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Everything posted by Treebórn

  1. Hey guys, sorry for not being on the last two weeks my internet decided to crap out and ive been waiting on a mechanic who didnt even show up the first time -.- really annoyed i missed the meeting but im back now.
  2. so im a warden can i still apply for the vanguard?
  3. Could you join if you were a warden?
  4. :(...... we should dress up as humans kidnapp her then save her as wardens.
  5. can he even have a rp trial? he was kicked out of the wardens because he was banned from the server ooc, kinda means you dont even deserve a rp trial, and even if you did arnt you banned an rp trial would kinda have to take place in game to be rp?
  6. stop trying to start a argument and go away you got banned because your a retard :/ end of
  7. xD only 5 days? im plannning to spend a sleepless month on it.
  8. well ive only seen one battle with an undead and plenty with the human and dwarfs from the keep across the road, maybe there all english or something so you never see them on? but ivefought off 3 different partys of dwarfs/humans that just come over to greif and be annoying
  9. we need to sort this out were being ramsacked by the dwarfs and humans and people are building anywere they want randomly! ive watched wardens murdered protecting this settle ment and we dont even have a fort
  10. agreed no one seems to know what were building and where
  11. Just wondering, with the addition of so many new tents im guessing some initiate promotions are comming soon?
  12. This "truce" between the humans is falling apart, i was travelling the high part of the kings road when a human named halfhand pushed me off, i chased him down and confronted him, all i got was further abuse and insults untill we dueld and i was slain. all im saying is the warden uniforms seem to single us out as "hostile" to most humans. =(
  13. Hey guys i recorded Warden fight night, ysterday and just got done edditing and uploading. enjoy :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcNziy6qEhE&feature=channel_video_title
  14. the skins are the warden uniform so its sorta does apply :P and also jaxdane i like your new uniforms but they kinda remind me of star trek coz the colours are so different, just saying i wouldnt wanna wear a red one :D
  15. Minecraft Name: bob_g_mob RP Name: Treebón Your time Zone: GMT Sword skill level: 0 Archery skill level: i just joined the server so its at default for an elf Why do you want to join? because ive just joined the server and i would like to have some purpose and fight for my kingdom. Which Guard you will want to be in: Archery Application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/20729-application-yay-d/page__p__90314__fromsearch__1#entry90314
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