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Posts posted by Neutonic

  1. ((A pity that this business is unlikely to sell much because of all the powergammers who make their own wine))

    (( true... but it should be all good :D maybe there will be a brewery skill in the future... but you just have to learn it and not level it up.))

  2. To be added: melting down things such as iron to get the ingots back.

    Needs to be fixed: Cant repair chain armour tryed both iron and smooth stone, Im level 100 blacksmith

    TO be changed: Making flint and steel to blacksmithing from lumber jacking as it makes no sense what so ever

    Im going to change this post as i find more.

  3. *Jiraiya spots the note attached to the tree and quickly pulls out a quill and a piece of parchment and beings to write

    Greetings, if you are looking for work or a home then Crestfall is for you ! we are currently in need of hunters and anyone skilled with a weapon such as your self.

    Leave me a place were we can meet and I could set you up with a home.

    ~Jiraiya Amador

  4. *Jiraiya reads the letter and pulls out his own piece of parchment and starts to write

    *Jiraiya hands the note to the courier and tells him to bring that back to vmire

    Greetings, I am Jiraiya of queens point

    First of all everyone is welcome to Queens point so please feel free to bring your helper as well.

    Secondly I may have a home that you may be intrested in that has little tax and does not require and sort of farm or lumberjacking skill, ill have to talk to my brother about it.

    I look forward to meeting you


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