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Lanader - Richard Tarus

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Posts posted by Lanader - Richard Tarus

  1. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Richard Tarus - Around 300? Since Aegis.


    Character’s Race:



    Link to your accepted magic application:


    What magics do you desire to teach?:

    Arcanism + Electromancy


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    The user would call out to the void, summoning pure energy forward utilizing their own raw mana, and can bend it to a certain degree. The energy evoked via Arcanism is defined as  pure voidal energy. The energy that you create will have the tint of your distinct, personal aura. This aura that gives your Arcanism color is in each and every person. First, the user would start to materialize very small wisps of Arcane energy that can later form into certain objects, where the Wisps would practically come together and form a solid. As of current, there are only a few forms of Arcanism magic. These being Arcane Shielding, Arcane Weaponry, Projectiles, Art and Life (Humanoids). Each type of Arcanism does exactly as it entails - Arcane Shielding will form a shield that takes the color of the user, and can defend against any physical attacks. They are able to shatter. Next, there is the projectiles which can only inflict contact, and not exactly pierce or explode. Arcane Weaponry can form weapons out of the pure, Arcane energy. These weapons cannot be sharp. As for the other two, Life in particular can create humanoid like forms or certain creatures out of the arcane wisps. And that would also go to show that Art can be created via Arcanism.


    Electromancy, or Electrical Evocation is another form of Arcane Evocation. This subtype, as obvious from the name, utilizes the element of Electricity, Thunder, etc - all the like. This evocation is viewed as one of the most difficult to learn, due to how difficult it is to understand an Electricity 's properties, and even more difficult to study. And even when understood, and one grasps basic concepts, Electromancy withdraws a heavy sum of  of mana and can be tiring on the user. To add on to this, it will be conducted by any large amounts of Iron and Gold (ores) - and it will draw towards any these.  Although Electromancy takes longer to cast, it balances out in power and damage that can be inflicted. Once reaching a higher level of master, a "call-down" can be attempted - although it is more of an aesthetic then a form of attack.

    Both of these subtypes require a connection to the void through meditation.


    I've created the current Electricity guide that is currently up and used to date, and was the first to be Grandfathered in as T5 and a Teacher. I was also one of the first Arcane Shielder's besides BNK, and one of the first teachers.



    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    Edgar paced back and fourth through the forest clearing, growing quite impatient. Tarus had been late, and quite behind schedule today. He appeared through the two bushes, and offered a smile towards his student, Edgar. Edgar shaked his head, and grumbled a remark about always being late. Tarus relaxed himself, folding his arms over each other and watching the student closely, and silently. He then made a sudden question: "Have you gotten the chance to actually study Arcanism and it's properties, Edgar?" The student once again, shaked his head. With the shaking of the head, he drooped down and seemed increasingly hard on himself. Tarus came a little closer, raising his right hand. "Edgar! Take a look!" From his hand, small wisps had closed in on a small epicenter to form one, single projectile. It almost looked like a stick, and he presented it out to Edgar. The boy looked at it carefully, not sure if it would be some kind of trick. "Take a look! Now is your chance to truly understand the magic, so perhaps you can improve. I should begin by noting that Arcanism takes the form of your own aura color, which each and every one of us has. It is manipulated from raw mana, and the result of that is what you see before your eyes." Edgar nodded repeatedly as Tarus spoke through out his observing, looking down occasionally to jot down a few notes. "Once you have truly connected with the void, a broad spectrum of opportunities open up for you, Edgar. You can use the void to create objects such as this, and form together a mist. Once you call back this mist from the void, the end result is as you see."


