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Amras Cúthalion

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Posts posted by Amras Cúthalion

  1. Hi, I have been playing LotC going on 7 years now and all of my donations were around the time of Aegis. I know records that long ago have been lost or forgotten, but I know I was close to Bedrock VIP since I know I donated a couple more times after I became Diamond VIP. I believe I was about $20-$30 off, so would it be possible for me to donate an amount, that the devs seem fit, and just say I am at the bare minimum of Crowns required to achieve Bedrock? If not, is there anyway for us to work something out to settle this issue? I apologize if I didn't post this in the right place, just kind of forgot how to use the forum while I have been gone. 

  2. What I remember happening was more a fast travel that you'd walk onto a block, ported to the other ship, no cooldown. This'd limit it and make it so that you can't just constantly run from thing, but your ship would work to escape sometimes. As well as the fact that, GMs wouldn't have to move the boat around, it'd be an automated system, which would give boats and the sea an actual purpose, rather than being a outer wall of sorts.

    Yeah I had a couple boats myself, one to my friends private island and a couple to other places. Your idea is more of a fool-proof way. I use to code and it doesn't seem THAT difficult but it WILL be challenging, more than I could do.

  3. While I don't see any reason for the particle trails, I'm glad we can toggle them. Though, I have a few ideas (good or bad, depending on resources and demand) that people might like.




    What I wouldn't mind seeing (if it's not too hard to do, not that much of a coder), would be a perk where you can create an actual flag of sorts. I know there's a plugin to create maps that have (with certain colours only, but close enough) images on them instead. If you combined that with a crafting plugin to use wool to create certain flags (flags that are added if you've donated to a high tier, so it's not a tonne of flags) in a certain order, you get a block of wool with it's own name (X Flag), and an ID that, when placed on the side of a block (or if that's not possible, only goes to the side) it'll expand out into a 2x3 flag that has item frames and the maps on it to create a flag with the actual icons on it.


    Again, don't know how easy/hard this'd be, but it's be really cool for kingdoms to actually have their flags, rather than a giant banner made just so it shows the pattern properly.


    2. Ship Docking


    Now, this one's pretty far fetched, I know, but I started writing the first one, and decided I might as well toss this out there, you never know. (Might also be because I really wanna try to get pirates as a thing on LotC to increase random, fun, events.) Now, this would add a perk that allows you to create "docks" in towns near the sea. When a player creates a ship that will actually sail out, it is saved as a worldedit schematic. When someone boards a ship and heads to the helm (indicated by a certain block formation or something of the sorts. Maybe a sign), they can right click the helm to bring up a list of places they can sail to.


    Upon selecting a place to go (each dock has a name, ones with a boat already in it will not be shown), you, and everyone within the area of the ship's schematic, are teleported to the other dock (the ship is re-saved as a schematic every time) with a cooldown to prevent spamming, and simulate real stock-up and travel time. Now, this can be used to meta and get to places you don't know about, but unless someone has an idea on how to stop that, I think this would be the most you can do, and would still work pretty great. The map is mostly un-regioned atm, and there's no mass greifing going on. So it wouldn't be that bad. If you wanna hide yourself, don't get a dock, or make sure you keep a ship docked there at all times, unless you're out.


    Now, one issue would be having too many ships per dock, not being able to dock anywhere. In order to claim a ship so it can dock, you'd need to be at a dock in the first place, however you wouldn't want to fill all your docks, or you'll have no room to move, or for others to move to your dock (unless you want it that way).


    This would mean, also, that for a far away nation to use boats to move, there would need to be a few boats to go back and forth so it's not just one docked somewhere that no one can reach.


    Also, Cloud Temple, would have a number of open docks, and the ships would shuffle around, making it more active and realistic, as well as add that amount of extra space needed, so ships can go from one area to another.




    Along with the ability to move cargo (via chests on the ship) easily across large distances, this system could be used to wage wars on the water as an event. Two ships dock at a temporary dock "Warzone1" and "Warzone2" or whatever, and they'd be parked across from each other. Obviously this wouldn't be an everyday thing, but it would be quite useful.



    Hopefully that wasn't too rant like of my dream coming out...

    and, of course, I'm not a coder, sorry if I dream of un-attainable things. :P


    EDIT: Thinking of more issues and how the thing'd work;


    A dock would only be able to be removed by also removing a ship. This would keep the ship-dock ratio constant. Ships would not be able to be created at the cloud temple.


    The way the saving of the boat would work, would be that, upon creating a dock (when first made it'd start as "filled" so that people can't dock while you're building a ship) you can build within it, and the owner can either use a command to open a dock, or build a boat and leave in it, opening it up. Once a dock is opened (by a ship leaving the dock, or by command), it cannot be closed, meaning that you cannot build another ship there.


