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Posts posted by Treebórn

  1. If you can give us a good reason to give you an RP trial, then maybe you'll get one. But still, you'll have about a 2% chance of getting one. Now who do I talk to to get you banned off our forum post? :)

    can he even have a rp trial? he was kicked out of the wardens because he was banned from the server ooc, kinda means you dont even deserve a rp trial, and even if you did arnt you banned an rp trial would kinda have to take place in game to be rp?

  2. The Matter on the Verge has not been strict when the settlement was first started I agree, In a way we can't sort this out because our initial goal was to create an elven settlement. Lately, we have not been ransacked by the Dwarves nor Humans, but we have been ransacked by the foul undead. People are building randomly because no one has been giving orders because we haven't set up anything exactly. The reason why we don't have a fort because the Wardens initiate goal was to create a elven settlement after this we were to build a force for our Wardens. No one has really taken power over this new claimed land there forth the construction will be tremendously shaky. So in other words, you can expect these issues to occur.

    Sincerely, Warden_GladeGuard_Auvreaeath

    well ive only seen one battle with an undead and plenty with the human and dwarfs from the keep across the road, maybe there all english or something so you never see them on? but ivefought off 3 different partys of dwarfs/humans that just come over to greif and be annoying

  3. This "truce" between the humans is falling apart, i was travelling the high part of the kings road when a human named halfhand pushed me off, i chased him down and confronted him, all i got was further abuse and insults untill we dueld and i was slain. all im saying is the warden uniforms seem to single us out as "hostile" to most humans.


  4. Minecraft Name: bob_g_mob

    RP Name: Treebón

    Your time Zone: GMT

    Sword skill level: 0

    Archery skill level: i just joined the server so its at default for an elf

    Why do you want to join? because ive just joined the server and i would like to have some purpose and fight for my kingdom.

    Which Guard you will want to be in: Archery



  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: bob_g_mob

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT/UK

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I work at my local cinema part time, I’m a full time student and i love to play video games when I’m not too busy, quite social and friendly.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 9-14 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: about a year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know that role playing is when you play as the character you are in game and not influenced by anything out of game, creating a new world not tied down by the constrictions of reality, it’s like a form of writing but you write the story with actions not words, you never have to worry about what your “allowed” to do as there are no rules (for in game actions, obviously there are laws of the land and rules of keeping in character and not cheating game mechanics). I play on a RP server in world of warcraft although it annoys me a bit that it’s never real RP.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Amazing and a real RP experience.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Cobaltium.net, looking for something bigger.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: yes, yes, yes and yes, I really like the back story to Aegis and how it has developed as its own world.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf.

    -How did you hear about us?: Youtube.

    -Did you vote?: Yep.

    -What was your favourite Law?: PVP without RP is against the rules.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: None, they all make sense.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Treebórn.


    -Character Name: Treebórn.

    -What is your Race?: Elf (Wood-Elf).

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: bob_g_mob

    -Biography: An ancient breed of elf, When he was only a youngling, he lived by a different name, a name long forgotten by him. Many, many moons ago a young elf walked among the forests of Aegis that his elders protected. His life was a simple one, he went out every day and watered the saplings, fed the birds on the outer edges of the forest and at the end of the day returned back to his hovel. One dark winter's night this would all change, He wandered on the outer rim of the forest, tending to the last of the saplings when something caught his eye, only a glimmer of light on the horizon at first, far off in the distance, over the rolling barren grass lands. It took a while, but as it came into focus it chilled the young elf to his core... It was the torches of an orcish army, the flames of war.

    He fled back to his people with intentions of warning them, warning them of the impending attack, warning them of their oncoming doom. But it would give them little advantage. These elves were not people of war but people of the land, simple farmers. He reached his village in moments, and awoke the sleeping elders, within the hour a plan was forged, of course by now the fires had consumed the outer edges of the forest. So the plan was to flee from their homes whilst the elders sacrificed themselves to hold off the orcs. Hours later the young elf and the remainder of his village watched from the valleys above as the fires of war consumed his forest home and his village elders, the elves turned to the north and carried onwards. They fled over rolling hills and onto the snowy northern mountains, but the elves fell, one by one to the cold and the wilds and the beasts. Until one elf was left. He kept on through the snow and the winds with nothing to keep him going, in his heart, nor his stomach.

    It was inevitable, as he fell to his knees tiered, exhausted and ready to die. the gods must have been watching him from the skies on this night, as he thought all was lost he felt the pain of the biting colds melt away, he felt the will to carry on run through him, as he clambered to his knees he held his hands out in front of him, he had been blessed by the gods, but with a curse, his skin had turned to bark its brown rough surface was thick enough to survive the colds and get back to civilization, but at a price. From now on he was cursed with his hideous appearance, from now on he would be known as treebórn.

    To this day he still hears the screams of his kin, and he has made a promise, to their spirits. He has pledged his life to the good of the land he will fight with every last ounce of his life force until there is peace in this wonderful land. He has seen many lands and lives now to protect the forests, skilled with a bow or hand to hand combat he favors not to use weapons stolen from the earth and melted down into blades.