    Tarus was resting dormantly in the forge, with the brisk sounds of smelting and the fire could be heard emitting outwards. The air was heavy, and if one were to look out the window, all that could be seen is fog. Tarus' student, Edgar, entered in the forge hesitantly. Tarus would flip out a book, moving to lick his fingers as he swiped across the pages and opened up to a tome on Electromancy. "Today we shall be reviewing a heavy flaw of Electrical Evocation - it's potency toward Iron, and other conductors. If you haven't noticed already through out your training, Electricity has a tendency to redirect and can even backfire on the user should any large bulks of iron be nearby." Tarus shifted his gaze across the room, gesturing towards an anvil. "Observe carefully, young one." Tarus drew his hands together, closing his eyes and focusing in on himself. He channeled out with his connection to the void, as sparks began to crackle from his fingertips. He placed his hands within a cup-like formation, and from a close epicenter in that opening, sparks were flying about. Once he had successfully empowered the bolt, he aimed and released it towards the exit - before it immediately redirected to an anvil, causing it to spark throughout before dissipating. "You have little success or experience with Electrical Evocation, but this is a fundamental flaws that all students -must- understand. Now, give it a shot." Richard watched onward as the student had tried to connect with the void and create his own bolt, before he would fail and it would combust outwards. Tarus shaked his head, and gestured him to try again. "It takes great focus, as you must truly understand the properties of Electricity before you can create a true bolt. Narrow your mind in, avoid all outside thoughts!"

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:


  2. RP


    Archarin Elendil



    Do you require equipment?:






    Can you use TS?:


    Time Zone:



    (Side note, I have two other characters that I play a lot but I'll try to play Archarin whenever I can.)

  3. 4 hours ago, Telanir said:

    No way... Lanader! How've you been? :D

    What a sight for sore eyes! (:

    Hey man! I've been great, thanks. Seems like you guys have held the fort down pretty well, lol. How've you been?


    3 hours ago, drfate786 said:

    I like SOME of the MC ones. The rest seem to be copy pasted backgrounds from star wars the old republic or skyrim. 

    Most of the models I created myself, or with assistance from others (they are done for a JKA server). It may not seem like a lot of work, (as if I just pasted a character on a background), but it takes a good amount of effort. It's meant to show texture work and how I can edit pictures (for example, the characters on Tatooine is extremely edited to look like a scene from a movie.) Thanks for the criticism, though. This is more of a signature shop, if anything.

  4. Hi. I wanted to get some more photoshop experience, so I'm opening up this shop. Here's an album with some of my previous work:


    What you can get here is an avatar, a banner, (such as the one I have for my avatar, or my signature.)



    Format for 3D Model Signatures (such as the one I have)

    Text(place N/A if none):

    Certain design(N/A if none):

    Picture(N/A if no background picture):

    3D skins that you want, and links to the download:

    Other info:




    Text(place N/A if none):

    Certain design(N/A if none):

    Picture(N/A if no background picture)

    Skin(only 1, as I can't fit that many in an avatar):

    Additional info:










    Name: Heff (character is Kal Stankfoot)


    What kind of signature: Like my other one u made


    IGN: ryanheff74 


    Signature, or Avatar: Signature


    Skin (if required):   http://lh3.ggpht.com/fTCdlUAIngnKCbF1X5wDtatl-Dq0hjVKbgRPRU-0lDpNi-AFkIF_hZa7rxpOlVJNXpA2hPkw5BsO9SpvlkC3aQ 


    Extra info(specific pictures, etc): Have him raising a staff in one hand and a dagger upside down in the other, a wither skull hovering in front of him. 



    that link doesn't work, sorry

  6. Heshakomeu, busy recovering from years of highly-addictive drug use, being used as physical labor and for material favors, would think it wise for the more-connected Clerics to start looking for these forgotten followers of Tahariae. Who knows? Perhaps more Clerics being told of Tahariae's prophecies and what the Clerics are supposed to be doing in the world would be a good thing!


    ((We're basically fixing the whole order now, with myself and the other Itharel returning to the server. You will notice very soon the return of the Clerics, no worries.))

