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Posts posted by Mizu/Uzim

  1. The Second Dunamian Ball




    The sun shines brightly over the Dunamis keep as her residents scurry about the halls, farmers reaping their harvest in the field and lumberjacks cutting trees in the back; throughout the fortress every trade is plied and every resource gathered by the productive and industrious Dunamians in the service of their infamous business.


    Suticans and Qalasheen loitering nearby would hear the sounds calmed, and a single voice directing the rest, the announcement muted by thick stone walls. Shortly after, the familiar music of productivity resumes, and at a quickened pace; Butler Jones is seen bursting from the main gate atop a massive brown rabbit, carrying a heavy satchel full of letters, delivering news of the coming festivities:

    The Caliphate:


    To the Esteemed Caliph Faiz Kharadeen,

    In the interest of our historic and ongoing cooperation, the Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Caliphate and her vassals to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Dwarven Nation:


    To the Mighty Grand King Dwarf

    In spite of recent tensions between ourselves and the Dwarven nation, the Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and her vassals to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Dark Elf Nation:


    To the Gallant Grimwald DeNurem,

    The Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Dark Elven nation to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Wood Elf Nation:


    To the Graceful Art Camoryn,

    The Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Wood Elf nation to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The High Elf Nation:


    To the Wise Council of High Elves,

    The Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the High Elven commune to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Princedom of Fenn:


    To the Resilient Grand Prince Aelthir Tundrak,

    In the vein of our recent cooperation concerning the Orcish war, the Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Princedom of Fenn to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence, and hope that any prior hostility with other attendants will be put to rest within our walls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Holy Oren Empire:


    To the Holy Emperor John Horen,

    In spite of recent conflict and general hostility between ourselves and human nation, the Horde of Dunamis extends a peaceful offer to the Holy Oren Empire and her vassals to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities, and put hostilities between one another on hold. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis


    The Iron Uzg:


    To the Great Rex Kahn’Braduk,

    The Horde of Dunamis extends an offer to the Iron Uzg to attend a Great Ball being held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, <>

    The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls, and hope that any prior hostility with other attendants will be put to rest within our walls.


    -Marshall Richard Revlis

    Date/time: Friday 7pm EST 

    A map is imprinted onto each letter, showing the way to the Dunamis Fortress



  2. -Sits back in his chair kicking his feet up a grimacing smirk on his face he would turn to Bulter Jones before speaking-  "Teasing these fools is the easiest thing to do, I don't think they understand that we are bred to kill, and live to kill. They need to leash their kids or I'll leash them myself." Chuckles "Gather the Horde, tonight we feed."

  3. The Dunamian Ball






    A soft breeze drifts past the towering peaks of the Horde’s keep as a plethora of birds fly out from it’s innards. Stretching their wings and soaring amongst the


    clouds, the carrier pigeons make their way over the landscape of Vailor, splitting up as they head off into different nation’s territories. The letters, all staring off


    similarly would be addressed to various foreign dignitaries, in honor of the newly built Dunamian Ballroom.


    The Caliphate:


    To the Esteemed Caliph Faiz Kharadeen,

        The Dunamian Horde extends an offer to both yourself and your people to attend a Great Ball to be held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, three quarters of the sun’s path.(9/19/15, 5pm EST).

        The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshal Richard Revlis



    The Dwarven Nation:


    To the Grand King Skippy Irongut,

        The Dunamian Horde extends an offer to both yourself and your senators to attend a Great Ball to be held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, three quarters of the sun’s path.(9/19/15, 5pm EST). The Grand Ball shall be located East of the Caliphate(-1450x,1050z)

        The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshal Richard Revlis



    Dark Elf Nation:


    To the Arbiter Dak'ir Des'Nox,

    The Dunamian Horde extends an offer to both yourself and your senators to attend a Great Ball to be held on our lands. The time of our Grand Ball shall be this Elven week, three quarters of the sun’s path.(9/19/15, 5pm EST). The Grand Ball shall be located East of the Caliphate(-1450x,1050z)

        The party shall give a chance for our peoples to interact and exchange in hospitalities. We humbly await your esteemed presence within our halls.


