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◥▶◀◤мσкѕнα / ƒιѕну◥▶◀◤

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Posts posted by ◥▶◀◤мσкѕнα / ƒιѕну◥▶◀◤

  1. Mc Name: u000893

    Rp Name: Moksha'lur

    Skills: 100 Axemastery, 100 Wrestling, 75 Swords

    Old Rank: Bigboss

    Battles/Wars you have partaken in: 2nd Orc-Dwarf War, Galahar Rebellions, High Elven Slaughter, Uzg War: Salvus, the 3rd Orc-Dwarf War, the Looting of The Kha Homeland, and many others I'm sure I'm forgetting.

  2. Craotor is an excellent roleplayer and a great uncle in-character. I believe he'd make an amazing E-Team member as his characters do what they are designed to do and are good at it. +1

  3. -Comes back to his offer and starts counting with his fingers-

    Ash, Dub, Gahk...

    -Ponders the estimated diamond prices he recieved from Lex and Vuugush-

    Nub dat rought... Mi tink

    -He shakes his head around after attempting to count the total-

    Skah ed diz ash prubably gruk moar den mi

    -Marks out what he wrote at the bottom of the note-

    Err... Maybeh nub....

    -Repeatedly re-writes and marks out what he puts on the note until its covered in ink-

    SKAH SKAH SKAH!!! Ed nub reah mi neeh figure diz oud...

    -Takes a deep breath as he posts a new note on top of the old one-

    ~2,000 minas

    ~37 diamonds

    ~4 gold

    ~4 golden apples

    Fer da snaga

    ~18,800 minas total

    Mi tink mi puh tuu lwittle diamondz...

    -Wet ink from the other note seeps through-


    -Rips off the notes and posts a new one after much thought-

    Ukee leab mi peep...

    Fer da lyne 56 shiny

    20 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da

    Fer da lyne 100 shiny

    4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4

    Fer da line 140 shiny

    pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4

    Fur da line 174 shiny

    pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 4 pluz da 2 pluz da 2 pluz da 2

    For da lyne 180 shiny

    pluz da 2 pluz da 1 pluz da 1 pluz da 1 pluz ah 1...

    Nuw add da nubtinz...

    18,000 mi tink dat da tutal

    ~ 2,000 minas

    ~ 37 diamond

    ~ 4 gold

    ~ 4 golden apples

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