  7. ((Please note: They were basically resting inside of a crystal because of no main threat, well, it's more an explanation for our inactivity. They were not placed here before everyone else got here--as soon as they arrived, Tahariae placed them both inside "stasis" due to four Itharel active is essentially null with no main threat. If you find something extremely breaking lore, PM me.))


    Deep in the dark, ancient caves of Athera rested a circle of crystals. A prophecy foretold by Tahariae to the Clerics had led them here, as long had they been searching for their brothers, their leaders. The missing men had dissapeared once they had arrived to Athera, their purpose becoming null. With the new threat arriving, Tahariae guided the clerics toward the holy warrior's place of recessing. Three figures were frozen, in a holy enchantment of stasis. In the crystals, they each held a firm stance of a glowing sword covering the center of their hood from their waist. The group of Clerics, along side Ivanus, approached the crystal and reached out. The figures remained still, and the Clerics efforts to revitalize the men seemed futile. Ivanus approached the first crystal, Jakir Axem looking on with hopeful eyes. The holy figure, clad in gold-trimmed armor, outstretched his hands, almost as if he was praying.

    "Reawaken, Therin!"

    The Itharel was taken back slightly; the crystal imploding in to a beam of pure energy, soaring upwards toward the sky.


    The beam blinded each Cleric and watcher--before it slowly dissipated, with the crystal now in remnants on the floor. Therin stepped down, the "statue" now full of life. He sheathed the sword, and looked out toward Ivanus. The cyan glow eminating from his hood illuminated as he saw his brother once more. The two moved on toward the next crystal:

    "Reawaken, Ryth!"

    A bold, average-sized man bearing the same armor and pose had unfrozen from inside the crystal. The front side of the crystal had dematerialized before their very eyes, as Ryth had stepped out and looked at his brothers, giving a nod. Only one crystal remained, containing the previous, great prophet of the Clerical Order.

    Ivanus spoke out toward the group:

    "A dark time is dawning upon us, my brothers. It is time we band together once more and defeat these evil forces as we once were tasked with. With our Itharel returning, and reuniting, the Order of the Sacred Light shall stand strong as it once has through out the ages. We shall defend these lands, and the people with our lives."

  8. I feel this is quite strange though, don't evocationists need to experience and know about the thing they are about to do, which in this case is summoning lightning, I mean how can they even comprehend how lightning works as we currently are in the medieval era, the whole thing itself seems to bend the rules of evocation. Unless we are able to know about modern day science I feel this is quite a bend of the rules, I don't know just a thought.


    Only tier fours and above (back in the old system) which was a VERY long time ICly could even cast the spell, and they could only do it inefficently with **** aim. And well, how can we understand fire, air/wind, and the void? It's fantasy roleplay, we have talking animals probably and some ****, and demon-humans. I don't think understanding lightning is too unrealistic--plus, this has been around for a very long time.

  9. It can be related to water evo in that manner. Water evo can make ice and steam as well. Electric evo can create electricity but also thunder and lightning.


    Basically, this I suppose. It's kind of a grey area both ICly and OOCly, but was actually discovered ICly.

  10. This is kind of outdated, I'll fix it soon.

    And also, no, they are not utilizing elements, they conjured lightning from above the sky to imitate a bolt. And this is with extremely high mastery, and it has **** aim at Tier 4 especially. And..how can they not?

  11. You have great RP skills, but you constantly go inactive. Neither a plus one nor negative one.


    Quite understandable, as it is true. But it's mainly because I lose interest because of the fact that there was hardly any roleplay to be found. And even, the events I did witness were extreme clusterfucks that I couldn't participate in. I'm just trying to do what I can to help, and I feel I would be best suited in the ET. 

    • Minecraft name(s):


    • Skype ID:


    • Time zone:


    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:

    No, I only received one strike back in Asulon. No report, or well, it's a very long time ago, so digging it up would be rather tedious.  

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?

    I'm an ex-global moderator, ex-media team leader, and also I was asked by Kai to help out with the event team, but that was towards my departure from LOTC.