    When you open a dock up by command, all the blocks within the dock cannot have been edited since it's creation, as to avoid ships being built, then another ship deleting the first by parking in it's place.



    TL;DR of my idea on the functions;


    Dock is a region, saves what's within it.

    All docks the same size region.

    Cannot open a dock that has been edited.

    The dock needs to be deep enough to not interfere with the under-water ground.

    Cannot dock in a location that is already filled.


    This is getting pretty big, I'll probably move it over to it's own thread...

    We actually had something like this back in Aegis and Asulon, but no-one was really using it and the ones that were using it started abusing their power.

  4. Mcname: akatsukinaruto69
    Forum Name: Amras Cuthalion
    Skype Name: akatsukinaruto69 (MJ Hunt)
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? Yes, I have been playing since Aegis and helped several friends with understanding their applications. One time one of my friends got denied and started freaking out and I helped him understand how to fix the mistakes they pointed out; I told him to post again in 24 hours and he got accepted.
    Why you want to be an AT member? I have been apart of LotC for so long that I just want to be able to help and welcome the new travelers on their journey and deny trouble makers.
    Is there anything else you would like to add? I read the lore/wiki in my spare time, everything from Creation to current events. I'm currently reading more on Aegul and Daemons. My favorite lore from the wiki is the Black Scourge because of how deep it goes into details. I also try to keep up with everthing on the forums.
  5. Character Name: Amras Cuthalion

    Minecraft Username: akatsukinaruto69

    Timezone: EST (east coast USA)

    Usual Playing Times: any time through out the day but mainly 6:30 pm - 12:00 am

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: akatsukinaruto69

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -5 GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I do believe I have a giant grasp on it. I just type a little slow to shorthand it I use text speech, but while RolePlaying I won’t use that. I’m not the best of spellers but I am decent.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: During the day I work at GameStop, because I have an enormous passion for gaming mostly RPG and RP which is why this server is perfect for me.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I'm able to play as much as 32+ hours a week and at the least 16 hours.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft since the end of Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I have been Rping since I was a child I know everything about it to be honest I am the best RP-er my friends seen in real life, I have RPed on many different games from PC to Console.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: A enrich environment of players interacting in a fictional world. Creating a adventure, a journey unlike any other Minecraft has seen.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: MineCraft500, after paying $200 to join the owner made it free several months later then shut down the server because his friend gave him $1000 to do so; several servers I made, 1.8 update ruined it.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely. Without rules there would be no order and no balance.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: That would be but not limited to, Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves. This is not including the subraces and Undead and Ascended.

    -How did you hear about us?: My friend Br0skii

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Username is akatsukinaruto69, Forum name is Amras Cúthalion


    -Character Name: Amras Cúthalion

    -What is your Race?: Elven with a subrace of a High Elf.

    -Biography: A friendly, loyal and playful High Elf, given the name Amras Cúthalion. He was raised in a community of Elfs and Dwarves, for at the time they were allies like no other. During his childhood he had numerous friends. His Dwarven friends would teach him how to mine, smith and fight. He was the best warrior the Dwarves and Elfs have ever seen for his Elven agility and Dwarven training combined made a warrior sent from God for the Land of Aegis. He has had many journeys throughout the land helping everyone out with his ability.

    -Character Age: 80, recognized as an adult. (18 in Human years)

    -Character Appearance: Wearing the Crusader’s armor he acquired from his journeys with his trait of High Elf blonde hair blue eyes.

    -Character Personality: Friendly and playful, and loyal to his friends and allies till the very end.

    -Your ambitions: Amras lives his life to the fullest everyday trying to be the very best like no one ever was. (pokemon reference :D)

    -Can your character read or write?: Very well indeed.

    -Can your character mine?: Taught at a young age by his Dwarven friends he is able to mine to the earth’s core and back.

    -Are you a capable builder?: With the ability of his fore-fathers and training from Dwarven friends he is quiet capable of building beautiful forests and houses.

    -Can you wield a sword?: With having Dwarven friends growing up he would fight with them in battle and with his Elven agility he is Known as one of the best warriors both Elven and Dwarven kind as seen.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Doing as Elders ask and being quite patient, his farming skills have improved ever more over the years.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: None more than others. He does possess an unnatural curiosity for adventure and a massive courage level.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.planetmin...elven-crusader/ closest thing to screenshot.

    -Other Information: Regardless if I am accepted or not. I would like to say this is an amazing server. Please continue your hard work!

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