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Status Updates posted by danic

  1. dogs and cats living together, pandemonium, mass hysteria

  2. eggrolls, turtlenecks, baby fat

  3. but i only eat the ones with shells because cracking open the shells is half the fun

  4. i like sunflower seeds, but i always eat way too much

  5. but i only eat the ones with shells because cracking open the shells is half the fun

  6. i like to imagine that all a group of people are all angrily making the motions of tearing apart invisible paper on drfate's thread

  7. free willam dafoe

  8. i hope i please lord willam in my attempt to capture his glory in skin format

  9. a nice video for those of you trying your hand at city design
  10. he went through the seven circles of hell and came out free

  11. i forgot how neat the dynmap is

  12. i wasnt ready for this kind of change in my life

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