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Auldhin Talonwick

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Posts posted by Auldhin Talonwick

  1. Minecraft name: a98x

    Forum name: Arnh Junns

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why? In no particular order:

    1. Definition of "Roleplaying": I feel this is very important. If the user doesn't understand what roleplaying is, they can't get the "feel" for it, and essentially won't be able to roleplay as well as others. If they can define the word correctly, and understand what it means, they can act it out accordingly.

    2. Biography: Another huge part of roleplaying, the biography is not just a backbone to the character's personality and ambitions. The biography shows how well the person can make up a story. When roleplaying, this is the main objective, to make up the story and act it out as you go along. If the biography is short or lacking detail, it shows the user doesn't have the skill yet to make up a scenario and play along.

    3. Spelling and Grammar: Not an actual section of the application, but necessary nonetheless; this element reflects how the user will interact with the world and other people. If nothing is capitalized and/or punctuated, the user most likely doesn't pay attention to details such as this. What effect would it have if in battle someone shouted, "i will win hahaha"? It would seem inappropriate for the situatuion, and sort of lacking emotion, which is also essential to roleplay.

    4. Ambition: This is controversial, but important to roleplaying. The most generic answer to this is "Raise a kingdom to be strong and powerful and crush other kingdoms". I even wrote a guide on how to write and ambition. If everyone had a kingdom, then there would be no room left! A good ambition will provide huge amounts of time spent roleplaying trying to reach that goal. If the ambition isn't strong, how will the user spend their time in Aegis?

    5. Character's Abilities: These are the aspects that define your character and his/her limitations. If you say your character is a horrible miner, but excellent farmer, how will people react if they find your character in a mine with a permit? This adds a lot to roleplay, and helps to make sure that everyone isn't doing everything. It is a bit hard to restrict since skills aren't on, but this portion keeps it lower. If someone can stick to their character's abilities, they can roleplay much better.

    Thanks for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed it!

  2. *You find a crisply folded piece of paper on the ground, and open it to find an advertisment


    The newly established colony of Mobeus is hiring workers! The colony is located on the way to Lunavara. There is a pathway leading off and sign designating that it is the way to Mobeus. Mobeus is a small colony set up for the intent of focusing production on a single item, or "mass producing". We are in need of lumberjacks and a farmer or two. There are currently 3 houses (which can be shared between two people), a small farm area, and a meeting hall. If you are interested, contact Arnh Junns ((/tell a98x)) or leave a message here.

    Job Wanted: (Farmer, Lumberjack)


    ((MC Name:))

    Experience: (if any, none needed)

    We are currently looking into getting the village protected and possibly under Oren rule. If you are able to set this up, contact Arnh Junns. Pay will be given after each load is sold and will be divided evenly among all citizens of the colony. You must be willing to spend long periods of time living and working here. All tools, housing, and supplies will be provided (stone tools only, until some more Minas are gained). Please contact me today!

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