    • What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)

    JKARP, multiple LOTR games, League of Legends--the list is really long.

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    Therin, the Itharel of Valor

    Archarin Elendil, an Adunian that I never play.

    Richard Tarus, used to be one of the most strongest wizards, but obviously that has changed.

    I'm willing sacrifice depending on the circumstances to become a member, I suppose. I'd obviously prefer to avoid this, but it's alright.

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    I think I would be able to create events for any kind of player. I've been roleplaying for almost 6-7 years, I honestly lost count. I have played all kinds of characters in that time and I don't prefer certain groups or races, I purely want to provide a better experience for the players.

    I suppose those who would enjoy my events are people who like interesting, depth characters even if they will only last a day, depending how things go. And also those who do not extremely care on the outcome of the situation (losing, etc).

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    Well, obviously an interesting story for each and every event character, unless they are animals that don't have very important backgrounds. Obviously you need a plan beforehand, a general idea of where we want the event to go, and good roleplayers to perform the situation. Basically, an experience for player(s) where both parties have fun and possibly gain something from the outcome, or perhaps even lose something. To spark roleplay, and keep interest in the playerbase. Of course, comic relief would be nice for some events, albeit certain kinds should be kept serious.

    • When was the last time you saw a event?

    Some ghouls were at the gate of I believe an elven place, but it was a mass clusterfuck of players attacking them all at once and I left.

    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    With my experience in moderating in roleplay, I believe I could lead a group of event team members properly and create many event ideas. I did a lot of events during my time as a Global Moderator, and I believe the people that participated greatly enjoyed it. I started playing in Aegis, so I have a vast knowledge on the lore, but not as much as you may think.

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    I'd love to help the server and keep interest for all of the players. Whenever I'm walking around normally, I hardly /ever/ see much going on besides passive roleplay. Of course, nothing is wrong with this, but more events would never hurt and perhaps spark even more roleplay. Basically, I just want other players to really enjoy their experience each and every time they log on this server, whether that be from events or something similar.

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Ouity, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

      1) For 1-3 person



      •  As a group of men travel by alongst the roads, they appear to notice a broken carriage. A horse way laying dead on the floor, with a track of blood leading from the driver's seat. It traced down toward the deep, thick woods abundant with creatures. If the players were to investigate, they would notice a note left inside the back of the carriage, the writing in faint ink--and it cuts short to being written with blood. "The man who is taking me to the Elven lands..he is quite an odd one. Originally, we were on track, before he made a slight comment of it "becoming bumpy." I noticed then we were off-road, and I was quite frightened. Was this man insane? I believe we had passed the turn to the Elven city quite some time a--..(The writing cuts short, before continuing with a splatter of blood engulfing the bottom half of the paper.) "He's i-insane! The wood.."
      • The writing would end there, as clearly the blood leading to the woods was either from a body, or the driver itself. Once they investigate, they would notice a man full clad in wolf pets feasting upon a dead body. He would only be armed with a small dagger, leaving the players many options here.

