast majority.*

    I served in the Oren military, for starters. Back in Aegis. I left that after a few years - I'm afraid I just didn't do well with the way the whole thing was handled. I was a guard in Celestine for much longer than that, and built quite a few things as well. You might think less of me, I suppose, but I also was a druid for a few years. I've had more than my fair share of scuffles, too. It's given me a good, level head for that sort of thing. I'm not sure if it counts, but I've also done a lot of hunting in the woods, giving me abilities in stealth.

    Why you want to join:

    *Kvothe laughs loudly at this, clearly enjoying answer this question.*

    I've always dreamed of being a soldier in the Alrasian ranks. You have a reputation for spot on command. It would be an honor to serve. Also, if you need to know, I happen to be a bit hard up in regards to coin nowadays. Anything to feed me, I suppose.

  14. *Kvothe gives the nearest peacekeeper a middle finger, backing a few paces away, shuffling forwards once more as he realizes the action wasn't particularly brave seeming.*

    "You lads can kindly **** off! You can't just come back in here and take control! Death to the peacekeepers! Death to all of 'em!"

    *He looks around for supporters, waving his hand forward.*

    *Haliax retreats down a side alley, saying nothing.*

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