    -Marshal Richard Revlis




    A map is imprinted onto each letter, showing the way to the Horde’s Castle.




  4. MC Name: Ikea17

    RP Name:Lurtz'Gorkil

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)):You have it


    Profession:Legendary Enchanter/Legendary Blacksmith/Master Chef

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: I have it

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)):Yes


  5. MC Name: Rassidic

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): You got it.

    Timezone: GMT+0

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Got it.

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Yup.


    Player Kill Clause

    By applying to the Horde of Dunamis you are willing agreeing to PK your character if you break any of the Rules, stated above (( With sufficient RP, of course )). The PK Clause is not to limit your rp but rather give more significance to the rules that should be followed. This also does not mean one cannot leave the Horde willingly, any member of the Horde may do so if they please. The PK clause shall only be considered if and only if any of the rules are broken. 


  6. OOC Application

    MC Name: White_Wolf

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): You have it

    Timezone: GMT+10

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Have it

    Player Kill Clause

    By applying to the Horde of Dunamis you are willing agreeing to PK your character if you break any of the Rules, stated above (( With sufficient RP, of course )). The PK Clause is not to limit your rp but rather give more significance to the rules that should be followed. This also does not mean one cannot leave the Horde willingly, any member of the Horde may do so if they please. The PK clause shall only be considered if and only if any of the rules are broken.

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Yes i agree.

    Accepted after taking into consideration your skills.


    OOC Application
    MC Name: ww2buff99
    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): you have it babe
    Timezone: EST
    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Aye
    Player Kill Clause
    By applying to the Horde of Dunamis you are willing agreeing to PK your character if you break any of the Rules, stated above (( With sufficient RP, of course )). The PK Clause is not to limit your rp but rather give more significance to the rules that should be followed. This also does not mean one cannot leave the Horde willingly, any member of the Horde may do so if they please. The PK clause shall only be considered if and only if any of the rules are broken. 
    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Mehh, sure




    OOC Application

    MC Name: reldoorahC

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): charoodler

    Timezone: CST

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: yes

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Yes


    Accepted. Contact me ingame

  9. Horde of Dunamis



    A group of well respected and experienced fighters, the Horde was and is a mercenary force to be reckoned with. Created in the days of the Schism War, the Horde of Dunamis quickly proved it’s worth in the Dwarven-Oren war that followed. They were quick to show their skills and even quicker to accept a deal that made them some minas. Their merciless raids on Petrus will forever be remembered by all who lived in that time period.


    The Horde of Dunamis participated in many battles during the restless period in Athera. They frequently allied with the Dwarves, as they always paid the most. Dunamis fought everywhere, from the unforgiving North, to the cruel Orcish deserts. Wherever they went, they amazed their opponents and left them wondering how could someone be so good at combat.


    Eventually, the Horde retreated from the woody lands by the main road and moved to the Caliphate of Khalestine. Here they constructed a large keep that was to function as their new base of operations. Unfortunately, few wished to make the move to the brutal desert, and the Horde rapidly lost their members. Eventually it was decided to halt all activity.


    After going on an extended hiatus, the Horde reformed under the name of ‘Legion of the Black Wolf’ in Vailor. As they looked to create a name for themselves once more, they were approached by the leaders of Savoy and hired. They marched off to war alongside the Savoyards, happy that they had landed such a good paying job so soon.


    After successfully fighting for Savoy and winning in the first battle of the Oren Civil War, the ‘Black Wolves’ were bought off by the Adrians. In addition to receiving very large sums of minas, Siguine Barbanov himself hand picked a region of land north-east from the main entrance to Brelus for the Legion. Soon after, Richard Revlis declared independence from Adria and began rallying the Black Wolves to their newly acquired land.


    After the Vladovic fortress was taken by the forces of Savoy, Adria fell apart. Bandits and looters rampaged through the streets of Brelus as all hell broke loose. The Legion quietly retreated from the public view and constructed their fortress in the land granted to them by the late Siguine Barbanov. During this time it was agreed to disband the ‘Legion of the Black Wolf’ and reform as the ‘Horde of Dunamis’.