      • 2) For a group of 5-10



      A travelling group of warriors (about 2-3 event members) would stop short and speak to a group. "Adventurers and great fighters, come fourth! We request your assistance!" The warriors were heavily panting, a rather particular group. There was one halfling, and two broad males fully dressed in iron armor and distinct blades. The sheath had a flashy emblem of a wolf. If the players were to inquire to the men, it would go as follows: The Halfling pushed the two men aside, speaking out to the people' "So, you wish to help us? Great! We are hunting rather large game, and as you may see, we are not equipped heavily enough. You see, the things we are hunting..they are quite dangerous. But, should you wish to assist us, the reward is quite heavy! They are no ordinary creatures, in fact, they can be quite valuable to people like myself." If the players followed, the men and the hobbit would lead them to a deep cave. It had a strong scent of rotten meat, and death. Once a torch was ignited, and they travelled deeper, there were bodies swaying above. They consisted of humans and elves, clearly deceased. Their binds were of a string-like texture, although the warriors did not believe them to be spiders. Soon, if they decided to keep going, they would cross a lengthy bridge  and soon arrive at a rather open, lit room. It was full of great treasures and weapons. The halfling ran out and dove in to the small pile of riches, clearly rather greedy. A dark rumbling would be heard from behind the group. Red eyes began flickering from overhead, as spiders slowly peered down from their resting. The bridge could be heard crumbling slightly, entrapping the group in the open room. The warriors cowered and fear toward the halfling, as the group seemed obviously outnumbered by the malicious spiders. If they decided to fight the beasts, they would notice that iron is extremely effective against their skin, and penetrated through like a pillow. After the spiders were easily defeated, a cave troll would come from the darkness, crossing the nearly-broken bridge. The players and warriors would need to band together to defeat the creature, and when successful, they would recieve a sum of tokens and weapons. This is only a synopsis. If I really did this event, I'd flesh it out and put much more detail in to each character and the cave itself.


      • 3) For a group of 20+  



      • For a rather large group..I would probably do a very large slime event. -- "At the large gates of the human city, a rather fat, green blob dripping of what smelt like toxic waste, rolled itself over to a group of men. It did not say much, except for the words: "Food!" The blob demanded food, and clearly was going to get it's way. If the humans brought the slime food, it would taste it and simply smash it away. The slime wanted a certain food, and acted quite rude in a way that he was making a mess. If the players decided to fight the rather large creature, the slime would mold together to form a human-esque form. It was although rather fat, but extremely tall. Swords and arrows pierced through the slime, going straight through. Even though that appeared to work, the slime cut off simply slobbered back and rejoined the slime. It's only weakness would be fire, odd enough. A fire arrow or a multitude of torches would defeat the creature, should the players discover this weakness. Otherwise, it would try to cause havoc at the town square and gate.


    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    • Till I leave the server or it dies, and I am really hoping to help. Also, I wanted to help build..but I don't really have the credentials for a builder's application. https://imgur.com/a/5PdEC  (If you're willing to look, that's my build style. All terraforming done by myself and buildings.)

    • Tell me a joke

    I don't have any, sorry bae.

  12. Name: Agnar Ireheart


    What kind of signature: a pose/picture


    IGN: legoboy7984


    Signature, or Avatar: Signature


    Skin (if required): FA5Dbbw.png


    Extra info(specific pictures, etc): Anything that has a battlefield background that looks real also I want him to act like he had been in a fight

    Finished, sorry for the delay


    Something's wrong with the text

  13. Name: Kalameet


    What kind of signature: Similar to those of mthdominator and princeton.


    IGN: Kalamoot


    Signature, or Avatar: Siggy.


    Skin (if required): http://i.imgur.com/EImfikr.png


    Extra info(specific pictures, etc): He's a Shade, and a powerful arcane evocationist. I'd like some cool ebony mist around him in some form. Very much like Dark souls Hexes, if you know what I'm talkin' about. Other then that, use some imagination and creativness.


    This one is a little sloppy, sorry. :(

  14. Name: Agnar Ireheart


    What kind of signature: a pose/picture


    IGN: legoboy7984


    Signature, or Avatar: Signature


    Skin (if required): FA5Dbbw.png


    Extra info(specific pictures, etc): Anything that has a battlefield background that looks real also I want him to act like he had been in a fight

    Sorry I missed this one, gonna work on it now.

  15. Name:




    What kind of signature:


    One similar to Saeldur's






    Signature, or Avatar:




    Skin (if required):




    Extra info(specific pictures, etc):


    I would like for my character to be sorta in a cave like background, with a faint blue glow around him similar to this image.



    I would also like to have my characters name somewhere on the signature, and for him to be holding an iron sword (I don't really care what hand it's in or whatever, I trust your judgement).

    Hey, finished.

    Sorry for the delay


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