    -Character Age: 302

    -Character Appearance: About 6 foot, with thick bark like skin due to an ancient curse which he wears a green hooded robe to cover.

    -Character Personality: Old and wise he keeps to himself, but is happy to lend a hand to his allies.

    -Your ambitions: Just to live on, protecting the forest and maybe own a house. He knows revenge will serve no purpose, nor will it bring his kin back so he does not hold his grudge against the orcs, although he does want to bring peace to the world and if crushing the undead threat can bring the world of Aegis peace he desires, then that’s what he must do.

    -Can your character read or write?: Only in ancient Elvan.

    -Can your character mine?: yes but he would prefer not to, he believes in a give back what you take philosophy and you can’t replant earth just like a tree.

    -Are you a capable builder? very much so.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Would much prefer unarmed combat.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes, a lot.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] Through the ages he has picked up a trick or two about the ancient magiks and ways of combat.

    -A screenshot of your skin: post-24616-0-80087200-1317816385_thumb.p(without hood) post-24616-0-43720100-1317816395_thumb.p (with hood) i made them myself. :D

    -Other Information: An ancient protector of nature the mindless destruction of war angers Treebórn.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: bob_g_mob

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT/UK

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I work at my local cinema part time, im a full time student and i love to play video games when I’m not to busy, quite social and friendly.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 9-14 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: about a year.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know that role playing is when you play as the character you are in game and not influenced by anything out of game creating a new world not tied down by constrictions of reality. I play on a RP server in world of warcraft although it annoys me a bit that its never real RP.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Amazing and a real RP experience.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Cobaltium.net, looking for something bigger.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: yes, yes, yes and yes, I really like the back story to Aegis and how it has developed as its own world.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf.

    -How did you hear about us?: Youtube.

    -Did you vote?: Yep.

    -What was your favourite Law?: PVP without RP is against the rules.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: None, they all make sense.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Treebórn.


    -Character Name: Treebórn.

    -What is your Race?: Elf (Wood-Elf).

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: bob_g_mob

    -Biography: An ancient breed of elf, When he was only a youngling, he lived by a different name, a name long forgotten by him. Many, many moons ago a young elf walked among the forests of Aegis that his elders protected. His life was a simple one, he went out every day and watered the saplings, fed the birds on the outer edges of the forest and at the end of the day returned back to his hovel. One dark winter's night this would all change, He wandered on the outer rim of the forest, tending to the last of the saplings when something caught his eye, only a glimmer of light on the horizon at first, far off in the distance, over the rolling barren grass lands. It took a while, but as it came into focus it chilled the young elf to his core... It was the torches of an orcish army, the flames of war.

    He fled back to his people with intentions of warning them, warning them of the impending attack, warning them of their oncoming doom. But it would give them little advantage. These elves were not people of war but people of the land, simple farmers. He reached his village in moments, and awoke the sleeping elders, within the hour a plan was forged, of course by now the fires had consumed the outer edges of the forest. So the plan was to flee from their homes whilst the elders sacrificed themselves to hold off the orcs. Hours later the young elf and the remainder of his village watched from the valleys above as the fires of war consumed his forest home and his village elders, the elves turned to the north and carried onwards. They fled over rolling hills and onto the snowy northern mountains, but the elves fell, one by one to the cold and the wilds and the beasts. Until one elf was left. He kept on through the snow and the winds with nothing to keep him going, in his heart, nor his stomach.

    It was inevitable, as he fell to his knees tiered, exhausted and ready to die. the gods must have been watching him from the skies on this night, as he thought all was lost he felt the pain of the biting colds melt away, he felt the will to carry on run through him, as he clambered to his knees he held his hands out in front of him, he had been blessed by the gods, but with a curse, his skin had turned to bark its brown rough surface was thick enough to survive the colds and get back to civilization, but at a price. From now on he was cursed with his hideous appearance, from now on he would be known as treebórn.

    To this day he still hears the screams of his kin, and he has made a promise, to their spirits. He has pledged his life to the good of the land he will fight with every last ounce of his life force until there is peace in this wonderful land. He has seen many lands and lives now to protect the forests, skilled with a bow or hand to hand combat he favors not to use weapons stolen from the earth and melted down into blades.

    -Character Age: 302

    -Character Appearance: Large, lumbering, tree-like humanoid, tree bark for skin.

    -Character Personality: Old and wise he keeps to himself, but is happy to lend a hand to his allies.

    -Your ambitions: Just to live on, protecting the forest and maybe own a house. He knows revenge will serve no purpose, nor will it bring his kin back so he does not hold his grudge against the orcs, although he does want to bring peace to the world and if crushing the undead threat can bring the world of Aegis peace he desires, then that’s what he must do.

    -Can your character read or write?: Only in ancient Elvan.

    -Can your character mine?: yes but he would prefer not to, he believes in a give back what you take philosophy and you can’t replant earth just like a tree.

    -Are you a capable builder? very much so.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Would much prefer unarmed combat.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes, a lot.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] Through the ages he has picked up a trick or two about the ancient magiks and ways of combat.

    -A screenshot of your skin: post-24616-0-28879300-1317510710_thumb.j

    -Other Information: An ancient protector of nature the mindless destruction of war angers Treebórn.

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