    Posters can be seen throughout Vailor informing the general public that Dunamis has been reformed and is available for hire.




    1. No stealing from fellow Dunamians.

    2. No killing fellow Dunamians.

    3. No Kha.

    4. Once you have sworn your loyalty to Dunamis, you may not leave unless honorably discharged. Desertion will be punished with death.

    5. No badgering higher ups for promotions.

    6. No disrespecting higher ups, this will result in red-marking.

    7. Follow all orders given by Higher ups, failure to comply will also result in red-marking.





    There is only one Marshal. He is in charge of leading the Horde, maintaining diplomatic contact and making sure his men get paid on time! The current Marshal is Richard Revlis.



    There can be up to two Lieutenants. They are the right and left hand of the Marshal. They assist him in any way he sees fit. The current Lieutenants are Tomislav and Danis Revlis.



    Third in command. Sergeants are grizzly veterans who have been with Dunamis for quite some time. They command the forces in daily life and such, when a Lieutenant or the Marshal is not around to do so.


    Men at Arms

    The backbone of Dunamis. These are the ordinary warriors of the Horde. They have sworn oath to Dunamis and will fight to the death for their fellow Dunamians!



    Initiates are new recruits who are undergoing trial. If they are deemed useful and competent they will be promoted to Men at Arms upon swearing loyalty to the Horde of Dunamis.


    OOC/RP Application

    MC Name:

    RP Name:

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)):



    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?:

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)):


    Player Kill Clause

    By applying to the Horde of Dunamis you are willing agreeing to PK your character if you break any of the Rules, stated above (( With sufficient RP, of course )). The PK Clause is not to limit your rp but rather give more significance to the rules that should be followed. This also does not mean one cannot leave the Horde willingly, any member of the Horde may do so if they please. The PK clause shall only be considered if and only if any of the rules are broken. 




    [[ A Bird will be sent if the Application is accepted ]]

  10. Richard soon hears of the chatter among the death of Cantonus Chivay. He would kick his feet up on his desk before talking to Danis, "What a sad and mournful day for the Savoyards who would of thought his death would come so soon." Gives off a slight chuckle and grin before returning back to his workspace







    The Black Wolf Band is as a mercenary company helmed by Richard Revlis. A soldier of fortune and seeker of glory, Richard, after years of service to various mercenary bands, sought to establish one of his own given his experience and small following. Richard took up the banner of a black wolf, ashen from war, and gathered what men he could to form a small military company known as the Black Wolf Band. Seeking fortunes, titles, and mayhaps even land, the Black Wolf Band was first employed under the Ashford banners in hopes of gaining wealth. However, they were soon disappointed with their fodder and, in the spirit of countless disgruntled mercenaries, found new work with the opposing side. Richards only choice was to go along what his men truly wanted and deserved.. war has yet to begin.







     Despite its mercenary behavior, the Black Wolf Band consists of a strict regimental hierarchy, transforming a once undisciplined company of men into a skilled, professional fighting force, truly something to be reckoned with on the field of battle.The Black Wolf Band is lead by the autocratic rule of Richard Revlis, a battle-hardened warrior who has experienced the brunt of every war from the Autumn Sea to the Karlsfork. Beneath him are his chief officers, men who do not flinch at the sight of a charging enemy, men who have witnessed and survived the bloody conflicts of Oren’s past and still live to tell the tale. And further down lie those who have yet to prove themselves worthy of wearing the band’s standard upon their tunic, those who have yet to shed blood but wish to create a legacy for their name and family. The hierarchy of the Black Wolf Band is as follows:



    -Holds all and complete power among the group and has the final say.


    -Commands the Sergeants into battle and are inchange if the Marshal is not present


    -Force inwhich lead Men-At-Arms into battle. Must swear under oath before one can become a sergeant.


    -Main force of the band who are recruited and red marked from Intiates. 


    -Hold little to no power unless proven otherwise by the Sergeants. Only Sergeants may red mark Initiates to Men-At-Arms.










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