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Status Replies posted by Feenix

  1. Working on LoC!

    1. Feenix


      and I want Punishment to be installed. All of this happened about 5 blocks from Laurelin. The names of the players are:




    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  2. Working on LoC!

    1. Feenix


      I don't no if I'm talking to the right person about this but I have just been stopped by two players, one of them said "I like the look of your things, gimme em now!" at which point they preceded to kill me. This is the first issue I've had on this server. After returning to where I was killed I found my house destroyed and all my things looted, It was only Stone tools and a very small one roomed house but that's not the point the point is they broke the rules and ...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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